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Staff being sacked while our manager is happy to line his owboaket.

Wise up he is doing this to force change......Yeah he is a crap manager but he realise sthe board is worse...Open your eyes our village church can raise more than 2,000 in one day, a Sunday fete but one of the worlds largest clubs earns that in 180 days from a kit deal ....ffs ....

There is no way the board can pay the 750 k....bring it a head and rid ourselves of the vultures that have been milking this club dry....the few that are boycotting would make little difference to the finacial side of the club....

The board and the Tims must love this Rangers fans turning on each other while thelikes of Ashley and the convicted criminal Easdale ruin this club ...A convicted fraudster in charge and people think this is okay ????

God knows what Struth or the founding fathers would make of this....

Yeah McCoist needs to go but i hope he destroys the board in the meantime.....

A few thousand staways and a few quid on jerseys does not equate to a 8 million shortfall.....

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the day D&P got their hands on out Club is the day i feared for our future (tu)

The day Murray took over was the beginning of the end of The Rangers we relate to.We need people with Rangers in their blood, who have supported us boy and man in the boardroom or the club will never recover. Does anyone honestly think that Murray or any of the others who have been in the boardroom in the last 25 years or so is hurting like us? Rangers is/was just a means to an end, in most cases financial, for those that have ruined our club and made us a laughing stock on and off the park.

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Wise up he is doing this to force change......Yeah he is a crap manager but he realise sthe board is worse...Open your eyes our village church can raise more than 2,000 in one day, a Sunday fete but one of the worlds largest clubs earns that in 180 days from a kit deal ....ffs ....

There is no way the board can pay the 750 k....bring it a head and rid ourselves of the vultures that have been milking this club dry....the few that are boycotting would make little difference to the finacial side of the club....

The board and the Tims must love this Rangers fans turning on each other while thelikes of Ashley and the convicted criminal Easdale ruin this club ...A convicted fraudster in charge and people think this is okay ????

God knows what Struth or the founding fathers would make of this....

Yeah McCoist needs to go but i hope he destroys the board in the meantime.....

A few thousand staways and a few quid on jerseys does not equate to a 8 million shortfall.....

What about the fraudster King that lots of fans are wanting to buy the club.

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Wise up he is doing this to force change......Yeah he is a crap manager but he realise sthe board is worse...Open your eyes our village church can raise more than 2,000 in one day, a Sunday fete but one of the worlds largest clubs earns that in 180 days from a kit deal ....ffs ....

There is no way the board can pay the 750 k....bring it a head and rid ourselves of the vultures that have been milking this club dry....the few that are boycotting would make little difference to the finacial side of the club....

The board and the Tims must love this Rangers fans turning on each other while thelikes of Ashley and the convicted criminal Easdale ruin this club ...A convicted fraudster in charge and people think this is okay ????

God knows what Struth or the founding fathers would make of this....

Yeah McCoist needs to go but i hope he destroys the board in the meantime.....

A few thousand staways and a few quid on jerseys does not equate to a 8 million shortfall.....

Jesus wept.

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Over on FF they are defending Ally and want him to take every penny from our club. They hate the board and love our manager, more than our club. It makes you fear for the future of the club that we love.

Bunch of brainless, ugly slags. They are killing the club those twats.

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If the club were in a healthy or decent state cash wise and it wasn't working for Ally I would more than likely say give him the money as he signed the contract given and he is due it, but sadly we aren't in a healthy state and any money took would just be killing the club which changes things.

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Why are tea ladies and club secretaries all of a sudden crucial to running a football club?

I agree on the second point of course, cuts should have been made everywhere though.

It looks 9 accoriding to the accounts) that we have saved over 2m in wages copared with last years accounts, cuts clearly are being made everywhere, we just aint hearing about them.

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This is what happens when a support still thinks we are in the 90's. An era of profligate spending and rampant egos.

Whether you like it or not cuts had to happen. That they should have happened a lot earlier is probably why they are harder to take now.

If our club stands any chance of returning to the top then attitudes have to change on and off the field. Supporters, players and staff alike.

McCoist is not and never was the answer. Only blind loyalty is keeping him onside with many.

He has to go as do his backroom staff, the youth coaches and everyone associated with the old regime.

PLG wanted to make these changes years ago but obviously wasn't the right man to do them. He wasn't strong enough or influential enough with the players.

The entire club is a mess but i will accept more hardship if i know the plan and it is one that will bring rewards later on.

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Wise up he is doing this to force change......Yeah he is a crap manager but he realise sthe board is worse...Open your eyes our village church can raise more than 2,000 in one day, a Sunday fete but one of the worlds largest clubs earns that in 180 days from a kit deal ....ffs ....

There is no way the board can pay the 750 k....bring it a head and rid ourselves of the vultures that have been milking this club dry....the few that are boycotting would make little difference to the finacial side of the club....

The board and the Tims must love this Rangers fans turning on each other while thelikes of Ashley and the convicted criminal Easdale ruin this club ...A convicted fraudster in charge and people think this is okay ????

God knows what Struth or the founding fathers would make of this....

Yeah McCoist needs to go but i hope he destroys the board in the meantime.....

A few thousand staways and a few quid on jerseys does not equate to a 8 million shortfall.....

Place is reeking.

