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our squad is rank rotten


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Let's be totally honest how many of the current squad would be at the club if we didn't suffer administration and demotion.. Yet the actions of a few over the last few year(law,black) have left me wondering to they actually understand what it means to pull on that blue jersey.. They should be thankful for the chance.

If they really want to know what been a Ranger is ask the guys they were sharing the pitch with on Sunday(cringe) the barca bears.

Must be close to the worst squad in our history, truly rank.

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If we were still ore admin then no the majority wouldn't, but for the money we have and the challenge we have been set, the squad is more than adequate to be fight for a European place under a decent manager, sadly our manager can't even win us the challenge cup.

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I think with a capable management team we will see a completely other side to this squad. I personally believe our strength is in Attack yet we play like our strength is in defense for example. No doubting that some of those players are very poor indeed but I think outside of them we genuinely have the best squad and starting 11.

Totally agree mate, we do have a much better squad than anyone else in our division and most of the top flight too, it's just the fact that Akly can't get the best out of them and plays baffling tactics

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Wallace is the only one who would command a fee of note if we are all honest. Even still though he has regressed since Christmas and doesn't look interested anymore.

Lewis is overrated on here and is still raw, can't see anyone spending anything on him at the minute.

That's it. We will be stuck with the rest of the shite till their contracts run out.

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Most managers in Scotland would kill for our resources.

The proof will be there for all to see if the manager is replaced.

That squad is capable of romping this league and winning a cup double, they wont though.

a double would be hard enough for this current bunch.
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Honestly think this squad , under another manager , will not only win this division this year , but would finish second next season and get that Euro spot.

Under the same management team , while I still think we would top the league this season , I think , next year , we would be struggling to make the top 6 come the split , with no chance of Europe.

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a double would be hard enough for this current bunch.

They have fell victim to Allyitis.

Law was a standout for Motherwell in the top league, he was on fire when he signed then hit a wall.

Templeton has always been a flair player, came to us on a high, scored some great goals but the guy is clearly struggling and has noone to pull him out the rut.

Ian Black is a prick, but one who was capable of playing good football, again he seems to have had his brain erased.

Lee Wallace is another one.

We have a manager, not a coach so these guys aren't bettering themselves, it's like doing the same thing day after day at the gym, nothing is going to change unless you up the reps/weight etc.

It's so easy to blame the squad but there is a common denominator here.

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I actually think is squad is good enough to mrs than compete with maybe 1 or 2 tweaks at most. Its just our manager has left them looking clueless on the park.

1.Templeton looked a prospect ( one of hearts best players) and started on fire and has regressed under el clueless to become a shadow of himself.

2.Law was Motherwells best player , started on fire and has regressed under el clueless to become a shadow of himself.

3.Sheils was Killie`s best player , started on fire and has regressed under el clueless to become a shadow of himself.

4.Black was one of hearts best players , started ok at best and has regressed under el clueless to become a shadow of himself.

5.Daly was one of United`s better players , started ok and has regressed under el clueless to become a shadow of himself.( due to tactics)

6.Sandaza was St Johnstones best player , started poorly and regressed under el clueless to getting punted.( tactics again 1 upfront against nobodies )

All these players were more than good enough for the SPL , yet don`t look good enough for the lower leagues under El Clueless.

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You're right - but if we had someone like McInnes, McCall or even McLeish, we would get much, much more out of these players.

If any of these three had been in charge, we would have won the Scottish Cup last season, never mind the Ransden's.

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Ally is like mike bassett, a fuckin joke, he only brings in players he doesnt need to develop, that is why we are rank rotten, if you or I were a young player at rangers we would flag down the first taxi passing that white elephant training ground and get to fuck, ps, sonebody phone mike bassett a taxi too!!!

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Wallace, Macleod, maybe Bell and Aird are the only first-teamers capable of being in an SPL winning team. Says it all.

I'd love to have mentioned more youngsters, but I haven't seen enough of them play.

Macleod would be a bit part player and Aird wouldn't get anywhere near the bench let alone the starting 11 if we weren't where we are currently. He's gets a free pass with too many on here who overlook the fact that he's an utterly dire footballer simply because he tries hard.

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Macleod would be a bit part player and Aird wouldn't get anywhere near the bench let alone the starting 11 if we weren't where we are currently. He's gets a free pass with too many on here who overlook the fact that he's an utterly dire footballer simply because he tries hard.

I take it you're talking about Aird? If so then give me that any day over the half-arsed charlatans that currently play week in week out no matter how badly they play.

We would be in a far better position if most of players possessed the same work ethic and attitude as Aird. Unfortunately, the jokers we currently see playing every week are only interested in one thing and that's pay day - barring 3 or 4.

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A poor squad obviously but clearly we signed SPL players of a decent standard who have went backwards partly due to the league were playing in but mostly due to poor coaching and playing under a manager whose style of play would hold back any player in terms of development or basic footballing skills.

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A poor squad obviously but clearly we signed SPL players of a decent standard who have went backwards partly due to the league were playing in but mostly due to poor coaching and playing under a manager whose style of play would hold back any player in terms of development or basic footballing skills.

Wallace is the only 100% starter in a spl squad of years gone by. The rest of our current squad are no more than backup/ squad players some don't even reach that standard.
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