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Atmosphere at Ibrox? ( creating a better atmosphere? )


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First of all i would like to say hello to everyone as i am new here in the forum, i have been a massive Rangers fan my whole life but never really got involved much in fan groups or forums etc, so yeah hello to all fellow bears! :7325::7326:

Just wanted to get the (unbiased) opinions of other bears on the atmosphere at Ibrox in general, i am sure there have been plenty of other topics about this so i am sorry for posting yet another, but i just want to know how you guys feel about the general of the atmosphere at matches at Ibrox ( not looking too much at specific games ).

I have to admit myself i honestly think that this is something we could really improve on, i regularly go to games and i do find that in a lot of games we are a bit on the quiet side collectively and with a club our size with such a huge fan base and wonderful stadium i still wonder why it is like this, maybe i am being harsh? but if you do agree with me at all why exactly do you think it is like that? perhaps divisions between the fans or the expectation among fans or maybe even just poor quality of football we are watching etc etc etc? (although i don't buy that myself as the atmosphere for me has been this way for many years) and if you do agree with me are there any ways we can try to improve it at all? Or if you think don't agree with me please give your reasons why you think that also! Not trying to cause any problems just a question for you all! :7325:

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The atmosphere at Ibrox is really poor with the exception of Old Firm and Champions League games. I find it very difficult to understand why this is the case but it has been this way for a long, long time.

I don't except the "poor football" argument. I've been to games where we have played brilliantly and the atmosphere has still been shite.

IMO, it's more down to reasons like this:

- the fact Ibrox is an all seated stadium. Safe standing would definitely help improve the atmosphere.

- we've become to reliant on singing sections to create atmosphere.

- some of our fans are scared to sing certain songs because of the anti sectarian legislation.

- the banning on the billy boys.

- our ever changing support meaning the new age fans don't like/agree with 90% of our songs due to them being unionist/loyalist.

Etc, etc. There are lots of reasons why the atmosphere is poor. Unfortunately, I can't see it suddenly getting better week in, week out anytime soon. It's a shame.

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I think if the fans did not just turn up expecting to win and just sit back waiting for it rather than get behind the team would go a long way. We as a support have been spoiled to an extent and now have the problem of not having a particularly good team who will never achieve what Rangers used to achieve. It is not just TBB or certain songs, it is about just about backing the team. Look at the German games. Bayern against Paderborn... even tough the Bayern fans know they will win, they still sing and wave their flags making a ton of noise just being a part of the Bayern support. Same goes with Dortmund or whatever.

Unfortunately because the atmosphere has been so flat for years now, it has set a precedent for future games. Safe standing area would be good but is far too expensive for us right now. Maybe having supportes buses sitting beside each other again. A supporters bus area or something where they will be the most likely to sing and have a good craic.

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If the atmosphere at the Dundee Utd game last season is anything to go by - it wont be a problem when we get back up to the top league and face the clubs who saw fit to punish us based upon an assumption of guilt.

When we are back in the spl or whatever they call it now there will be a different atmosphere for obvious reasons.

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The atmosphere at Ibrox has never been the same since the old bowl shaped terracing was replaced during the late seventies.

I don't know if it was it's shape but the noise created by the support seemed to be contained within the stadium and when all all the sections joined in the sound created sent shivers up and down your spine.

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Too many fucking handwringers, they want us to sit quietly, and at the very most sing "the bluebells are blue" nothing aggressive, nothing that gets it up anyone, and nothing that would intimidate our opponents. Because if their children hear someone swearing or singing a naughty song at the football then the next thin you know they'll be taking smack and slashing cunts.

The singing sections do their best to create noise, but I cant help but think that the fact they all sit in one section instead of being spread out across the stadium like they used to be makes it harder to create noise not easier. Id like if there was a singing section where you didnt have to be an "ultra" or have any political leanings or have to follow what your group leaders tell you to do like some of the groups, Id just like there to be a section where people can have a sing song, bring flags and have a good time without all the other shite that comes with being in with UBs or TBO.

The fact that the polis cant give us a list of banned songs makes people scared to sing certain songs, some people are convinced that the sash and derrys walls are not allowed, when im quite sure both of those have been deemed not sectarian in court.

