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Are We Finally About To Take On The Many Mutant Liars

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Today it appears two of the highest profile haters of our club have been banned .

Have we finally reached the stage when the club have grown some balls and are willing to take on the liars that constantly attack both club and our supporters.

Good riddance to these two and I hope they are never allowed back in the front doors to work in any capacity .

If the club decide to start a campaign to weed out the cancer that exists in Scotland's media . There is no going back .

We can't just run for cover after a few bans .

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I would like to think this is the start of a new approach in protecting fans from being branded and hounded, and spread all over the front pages /screens by these haters in our midst.

If the rumours are founded then it's a good start, as our brand also needs to be protected, and as the fans are what makes our Club what it is, I hope we go further and target their employers also.

It will then go a long long way in pointing out that no longer will we be the soft targets these types like to use to denigrate our Club, and all it stands for.

At the least it's a positive start, and is an improvement.


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Heres hoping so....a good time to do it too....

As momentum gathers with the Warbuton revolution Rangers are going to be box office at home and abroad as we climb back into the top flight and fight to get our title back.

These rat bastards who kicked us while we were down will be left outside looking in desperate for a slice of the action,fuck them all.

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Im not sure. The fans have turned on the board on this matter and even attempts by their mouthpieces to condone their lack of action have met with a lambasting. I feel the board were forced into a corner and had to do something to take the pressure off. Hopefully they change their attitude but I think the board are out of their depth in this area.

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Im not sure. The fans have turned on the board on this matter and even attempts by their mouthpieces to condone their lack of action have met with a lambasting. I feel the board were forced into a corner and had to do something to take the pressure off. Hopefully they change their attitude but I think the board are out of their depth in this area.

Didn't think anyone would be able to spin this bit of good work into something negative about the board, but you have. Hats off.

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Didn't think anyone would be able to spin this bit of good work into something negative about the board, but you have. Hats off.

you can thank the board. Thats the board thats wanting the fans to defend the club against the media. Why did it take them over 5 days to react to that wee runt? Their mouthpieces were defending them for doing nothing. This board is not beyond criticism.
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you can thank the board. Thats the board thats wanting the fans to defend the club against the media. Why did it take them over 5 days to react to that wee runt? Their mouthpieces were defending them for doing nothing. This board is not beyond criticism.

I don't think anyone is thinking that this board are beyond criticism, but on the other hand certain people are trying to find criticism where clearly there are no grounds for it.

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Sasa .Young Bob is being realistic ,it's certainly not spin . I would go even further than 5 years .nearer 15

We are sitting ducks at times and the fans that actually give a fuck are the ones that usually suffer .

Then if you are apathetic to all this ,ignore me

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I don't think anyone is thinking that this board are beyond criticism, but on the other hand certain people are trying to find criticism where clearly there are no grounds for it.

our opinions differ but I can accept that. The delay in reacting to McLaughlin speaks volumes. Wonder if the club have written to the spfl about his claims? If they have it should have been done on Monday morning.
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It's good to see the venomous journos hurting.

They are retards who think we owe them a living. We flourished without the SPhell so a few less filthy journos won't make any difference to Rangers. We welcome them into Ibrox as professionals and they return the favour by making up lies and attacking our support at every opportunity.

We have been here for longer than any of their shitey media outlets and will be here long after them. Time to suscribe to BT Sports you vermin to watch us like the rest of the taigs.

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you can thank the board. Thats the board thats wanting the fans to defend the club against the media. Why did it take them over 5 days to react to that wee runt? Their mouthpieces were defending them for doing nothing. This board is not beyond criticism.

Friday was the day that the press passes were issued for the coming season, I think this was going to happen anyway regardless of gollum's rant after the hivs game.

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Friday was the day that the press passes were issued for the coming season, I think this was going to happen anyway regardless of gollum's rant after the hivs game.


People would do well to stop, breathe and think before forming their opinions. ?

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They will soon be ramping up their attacks on Rangers and then look for any excuse which lets them play the victim card.

They don't need an excuse they are arrogant and out of control you only had to watch the Leveson inquiry to get an idea off just how arrogant they are. James Murdoch used management speak and never hid his contempt for the proceedings. Do you honestly expect decency from people like this? don't hold your breath. As for the board regardless of what others think I'm with them 100% on these bans it sends a message do not lie or manipulate statements or you're out.

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