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Obvious to a blind man it's about the money, is it wasn't he'd have have offered to walk away for the sake of the club. He is responsible for three years of terrible on-field performances which have driven many fans away. He has taken the GDP of a small country in his role as manager a job at which he has proven to be inadequate, yet he wants more??? Really???

From striker to piker.........

It's ALWAYS about the money! Welcome to the world of professional sports, if you think otherwise or that McCoist should just "walk away" without getting paid, you will be sadly disappointed.

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There is no way the board can pay the 750 k....bring it a head and rid ourselves of the vultures that have been milking this club dry....the few that are boycotting would make little difference to the finacial side of the club....

Surely we would be rid of this board a lot quicker if the people who the boycotters want to gain the keys would actually pay the going rate required to gain control?

I don't particuarly care who has the club so long as they are doing the best for Rangers but manipulating things through supporters groups so they can pick the club up for a fraction of what its worth makes them every bit as bad as the idiots running it now.

Nobody involved in this saga is fighting a clean battle, it's guerrilla warfare by people looking after their own interests and the only thing that suffers as a result of it is the club.

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It's ALWAYS about the money! Welcome to the world of professional sports, if you think otherwise or that McCoist should just "walk away" without getting paid, you will be sadly disappointed.

Not always. I hark back, again, to Jock Wallace who after some kind of 'falling out' walked away without a penny and never spoke about why he left Ibrox. A Rangers man and a man of honor and integrity. Seems McCoist is no Jock Wallace, he's more like Jerry Maguire; 'Show Me the Money'.

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I can't think of ally now other than a money grabbing charlatan. It's sad it's come to this, his image forever tarnished among our support. I for one will never forgive him for the mess he has created. Over inflated player egos, Ian pirlo black and the likes, but they're all his pals so it's all nicey nicey. Sir Alex would have kicked everyone of those players cunts in after Fridays performance, but it's all a laugh and a joke for ally.

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This is what happens when a support still thinks we are in the 90's. An era of profligate spending and rampant egos.

Whether you like it or not cuts had to happen. That they should have happened a lot earlier is probably why they are harder to take now.

If our club stands any chance of returning to the top then attitudes have to change on and off the field. Supporters, players and staff alike.

McCoist is not and never was the answer. Only blind loyalty is keeping him onside with many.

He has to go as do his backroom staff, the youth coaches and everyone associated with the old regime.

PLG wanted to make these changes years ago but obviously wasn't the right man to do them. He wasn't strong enough or influential enough with the players.

The entire club is a mess but i will accept more hardship if i know the plan and it is one that will bring rewards later on.

Except you aren't suffering any hardship.

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Not always. I hark back, again, to Jock Wallace who after some kind of 'falling out' walked away without a penny and never spoke about why he left Ibrox. A Rangers man and a man of honor and integrity. Seems McCoist is no Jock Wallace, he's more like Jerry Maguire; 'Show Me the Money'.

Different times sadly, the days of Jock Wallace were gone long ago. This isn't just a Rangers issue. This is how sports has been for the last 2 decades. It's all about "getting paid". We just have to get over it. It's really nothing different than anyone else, just maybe on a larger scale. How many of us here, would ever walk away from our job, leaving money on the table? Just wouldn't happen.

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Surely we would be rid of this board a lot quicker if the people who the boycotters want to gain the keys would actually pay the going rate required to gain control?

I don't particuarly care who has the club so long as they are doing the best for Rangers but manipulating things through supporters groups so they can pick the club up for a fraction of what its worth makes them every bit as bad as the idiots running it now.

Nobody involved in this saga is fighting a clean battle, it's guerrilla warfare by people looking after their own interests and the only thing that suffers as a result of it is the club.

Bang on the head.

Just need to look at Hearts and their foundation of Hearts group to see it should be done.

There are sections of the support who need a good hard look at themselves and take responsibility for part of what's going on at present.

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I don't disagree with that.

What I disagree with is sacking low paid staff to supplement 100k upwards pay offs for board members who awarded themselves the wages in the first place.

Why do you never mention Allys huge wage? How many staff got laid off to supplement him?

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Some of our fans.......


Some of our fanasare obsessed with FF and hating other fans rather show support for the club.

Some of our fans spend the whole day hating all the ex players and managers.

Some of our fans sit watching dodgy links to save money rather than go to the games and giving money to the club that it so badly needs.

Some of our fans refuse to change one word of a song so rather not sing it at all.

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It looks 9 accoriding to the accounts) that we have saved over 2m in wages copared with last years accounts, cuts clearly are being made everywhere, we just aint hearing about them.

I meant after admin, mate.

Don't think I've ever heard of an administration where no-one was punted or massive changes weren't implemented, then there was us who just blinked and carried on like nothing happened.

Not directed at you either but the folk saying posters are backing the board over Ally? I see people backing the club over a manager who has earned more than enough and gave very little in return.

I'm happy to criticize every board member that has/is playing a part right now, it doesn't make Ally right for holding out for the pay off though.

Green was a dick taking a pay off, Ahmed was a dick for taking a pay off, Ally is a......you get the drift.

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These cuts should have been made the minute we entered administration. The cuts aren't the real issue. I would instead suggest that it's the timing of them and McCoist's decision to resign that is more baffling and annoying.

He may be entitled to a pay off but part of me hopes he does the decent thing and resigns without it. At least walk away doing the right thing and getting fans off his back.

I know nothing about business but I wonder if there has ever been such a bodged administration there was virtually no down sizing at all

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