Hopefully when we're back in the top league there will be better atmospheres, but we dont know if the gloryhunters who are now boycotting will come back, its hard to create an atmosphere with a half empty stadium, and I doubt that the same fans who are actively trying to harm Rangers by boycotting and encouraging others to do so are the ones that will return to create an atmosphere.

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Too many fucking handwringers, they want us to sit quietly, and at the very most sing "the bluebells are blue" nothing aggressive, nothing that gets it up anyone, and nothing that would intimidate our opponents. Because if their children hear someone swearing or singing a naughty song at the football then the next thin you know they'll be taking smack and slashing cunts.

The singing sections do their best to create noise, but I cant help but think that the fact they all sit in one section instead of being spread out across the stadium like they used to be makes it harder to create noise not easier. Id like if there was a singing section where you didnt have to be an "ultra" or have any political leanings or have to follow what your group leaders tell you to do like some of the groups, Id just like there to be a section where people can have a sing song, bring flags and have a good time without all the other shite that comes with being in with UBs or TBO.

The fact that the polis cant give us a list of banned songs makes people scared to sing certain songs, some people are convinced that the sash and derrys walls are not allowed, when im quite sure both of those have been deemed not sectarian in court.

Hopefully when we're back in the top league there will be better atmospheres, but we dont know if the gloryhunters who are now boycotting will come back, its hard to create an atmosphere with a half empty stadium, and I doubt that the same fans who are actively trying to harm Rangers by boycotting and encouraging others to do so are the ones that will return to create an atmosphere.

I agree the New Agers since Murray are to blame.

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Posted this before but it's a different type of supporter who attends home matches, families, guys who feel they are just doing their bit by being there(they are tbf), folk who just turn up to be entertained and the guys who have a drink in them(more likely to sing).

It's been shite bar celt*c, Aberdeen and European nights for as long as I've been going.

The atmosphere will be a lot better our first season back then it will revert back to the norm.

Away games consist mainly of the hardcore, buzzing from the moment they wake up, and they're determined to go and be as noisy as fuck, no matter what.

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Posted this before but it's a different type of supporter who attends home matches, families, guys who feel they are just doing their bit by being there(they are tbf), folk who just turn up to be entertained and the guys who have a drink in them(more likely to sing).

It's been shite bar celt*c, Aberdeen and European nights for as long as I've been going.

The atmosphere will be a lot better our first season back then it will revert back to the norm.

Away games consist mainly of the hardcore, buzzing from the moment they wake up, and they're determined to go and be as noisy as fuck, no matter what.

That's basically it.

Far too many grasses in our support aswell, people shit scared of what other fans/media/people think.

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That's basically it.

Far too many grasses in our support aswell, people shit scared of what other fans/media/people think.

Sad state of affairs mate, back then if someone questioned a song we had, we sang it louder, now we have people pointing fingers like primary school kids, just so they can tell their celt*c supporting mates that Rangers fans are beautiful people.

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That's basically it.

Far too many grasses in our support aswell, people shit scared of what other fans/media/people think.


It pathetic that you have to worry about being grassed on by one of your own fans.

I hate this family friendly pish, theres nothing wrong with taking kids to games, ill take mine when shes old enough, but she'll understand that there might be swearing and songs etc but thats only for the football not for at home or school etc, we dont need to water everything down and shelter kids from everything, its unreal. Makes the football boring, makes kids unlikely to come back.

We've all seen it at away games etc, the wee guy whos at one of his first games, and the crowds buzzing and theres a great atmosphere and the wee guy has the biggest grin on his face for 90 mins and cant wait for the next game. Then they go to Ibrox and no one sings and everyone who does is deemed a ned. And they think "that was pish no going back to that". The whole thing about the football when you were wee is how exciting it was and how it could be scary and intimidating at times, I remember crying my eyes out when Rangers would score because it would be so loud, it was fuckin brilliant going to the games as a youth, especially night games with the floodlights and everyone buzzing, now theres like 10,000 in the ground for night games.

Ive been to OF games at 4 or 5 years old and didnt feel scared or worried, ive been on euro away trips in away fans pubs etc and never seen any bother. But folk act like hearing a song at the football is dangerous or something. These cunts have fucking ruined the football.

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Sad state of affairs mate, back then if someone questioned a song we had, we sang it louder, now we have people pointing fingers like primary school kids, just so they can tell their celt*c supporting mates that Rangers fans are beautiful people.

