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The Silence (Protest) Shows How Respected Ally Is


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MARLON BRANDO, aka Colonel Walter E Kurtz, would have been perfect to play Ally McCoist in the Rangers version of Apocalypse Now.

The biggest struggle would be finding a Captain Willard or a Martin Sheen.

Amid the madness and horror of the disaster movie that has been Ibrox in recent seasons, the sense of denial from Coisty has been deeply troubling.

And the silent assassins within the Scottish football community continue to follow, follow their code of honour and omerta.

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Murray Park may not quite be the Vietnamese jungle but on the back of the defeat to Alloa, the plot to the finest war movie ever made sprung to mind sitting inside the Milngavie madhouse.

The press were kept waiting as Coisty, Kenny McDowall and Kenny Miller played a version of football-golf, oblivious the media were watching, the trio were enjoying a laugh and a joke and why not. It was scene fitting for the moment.

Coisty’s not quite gone down the shaven head route yet but back to Colonel Kurtz.

Trying to get someone to take out a man who has enjoyed God-like status amongst his followers has proved mission impossible.

As I took a straw poll of football people on whether Coisty should go an image of Sheen in his military fatigues filled my mind.

“Everybody wanted me to do it, him most of all. I felt like he was up there, waiting for me to take the pain away.”

Here are a few comments in response to my questions: “Ally McCoist? Utterly hopeless.

“The man has to go, just how much more of this rubbish do we have to take.”

“It’s gone beyond a joke – he hasn’t got a clue as a manager.”

“It’s one embarrassment after another, after another.”

“He has some brass neck, anyone else would have chucked it long before now.”

That’s been the general reaction from a few former Rangers players when calls were put over the last few days. But don’t expect anyone to put their name to it.

It’s a sound of silence that speaks volumes about how highly McCoist is regarded. One call to a former Ger who played under John Greig’s shambolic reign at Ibrox was frank and insistent that Coisty needs to call it a day.

“It’s the worst three seasons ever. At least under Greigy we enjoyed a few decent results in Europe and there were times when we looked like a decent side. Coisty’s just not cut out to be a boss.

“Richard Foster isn’t a footballer, Bilel Mohsni’s a bombscare, Ian Black’s an imposter. And the rest? It’s been garbage.”

It was tabloid gold from a player who commands the respect of the Bears but then came the rub.

“You can’t quote me on any of it though, Parksy. I love the man. I’m not going to put the knife in.”

I felt his pain, I wouldn’t do it either. Everyone can see it but nobody will say it.

So we’ll end with a line from Apocalypse Now and fittingly it is Colonel Kurtz’s famous last words: “The horror... the horror...”

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Maybe some of this lot should grow some nads and put their name to the quotes if they love the club so much.

Of course, the day AFTER McCoist leaves, we'll find out who said what.

Maybe they love both. Maybe they just love McCoist more.

“You can’t quote me on any of it though, Parksy. I love the man. I’m not going to put the knife in.”

How many of us would put the knife into our own best friend? A family member? Even if you would, surely you can understand people that don't want to? Maybe not.

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You've got to say with the 2nd biggest budget in Scottish football and to win nothing during that time, especially a cup, says it all to me. Remember though that Apocalypse Now did win an Oscar for cinemaphotogarphy, probably the equivalent of the 3rd and 2nd titles in the football world.

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Ally is a bit like Nero playing his fiddle while Rome burns

He doesn't do social media so is totally unaware of the fans views, he totally believes he is doing a good job

It's funny you should say that, because Nero didn't fiddle whilst Rome burned. It was only a rumour, a rumour that's been changed for effect (there were no fiddles at the time, it would have been a lyre).

You're right, I can see the similar treatment of Ally.

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You've got to say with the 2nd biggest budget in Scottish football and to win nothing during that time, especially a cup, says it all to me. Remember though that Apocalypse Now did win an Oscar for cinemaphotogarphy, probably the equivalent of the 3rd and 2nd titles in the football world.

Won nothing ??

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You've got to say with the 2nd biggest budget in Scottish football and to win nothing during that time, especially a cup, says it all to me. Remember though that Apocalypse Now did win an Oscar for cinemaphotogarphy, probably the equivalent of the 3rd and 2nd titles in the football world.

Won nothing ???

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Maybe they love both. Maybe they just love McCoist more.

“You can’t quote me on any of it though, Parksy. I love the man. I’m not going to put the knife in.”

How many of us would put the knife into our own best friend? A family member? Even if you would, surely you can understand people that don't want to? Maybe not.

... In thinking on this - by talking to the press he has stabbed Ally in the back - and just been cowardly about it!

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BP9: Do you see the bit about the 3rd and 2nd titles? I supported Ally for the first two years winning them titles and hoped he'd turn it around, but it's time to realise that he's just good enough for the job. If he hadn't won the 3rd and 2nd titles, maybe we'd be rid of him by now.

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... In thinking on this - by talking to the press he has stabbed Ally in the back - and just been cowardly about it!

Possibly so. Unless he trusted Parksy (for whatever reason) and Parksy has let him down.

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It's funny you should say that, because Nero didn't fiddle whilst Rome burned. It was only a rumour, a rumour that's been changed for effect (there were no fiddles at the time, it would have been a lyre).

You're right, I can see the similar treatment of Ally.

LOL...Aye there's a rumour going round that Ally's a good manager

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... In thinking on this - by talking to the press he has stabbed Ally in the back - and just been cowardly about it!

What happened to folk being allowed an opinion? He gave his opinion but asked for his name not to be published.

You have your opinion and voice it regularly on here, so how about you give us your real name and address?

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