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Good write up in Derby local rag

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I see some people making remarks and it concerns me that fellow supporters and outsiders will read these comments and form the opinion that we (the support) entirely agree with the sentiments of them.

As such here's a few points from my own perspective;

  • Derby fans like every other set of supporters has fans which are friendly towards us and those who aren't, this doesn't make their support 'cunts'. Factoring in the fact that everywhere we follow on, there's a bitter tim there to tell stories of how bad we are as a support, you have to wonder if it's ever the oppositions fans that are "slagging" us off. Further to this when you refer to opposition fans as 'cunts' that support a 'non-team' and such like, you can't really bitch when the opposition fans aren't licking your balls in gratitude. Perhaps instead of slagging off supports fully as capable of reading comments made online as us, we as a support surprise the doom-merchants by being a well-behaved, respectful, fun and friendly support? You'll get what you give essentially!
  • Some people have took issue to our support, from an English perspective, being described as 'they tartan army',...Why is this insulting to us exactly? Are we not Scottish? Are we not an army as a support? Was it not meant in a lighthearted and readily accessible descriptive sense?,.....Oh, so because the SFA is incompetent and people of all faiths and cultures have allowed a minority group to take over and enforce it's will over the country everything Scottish is theirs and in turn we hate it as a support?!.....I find that standpoint utterly retarded and I don't share it for one second. For the sake of trying to be brief I'll put it like this - If the jungles have took over who's at fault?!.....Are you pro-British?- If so how do you explain your irrational hatred of all things Scottish?!......Are you telling me that we as a group of people are to walk away from everything which is ours so a minority you dislike that are intent on domination can get exactly what they want?! That's a clever plan!
  • I hear there is to be a Lee Rigby tribute at the game - what is the relevance of that tragic event to this tie?, I ask if this is respectful, timely and tasteful? I ask if this is wholly a necessary mark of respect and not someones misguided intentions based upon a subconscious desire to replicate last years tribute by our club?. I'm all for showing respect but will we be having one for the anniversary of jock Wallace's passing?, The plane shot down in the Ukraine? Other troops killed on a certain day?......I personally feel like I'm railroaded into these 'marks of respect' because someone desires us to do so,......i.e. masonics raising money for the Clutha bar survivors, Rangers game last season having a minutes silence for Nelson mandela. Why don't we just scrap the football all together and sit in silence for every good cause that's current - there are many we don't have a silence or show respect for, I wonder why that is? Call me cynical but I am slightly tired of having to join in with marks of respect I've either already done or that i don't particularly agree with, as to avoid looking like a disrespectful cunt.
  • To return to the article Ted McMinn will be there, a nice touch in my opinion, very little mention of this within our own support yet it has relevance to the actual meeting of our sides. Notice how no one is particularly bothered with the mention of our support drinking heavily in the article? I mean every article mentions our drinking habits and the undertone of that is 'Rangers fans are pissheads so we ask you please, don't make a cunt of yourselves down here'. I take issue with the generalisation that our support is, after all you can't make generalisations about any group of people now even if it is factual. I'm nit-picking here I know but I take more issue personally with the acceptance by our support that we are alcoholics in our own minds and everyone elses than I do to references about our Scottis-ness and comments made by tims/ignorant-whoppers made on other fans forums.

I'm going down to Derby on the Friday and I have my ticket for the game, I am immensely looking forward to it, I expect it to be somewhat carnival in it's atmosphere as well as being an opportunity for our fans and our club to give a good promotional account of ourselves South of the border.


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