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Dave King Is Full Of Shite


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No millionaire has made that money with their own cash it has always been on the back of others pounds. King worries me also, has anyone ever verified the cash he is supposed to have? All this being said though I am not a King fan, ashley fan, Green fan, or fan of boycotts etc etc I am just simply a Rangers fan, born to it so could never be anything else. I only want what is best for Rangers Football Club just that there are some that do not share that vision they are more supportive of individuals rather than the club. Well we need to step past all this shite and get back to just being Rangers fans again, ALL pulling in the same direction. If King and the 3 bears are charlatans then they will be found out soon enough. But no matter what ever happens I WILL be Rangers Till I Die.

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I think King got it way wrong here from what ive read from the conference.

A football Club is basically a product, that fans pay to see. It shouldnt be "we'll get the fans money in and use it for players" it should be "we'll invest a few million and buy some players that the fans will want to see, then they'll buy season tickets"

We're not some crowdfunded company. Well it appears we are now. King should be making the product attractive to his customers, not forcing his customers hand and saying "if you want a good team then YOU have to pay for it"

Exactly it's a case of built it and they will come ... King is the leader and it's about time he cut the waffle and started showing some leadership

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Cunt likes the sound of his own voice.

THREE press conferences, all saying the exact same SHITE!

The facts are we're in a worse position since he got in control. We're not on the stock exchange, we have no money. The guys a bullshitter.

Just won the lottery

Just found the love of my life

Just had a new baby

Just won nobel prizes for peace, literature & science.

Really sick if this shit, I really am

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Didn't exactly say they saved the day, despite my personal feelings. Point being nothing would have changed otherwise.

The point is all DK had to do was buy the shares he eventually did and get the fans behind him. Him and his people caused us more harm with their dirty campaigns. Fans have left and might never be back. I dont blame the fans, i blame DK and his mouthpieces. All the fans are guilty of is being gullible!

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The truth is from day 1 his actions have at best been questionable ... from not buying out the old board but instead letting it drag on to keeping Kenny in place after the takeover and then putting in a caretaker manager when we needed a full time appointment ... I've not yet given up on DK but as time goes on and inactivity seems to become evermore endemic i'm getting closer to it

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Some people lack patience and moan whenever they don't get what they want exactly how they want it, yesterday.

Rebuilding the Club will take time and money. Previous boards robbed us blind, sold the naming rights to Ibrox for a quid, and let Mike Ashley rip us off and control us by proxy. They also shat it to sack Ally and failed to set up a scouting network.

Live off sound bites and get frustrated and stamp your feet like a petulant toddler if it suits you..... or actually listen to what the man says before going off on one.

The damage to our Club won't be rectified in a few months and never at all if we keep on with the in fighting.



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Just about everything relies on the appointing of the right man as Manager. I honestly feel in the eyes of the majority of the support, King will live or die by that choice. If he signs up the likes of Warburton, I think he'll be backed in droves and the ST sales will flourish. Should he appear to have compromised by naming McCall, sales will flounder and any trust he hoped to build will rapidly diminish.

We've had plenty of bluster from King for years, now he gets the chance to back it up with actions.

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Just about everything relies on the appointing of the right man as Manager. I honestly feel in the eyes of the majority of the support, King will live or die by that choice. If he signs up the likes of Warburton, I think he'll be backed in droves and the ST sales will flourish. Should he appear to have compromised by naming McCall, sales will flounder and any trust he hoped to build will rapidly diminish.

We've had plenty of bluster from King for years, now he gets the chance to back it up with actions.

Spot on mate.
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In case anyone is bothered MASH have a court case v Sevco tomorrow in a London court just before Friday's GM ........bet it will be to ring fence the outstanding £5m loan from season ticket dosh so King will need to pony up NOW for any player budgets but will no doubt spin it as Ashley's fault that we can't get any decent players because of his legal actions.......if I had the time I would start a campaign to get King out before we end up in admin again and how is the fund raising through a new share issue going to work without a stock market no one will touch King with his history in S A please people do not be taken in with his lies and contradictions before it is too late.

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In case anyone is bothered MASH have a court case v Sevco tomorrow in a London court just before Friday's GM ........bet it will be to ring fence the outstanding £5m loan from season ticket dosh so King will need to pony up NOW for any player budgets but will no doubt spin it as Ashley's fault that we can't get any decent players because of his legal actions.......if I had the time I would start a campaign to get King out before we end up in admin again and how is the fund raising through a new share issue going to work without a stock market no one will touch King with his history in S A please people do not be taken in with his lies and contradictions before it is too late.

Fuck off taig, should you no be scouting out a school at this time?

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