Its the whole "im better than that" mentality that hipsters and students have these days. As if they are the new shining generation that will cure all of the ills of society, some of them need a fucking reality check.

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Its the whole "im better than that" mentality that hipsters and students have these days. As if they are the new shining generation that will cure all of the ills of society, some of them need a fucking reality check.

Yea, 'Oh you can't say that, that may offend someone'

That's their problem.

I can't remember ever coming home from an old firm game offended, I came home from my first one at the piggery(January 92) covered in spit from the Jungle. Fucking loved it.

It's done now but all we had to do was fight back and prove it was only words, sticks and stones, I was taught at primary. It seems names will hurt you now.

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It pathetic that you have to worry about being grassed on by one of your own fans.

I hate this family friendly pish, theres nothing wrong with taking kids to games, ill take mine when shes old enough, but she'll understand that there might be swearing and songs etc but thats only for the football not for at home or school etc, we dont need to water everything down and shelter kids from everything, its unreal. Makes the football boring, makes kids unlikely to come back.

We've all seen it at away games etc, the wee guy whos at one of his first games, and the crowds buzzing and theres a great atmosphere and the wee guy has the biggest grin on his face for 90 mins and cant wait for the next game. Then they go to Ibrox and no one sings and everyone who does is deemed a ned. And they think "that was pish no going back to that". The whole thing about the football when you were wee is how exciting it was and how it could be scary and intimidating at times, I remember crying my eyes out when Rangers would score because it would be so loud, it was fuckin brilliant going to the games as a youth, especially night games with the floodlights and everyone buzzing, now theres like 10,000 in the ground for night games.

Ive been to OF games at 4 or 5 years old and didnt feel scared or worried, ive been on euro away trips in away fans pubs etc and never seen any bother. But folk act like hearing a song at the football is dangerous or something. These cunts have fucking ruined the football.

Spot on walking back to the bus at the last home game I heard a couple moaning about the singing and they where going to report this in the morning, I said support an other club as this is the way its always been and you just dont grass on a fellow bluenose.
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Yea, 'Oh you can't say that, that may offend someone'

That's their problem.

I can't remember ever coming home from an old firm game offended, I came home from my first one at the piggery(January 92) covered in spit from the Jungle. Fucking loved it.

It's done now but all we had to do was fight back and prove it was only words, sticks and stones, I was taught at primary. It seems names will hurt you now.

Exactly why do people get offended at this shit, stick and stones etc. Ive been called all sorts as we all have. "h**" "Orange bastard" "proddy scum" etc, I didnt get offended or hurt its just part of the rivalry.

Same way I dont really get why folk get offended at "paki" or "chinky" if an asian guy calls me "Scoty" or "Brity" or some shite like that I dont get offended.

I guess its just cool to be the victim these days.

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Having read over your replies it does seem that most of you agree that the atmosphere could definately be improved on and that this is nothing new regarding how our circumstances have been in the last few years. Well, i hope i amn't being a bit naive here, but from the amount of replies in this thread leaning towards the atmosphere not being what i was surely there is a large desire for this to change?

Isn't there a case here for some form of unoffical singing section, i know we already have singing sections but i mean one as part of a sort of unofficial group that you don't have to be ' a part of this group ' or anything to join in.

Creating a section you don't need to be part of a ' group' may take away that factor of people not wanting to be associated with a certain group or what their message is, and on the issue of songs that may be seen as offensive either by our support or the likes of the mhedia, we do have plenty of great songs which we know won't cause any bother and that we can create a cracking atmosphere with without risking any problems for our fanbase or club at the same time as supporting our team! We would of course have to spread the message around a bit, but it could be something where we simply try to encourage people to come along for a sing along, nothing more to it! (tu)

At the end of the day we are the ones that are in control over this as we are the ones attending the games and if the fans want to do something to create a better atmosphere we can do it, we don't need to send any political messages to support the team, or be involved in any specific groups or movements to be able to support the team, we just need to get as many people together who want to actually change the way the atmosphere is at Ibrox week in week out. If the fans don't want a better atmosphere on the other hand i will just shut up right now and accept defeat, but i am sure that is not the case!

Feel free to post any issues with this idea as i am sure there will be many and perhaps we can try to address them together and work something out? :pipe::7325::7326::ulster:

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