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Ally wants to Add more Players!

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Rangers manager Ally McCoist claims he is planning on strengthening his squad despite the club going through almost £22m in the last year.

At the Ibrox club's inaugural Annual General Meeting in December, Rangers chief executive Graham Wallace warned shareholders that severe cutbacks were required to avoid the prospect of serious financial problems.

"We are in the process of looking at our footballing capability," Wallace said after the AGM. "Looking at the cost base of the playing squad, it is way too high for what we have got in the current division."

McCoist will meet Wallace on Monday to discuss the board's plans.

But the 51-year-old, who won his first trophy as manager last season, admits recruitment is difficult for the third-tier club because they have no chief scout.

"Until I'm told otherwise that's not a concern. I'm looking at our squad just now and I'm the same as any other manager - I'd be looking to add bits and pieces," McCoist said.

"I haven't had the conversation yet with the chief executive so until that happens, there's no use worrying about something that might not happen - and hopefully won't.

"We have players lined up. We wouldn't be doing our job otherwise. If we get the green light to go, then we have possible targets.

"But it's been extremely difficult because it's a specialised job for a chief scout."


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Kenny miller will happen

Hopefully Wallace will put a stop to this. Ridiculous waste of money to top up K. Millers pension fund, whilst we are in these leagues. Better to focus on developing players like Nicky Clarke on significantly lower wages who may even develop to become a valuable asset in future.

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To be honest it's right he has players lined up - he wouldn't be doing his job otherwise - even though it infuriates me a little as we don't need anything until we get back to the top flight.

I hope Wallace is strong enough to tell him no. I think he will be.

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Yeah, I don't like how he always seems to be trying to put public pressure on for transfer funds, but the board need to be strong.

I know what you mean, but most managers would do the same, as part of their job. The issue is more that people feel he has too much power with the fans (ironic on RM) and forces the board into bad budget decisions, actually i'm not sure that has really been the case.

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"Better to focus on developing players like Nicky Clarke on significantly lower wages who may even develop to become a valuable asset in future."

Personally I'm not in favour of bringing back KM, but the idea of gambling our return to the top flight on players who "may even develop to become a valuable asset" is not a risk think we should be taking.

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Yeah, I don't like how he always seems to be trying to put public pressure on for transfer funds, but the board need to be strong.

In reading the article he does not talk in the absolutes in the way folk interpret his words ( or just the headlines) and his actual quotes are pretty balanced

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Hopefully Wallace will put a stop to this. Ridiculous waste of money to top up K. Millers pension fund, whilst we are in these leagues. Better to focus on developing players like Nicky Clarke on significantly lower wages who may even develop to become a valuable asset in future.

The only person suggesting KM is KM !

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"Better to focus on developing players like Nicky Clarke on significantly lower wages who may even develop to become a valuable asset in future."

Personally I'm not in favour of bringing back KM, but the idea of gambling our return to the top flight on players who "may even develop to become a valuable asset" is not a risk think we should be taking.

What sort of gamble are we taking though, with the second highest wage bill in Scotland and a first team squad of 27 players in a league that is already won?

If there are good pre-contracts to be had in January, lined up to replace dead-wood that will be moved on in the summer, fair enough, but there cannot be any real justification in adding to the squad numbers in January.

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