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Tears anyone ?


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Sandy was ages with me and we both were treated for a deadly cancer so I know what he and his family went through during his battle with that terrible disease.

I sat watching the game through our night/morning and I have to say the only other time I was so emotional watching a game at Ibrox was when we remembered the 66 souls who never came home in 1971.

I never cried yesterday, but I did lot of reflecting about life.

RIP Willian Pullar Jardine; you were not only a great man, you were a brave man.

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I cried a lot.

When I was at uni I got a job at Ibrox to help me pay my way.

On my first day I was so nervous, new job nerves. I was getting the tour of the place and where I would be working.

The first Rangers Player I ever met was Sandy, though he was with the commercial team then. He gave me a big smile and shook my hand and made me feel welcome then and there.

I went on to work there for 4 years and met many other past and present players and have many fond memories.

I think my fondest was of my first day when I met Sandy.

I agree with Ally, he was a fine human being.

Nice post BNB (tu)

Had a few tears a couple of times today, was privileged to watch Sandy play and met him a few times, the man was an absolute gentelman.

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I was at the game with my my Dad and I turned round to him at one point and he had tears in his eyes. My Dad never, ever shows emotion (good or bad) so it shows how much Rangers and Sandy meant to him

Just shows how this game, this club affects us all.

The video montage was well put together and then there was the minutes silence which was very moving. I kept my head down - looking at the team and the support was simply too emotional.

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I shed a few tears too, had my 5 year old with me today and as we awaited the trophy presentation my mind went back to older times when i was her age and stood aside my dad as the trophy presentation took place. It dawned on me that i was simply there to pass the rangers baton onto my kids the same way my father and his father before him had done.

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