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Salford City Bbc

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Aye a seen that but it was near the start of the programme they were moaning about someone turning up late for training

Was it not the coach that was late in his One Stop Hire van and he had all the balls :lol: Mind the manager on the phone to him.

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You could have picked a better example than Darlington with their history! They obviously want to do something for a place that they have an affinity too. They don't seem to be doing much wrong and its hardly a Hornchurch/Stamco situation. I'm sure most fans of a non-league team would rip their hands of if the same offer was made.

I know fans of one team at least who would be delighted to have them on board. :)

You're wrong, I picked a great example. Darlington is a club owned by the fans, genuine football fans, who had to pick up where a disastrous chairman left them. They are a real fans team, unlike Salford City, bankrolled by millionaires, whose expenditure far exceeds the money generated through the turnstiles. I don't want non-league football to become the plaything of sugar daddies, where teams like Salfraud have an unfair and unearned advantage over Warrington, Darlington, Marine etc.

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If you forget about them being ex footballers and think about them as multi millionaires the perception soon changes. I thought they came across as arseholes, especially gary Neville. No director should ever be in a dressing room during team talks, it's not his place. His arrogance and ego though just take over. You can see him as the bullying type that if he can't get his own way he will just bulldoze you out the way. Their bewilderment that the coach couldn't get to training for 6 due to him being at work just shows the bubble they live in, clueless rich boys with no idea how the other half live.

I would punt the poncey in love with himself no 9, he's never a team player and just there for himself. Was doing a lot of stirring and trying to undermine the coaches so that he could create a coaching position for himself. Total wander

Just another club going to get ruined due to them being multi millionaires play things

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Yeah I get you mate but for me, if I'm Neville etc , you employ people who don't finish at 6pm if training starts at 6pm

The manager was a joke

He was your typical Sunday pub league manager.

Make them run for 30 mins then play 5 asides haha


If a multi millionaire want his part time employees to be at his beck and call he should pay him a full time proper wage and stop acting like a dick.

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I enjoyed this. Gary Neville does come across as being cool as fuck.

The Salford manager comes across as a right prick!!!

The programme was agreed to by the class of 92 and is designed to make them look good and the others as fools. Why do you think it purposely kept showing the class of 92 with their kids

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Fuck anything associated with those Man United wankers. Just a toy and publicity for them. Media is all over them now.

Should of helped the few real Manchester United fans who formed United Of Manchester. (Who are now up to the same level as Salford)

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You're wrong, I picked a great example. Darlington is a club owned by the fans, genuine football fans, who had to pick up where a disastrous chairman left them. They are a real fans team, unlike Salford City, bankrolled by millionaires, whose expenditure far exceeds the money generated through the turnstiles. I don't want non-league football to become the plaything of sugar daddies, where teams like Salfraud have an unfair and unearned advantage over Warrington, Darlington, Marine etc.

You picked a poor example there are thousands of non-league teams scraping an existence, Darlington were a former League team who have fell on hard times and Darlington1883 are a new club formed in 2012, they are by no manner of means a 'traditional non league team'. Marine is a better choice but why shouldn't a non-league club be funded by benefactors if they have a genuine vision and an affinity for the area/club.

Much of the emnity for clubs like Salford stems from jealousy that they are getting money/publicity that others can only dream of. Its not as if Salford are a construct of a club like Rushden and Diamonds and its hardly a massive injection of cash, there appears to be a phased build up unlike many examples over the past years I could point out.

You are aware, of course, that almost every non-league clubs expenditure exceeds money generated through the turnstiles? If you believe any different then you have no idea about the business of non-league football.

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If you forget about them being ex footballers and think about them as multi millionaires the perception soon changes. I thought they came across as arseholes, especially gary Neville. No director should ever be in a dressing room during team talks, it's not his place. His arrogance and ego though just take over. You can see him as the bullying type that if he can't get his own way he will just bulldoze you out the way. Their bewilderment that the coach couldn't get to training for 6 due to him being at work just shows the bubble they live in, clueless rich boys with no idea how the other half live.

I would punt the poncey in love with himself no 9, he's never a team player and just there for himself. Was doing a lot of stirring and trying to undermine the coaches so that he could create a coaching position for himself. Total wander

Just another club going to get ruined due to them being multi millionaires play things

It was Phil in doing team talks, you know the highly qualified coach who along with his brother and friends (all qualified coaches) were in trying to help. If you look at them as footballers with coaching badges and a record of success then take away your obvious dislike for successful professionals (you are an Arsenal fan :D) from the 90s then you can see why they are doing what they do.

You also forget that the Nevilles understand football away from the Premier League with their late father being involved with Bury and playing a huge part in their survival in recent years. Cynicism/jealousy seems rife in many who can't see further than the affiliation the 5 have with a certain club.

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