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The Acceptance of Mediocrity

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Those few words should be alien to anyone connected with Rangers - and for our own good should stay alien.

We are a club built on excellence with players pushing themselves beyond their ability, managers doing the seemingly impossible and due to this we are world renowned record breakers. As soon as we start compromising and making excuses for poor effort, poor application and lack of skill we constrict the beating heart of our club.

A lot of people seem to think the only thing that stands Rangers apart from lesser teams is a winning mentality and huge support the team gets. It is more complex than that. Throughout the years we have had great coaching staff who have been able to motivate players to push themselves to the limit and keep this intensity going no matter the opposition. It has never been the attitude of "let's just do enough and no more". A "winning mentality" is merely the start of the explanation.

These incredibly important attributes with long aging roots are currently completely missing. But why? It can't be a lack of money as the current manager has had a resource which is beyond the wildest dreams of our rivals.

So what is it? An unstable business foundation? Do you think the great managers of our past would allow such matters to affect them or the team in any way? Look at the turmoil at Hearts - they seem to be faring better than us and have had far less time to deal with their problem than us.

All I'm asking for is to keep alive the beating heart of our club, because the longer we starve it of oxygen the less likely we are to hear its proud beat echoing through stands.

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If Falkirk hadn't of bottled it last night they woulda beaten us 3-0. I fear it's gonna take a right pumping for action to be taken and if last nights level of performance continues then it's only a matter of time. It's not so much much papering over the cracks as toilet papering over the arse-crack at the minute sadly.

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The handwringers won't like this thread.

There is much truth in what you say but thanks to a stolen win last night Allys hero status has returned for many.

Just when he was (surely) out the door, he got a stay of execution and he's back to being untouchable again.

It reminds me of the PLG period when he would be a game from the sack then win once and get another few games.

Remember all those "corners" we were turning. It didn't matter that we turned so many we kept ending up back at the start to go round again.

I feel we are there again.

The same arguments raged then. A faction said it was disloyal to Diss the manager while others took the view he was damaging the team and had to go to protect the team.

It seems inevitable that Ally will go.

He has little support from the fans now and they are even beginning to turn on him.

The only questions appear to concern the manner and timing of his departure and the cost.

Then there is the issue of replacing Ally and his management team. We are unlikely to attract the likes of SAF clearly, but the feeling is now, anyone but Ally, will be an improvement.

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The handwringers won't like this thread.

There is much truth in what you say but thanks to a stolen win last night Allys hero status has returned for many.

Just when he was (surely) out the door, he got a stay of execution and he's back to being untouchable again.

It reminds me of the PLG period when he would be a game from the sack then win once and get another few games.

Remember all those "corners" we were turning. It didn't matter that we turned so many we kept ending up back at the start to go round again.

I feel we are there again.

The same arguments raged then. A faction said it was disloyal to Diss the manager while others took the view he was damaging the team and had to go to protect the team.

It seems inevitable that Ally will go.

He has little support from the fans now and they are even beginning to turn on him.

The only questions appear to concern the manner and timing of his departure and the cost.

Then there is the issue of replacing Ally and his management team. We are unlikely to attract the likes of SAF clearly, but the feeling is now, anyone but Ally, will be an improvement.

Agreed, I was disilusioned with big Eck in charge, but I'll tell you, I'd grab at the oppertunity of him replacing Ally. It's that bad.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again.

The day we accept mediocrity at our club and accept not winning everything we compete for then we are not the club I grew up with.

We are the premier football club in Scotland. It's time we started playing like it.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again.

The day we accept mediocrity at our club and accept not winning everything we compete for then we are not the club I grew up with.

We are the premier football club in Scotland. It's time we started playing like it.

Well said (tu)
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Mediocrity would be an improvement on where we are just now. We are awful.

Outplayed 3 games but due to a red card in one game and abysmal finishing in another we have scraped 2 victories.

We will get beaten very soon at this level.

Those saying we would beat hearts 5 nil and suchlike are now coming round to reality too.

Our manager doesnt know how to improve us, the last few years have proved this.

Our size of squad is likely to be the difference in picking up points when others start pickinv up injuries and suspensions.

Mccoist has made us a joke. At our significant expense.

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We are a Shadow of the Club we Once where.

Our Club is Soulless thanks to Ally Mcoist and certain Fangroups who have allowed him to take away our Identity as the Top Club in Scottish Football.

We must remove him immediately as he ans his coaching Team have taken us to where we are.

We need to reverse this and the UOF by their silence on this subject really are the enemy within our Club.

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It's sad days that some of our own support accept mediocrity these days. They should be weeding out the club before they cause even more long term damage to the club.

I don't care what level we are at, it is not acceptable for Rangers to lose to anyone in Scottish football, anywhere.

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It's sad days that some of our own support accept mediocrity these days. They should be weeding out the club before they cause even more long term damage to the club.

I don't care what level we are at, it is not acceptable for Rangers to lose to anyone in Scottish football, anywhere.

Agreed Ally and his cohorts should be shown the Door now and the UOF should be shunned by the majority of good Bears.

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I don't know for sure but I suspect that periods of mediocrity of football performance / results pay more than a quick passing visit in times like this which are not the norm for Rangers. When it appears to be the norm then in substance it probably is the norm. And if it sets in and is not dealt with reasonably quickly the risk is it produces a Rangers for a good few years which is middling, not really competitive, times when it hints of a return to the top only to see that slip because of an inability to sustain improvement then push on to higher things. Navigating quickly through the risks of mediocrity requires a clear objective and sufficiently strong leadership from the Manager and the Board. Developing an optimistic, no excuses, get it done mindest would be a good starting point in my opinion. Same applies to the Support who will (I'm sure) play a vital role in helping to determine how successful this important season will be. Mediocrity must not be allowed to take systemic root at Rangers - we all have a role to play in that but none more than Ally and the squad as each time the team takes to the pitch they have it within their gift to smash the risk of mediocrity and replace it with evidence of a strong confident team that is performing well and - most importantly - delivering the results.

Whether that can be achieved under current management arrangements is of course the source of much speculation on social media sites and in the wider media with many convinced that urgent change is necessary. That view is entirely respectable. Personally I've said before and will say again that the matter this season more than many others would depend on results.

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