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The Sunday Herald & The War on Truth


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“But our leaders didn’t just lie to us. They terrified us with spectres of mushroom clouds: they attacked our patriotism if we questioned them; they insulted our intelligence if we said we doubted them; they mocked our reservations; they withheld information; suppressed facts; invented threats and deceived us into backing an illegal war which has left tens of thousands of Iraqis, Britons and Americans – who should be alive today and with their families – very, very dead indeed.”

(Neil Mackay – The War On Truth)

Despite the recent experience many Scots will have had for having their patriotism attacked for merely daring to question, Mr Mackay’s book actually deals with the Iraq war, where amongst other things, he explores and displays considerable understanding of the various mechanisms and machinations used by the UK and US governments to sow the seeds of a lie.

In explaining how the lies were told Neil Mackay tells it from the perspective of the US/UK governments and asks the question “So how are we going to twist the truth – some would call that a lie – and make it look as if Saddam was up to his sweaty little armpits in illegal weapons”

I would ask you to bear that quotation in mind for the remainder of this article.

Neil Mackay, author of The War of Truth, is the same Sunday Herald journalist who wrote the following article.


Some of you may recognise some of the phraseology used by Mr Mackay within the article. In fact the “statement on Vanguard Bears website” is not actually a statement at all; it is the re-production of an article I wrote on my blog some days before entitled “2 sides of a coin” – which appeared on some other Rangers forums and was subject of discussion.


Despite the fact Vanguard Bears followed the caveat I asked of any forums publishing my work i.e. that it is reproduced verbatim, without any additions or deletions, you will notice that Mr Mackay has engaged in some fairly extensive and selective editing


Mr Mackay claims in his article “Yesterday it posted a statement online reading: "Our voice is on the rise, we must by actions, not words or political soundbites, ensure our Union is defended."

There is a particular twist to this however – some may even call it a lie – but allow me to share with you the unedited version which I originally wrote, was reproduced verbatim, and is still displayed on my blog.

“Our voice is on the rise, we must by actions, not words or political sound bites, ensure our Union is defended, by attacking the root causes of social injustice and poverty within our society.”

Remind me what you wrote in The War on Truth Mr Mackay ?

“they withheld information; suppressed facts; invented threats and deceived us”

Perhaps the original unedited version doesn’t produce the kind of terrifying spectres Mr Mackay was seeking to portray.

I’m sure Scots of whatever political persuasion found the scenes at George Square unedifying, I know I certainly did.

Of course the Sunday Herald, and it’s pro-independence stance has been of considerable financial benefit with the newspaper boasting a doubling in circulation figures.

It seems the truth certainly can be bought at a price, and that has got to be the most unedifying aspect of all.

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Oh goody goody political discussion in the bd - I used to think this was to discuss Rangers.

Yet again Dart tries to tie his own political agenda to the club and fans!

Think you'll find BP9 if you read the nonsense that was reported in the Herald article it is very much related to Rangers by the association it makes with the fans. Gutter press at it's best, Rangers fans pre planning mass riots, goose stepping all over George Square Nazi saluting with their Kitchen Devils, burning saltires whilst looking for poor wee innocent Yes voters to terrorise all organised by the VB's, really!!!. All this was captured by the wonderful reporting scottish people never mind their own reporters and photographers. Yes there were some things that shouldn't have happened on Friday and cannot and should not be condoned. There is always 2 sides to a story and I shall wait with baited breath to see if we get to here the other side from our wonderful mhedia

Think it's time for all Bears but especially the ones who did vote Yes to make a stand and start to defend the club and fans when these horrible lies are being spread. Once again bang on the money D'art and please don't ever let our enemies think they can get away with this constant bombardment of poison. :7326::7325:

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Oh goody goody political discussion in the bd - I used to think this was to discuss Rangers.

Yet again Dart tries to tie his own political agenda to the club and fans!

I love the way you take umbrage at a Rangers fan placing Rangers related articles on a forum, yet not a peep out of you regarding a journalist attempting by lies, to denigrate Rangers supporters.

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Is there anything in the article that VB can take action against? Or is the the usual deflect and deny where they have used so called members of the public to give them their info which they have used without checking. Wonder if their 'members of the public reporters' were at a match tonight in Glasgow.

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Is there anything in the article that VB can take action against? Or is the the usual deflect and deny where they have used so called members of the public to give them their info which they have used without checking. Wonder if their 'members of the public reporters' were at a match tonight in Glasgow.

As the author of the original piece - and the fact my work was attributed by the newspaper to someone else, as well as what I view as a deliberate misrepresentation of what I originally wrote Wuillie - I have lodged a complaint.

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As the author of the original piece - and the fact my work was attributed by the newspaper to someone else, as well as what I view as a deliberate misrepresentation of what I originally wrote Wuillie - I have lodged a complaint.

Please keep us updated D'art (tu)

This is just another attempt to chip away and create a negative image of Rangers fans and Unionists in general.

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As the author of the original piece - and the fact my work was attributed by the newspaper to someone else, as well as what I view as a deliberate misrepresentation of what I originally wrote Wuillie - I have lodged a complaint.

Get right into them D'art, show them that they cannot lie without reply.


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If anyone feels the need to post about what forum threads should be in please contact mod or admin. I've no reason to see why this thread should be moved as it's about a journalist having a go at our fans when Friday night had nothing to do with rangers. Or at worst just don't open or read the thread.

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Oh goody goody political discussion in the bd - I used to think this was to discuss Rangers.

Yet again Dart tries to tie his own political agenda to the club and fans!

An uber Ally loving YES voter who takes umbrage about a further abuse of position by Anti Rangers journalist being threaded in the Bears Den.

What a bizarre outlook on what's good for our club and support.

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I think youd be far more at home on frankies site, its where all the "treehuggers" congregate or you could set up your own "45 and handwring" forum, then you could read only what you want to and ensure no one veers of subject

OOOOooo now if I started discussing "Rangers for Yes" or such in the BD - I wonder how long before you (and others) would be moaning about it being in the BD?

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An uber Ally loving YES voter who takes umbrage about a further abuse of position by Anti Rangers journalist being threaded in the Bears Den.

What a bizarre outlook on what's good for our club and support.

Ach thats the trouble - backing 'our' manager is somehow wrong on this forum - according to a few - go figure! And you say I have a bizzare view on whats good for the club.

Politics, Religion, and the paranoia attached to such subjects are bad for the club (IMHO) - and those subjects are best left out of football. For me the football and the club is enough - but it seems for others the club is a good way to promote their own views and supporting the club for the pure 'love' of Rangers is not enough and they need those emotional attachments..

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