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Good Article From Ff.


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I was going to games 50 years ago and sadly this was one of the few eras when we were not winning the league. We won it in 64 then it was 10 years till the next one. I gave up reading that rubbish. For fucks sake if you want to pick an era when we dominated and there are plenty it wasnt 50 years ago.

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I knew Mein Kampf was being republished this year, but I didn't realise it had a section about us in it.

I find the devisive, supremacist tone of the piece leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. For me it paints a politicised picture of the footballing landscape and of a Rangers supporter that bears no resemblance to how and why I support Rangers. I suggest the author looks forward rather than pining for a vanished yesteryear, that supposedly contained a Catholic underclass that knew to tug the forelock at its protestant masters.

This is another in line of more than a few articles have appeared recently that do a lot of talking about Rangers, but barely, if at all, mention football.

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I thought paranoia was the realm of celtic supporters.

Rangers are a football club and has had players of a number of faiths play for us. For the majority of real fans when they wore the famous blue shirt we didn't care. They were Rangers players.

Unfortunately there are still a small number of our fans who hanker after the day's when religion was the deciding factor in your job application, not your ability.

The club now buy players who can improve our performance on the field and are not blinded by the God they pray to.

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"The catholic university educated intelligencia has coupled itself to the liberal media in one hell of an unholy alliance. So what is their overriding agenda?

Nothing less than the total destruction of Rangers football club, there can be no other possible explanation for their concerted, merciless pursuit of Rangers football."

And to think iv'e spent the last few decades laughing my ass off at the paranoid conspiracy theory shite spouted from the tarriers.

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Whilst I disagree with most of this article, it has to be said that the taigs have successfully ( and deliberately ) infiltrated every facet of society over the last few decades. Legal, educational, media - you name it , they control most of it. We are now, as the majority, being marginalised by the minority. We reap what we sow, which has been very little unfortunately.

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As today is New Year's day it is as good a time as any to look back and see where we were as a club fifty years ago. It goes without saying that things were very different, but do we really appreciate just how different times were? Fifty years ago a Rangers supporter could say what he wanted, sing what he wanted and within reason, do what he wanted.

Yeah that's right, society has changed. Many of us do appreciate how times are different now; for the better. So sad to see old fuckers pining for those times. They're gone and they ain't coming back.

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Bit hard on the guy that his written the article. Plus i made mistake with not using the capital for the other F but that is life, but he is spot on about the early years, as we were the club that everyone was scared of.

Certainly needs tidied up a bit but seen a helluva lot worse articles on here. A few very poor comments.

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Sick of folk going "i love Rangers but i hate this protestant/loyalist stuff"

Well sorry, those are major parts of Rangers history and helped make the Club the Club it is today, how can you love the Club but hate other parts of it.

Skittles are my favourite sweets, but i hate the purple green and red ones

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1. Sick of folk going "i love Rangers but i hate this protestant/loyalist stuff"

2. Well sorry, those are major parts of Rangers history and helped make the Club the Club it is today, how can you love the Club but hate other parts of it.

Skittles are my favourite sweets, but i hate the purple green and red ones

1. Never seen that said on this forum

2. Of course you can love something and dislike an aspect of it. In my case I dislike the lingering sectarianism within the support that is damaging to the club. The club agrees with me.

3. A piss poor analogy.

BTW...Celtic are a major part of the Rangers history. I'm shocked that you love them.

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1. Never seen that said on this forum

2. Of course you can love something and dislike an aspect of it. In my case I dislike the lingering sectarianism within the support that is damaging to the club. The club agrees with me.

3. A piss poor analogy.

BTW...Celtic are a major part of the Rangers history. I'm shocked that you love them.

I love to hate celtic, unlike the handwringers like yourself who want us to pander to them and forget our history. Try and twist it whatever way you like, but if you want the fans to drop the whole PUL aspect (you call it sectarianism) then you are asking for the fans to forget their history.

As has been said before, there are many Clubs that dont have these "issues" so I cant understand why folk chose to support the one Club that celebrates the values that you clearly disagree with. Since its more than just a nuisance to folk like you, it clearly annoys you since youve chose to post about it. If songs like Derrys Walls and other PUL songs or phrases that are sung at games annoyed me as much as they annoy some on here then maybe id think twice about exposing myself to something that im so against.

And of course, you only voice that opinion on a forum, never in a Rangers pub or at Ibrox. The handwringers and the anti-PUL mob are rampant on forums like this, but you never ever hear them at Ibrox or in the pubs.

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I get the spirit of the article.. but ffs... written by an 8 year old? Who are Skye Broadcasting?

Edit: I should be more constructive here...

This 'article' does us no favours. The beauty of The Rangers -- and us, the support, is that we don't need to write about how 'great' we are. We work hard, play hard, are honest and let that do our talking. That brings respect. This article and it's supremacist tone -- while I understand why it was written -- is not us.

I guess this is why I don't visit FF.

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I love to hate celtic, unlike the handwringers like yourself who want us to pander to them and forget our history. Try and twist it whatever way you like, but if you want the fans to drop the whole PUL aspect (you call it sectarianism) then you are asking for the fans to forget their history.

As has been said before, there are many Clubs that dont have these "issues" so I cant understand why folk chose to support the one Club that celebrates the values that you clearly disagree with. Since its more than just a nuisance to folk like you, it clearly annoys you since youve chose to post about it. If songs like Derrys Walls and other PUL songs or phrases that are sung at games annoyed me as much as they annoy some on here then maybe id think twice about exposing myself to something that im so against.

And of course, you only voice that opinion on a forum, never in a Rangers pub or at Ibrox. The handwringers and the anti-PUL mob are rampant on forums like this, but you never ever hear them at Ibrox or in the pubs.

What utter drivel. You might have noticed that I have said that UPTOKIFB should be replaced by 'we sing The Sash and Derry's Walls'. I'm not into the PUL thing myself (although I like those songs) but if Rangers fans want to favour that culture, then that's their choice. What I'm against is some fans refusing to support the club by not stopping using it as a vehicle for sectarianism. You though seem to equate PUL and sectarianism, why is that?

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Sick of folk going "i love Rangers but i hate this protestant/loyalist stuff"

Well sorry, those are major parts of Rangers history and helped make the Club the Club it is today, how can you love the Club but hate other parts of it.

Skittles are my favourite sweets, but i hate the purple green and red ones

Did you love it too when we signed Mo Johnston, did you love it when Ally was in charge and we were losing consistently to Alloa ?

Did you love it when the club advised not to sing the song, and distanced themselves from it ?

Save the unrequited love tosh for American romances.

We want the best for our club, regardless of what changes are needed, or how tough those changes may be for some.

We keep and respect our history and our heritage but history also shows we sometimes need to change with the times.

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"The catholic university educated intelligencia has coupled itself to the liberal media in one hell of an unholy alliance. So what is their overriding agenda?

Nothing less than the total destruction of Rangers football club, there can be no other possible explanation for their concerted, merciless pursuit of Rangers football."

And to think iv'e spent the last few decades laughing my ass off at the paranoid conspiracy theory shite spouted from the tarriers.

This all day long :clap: Any supporter who cant see that it was sectarian hatred and jealousy that caused Rangers to be kicked out of the SPL is either blind or

extremely naive.

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Did you love it too when we signed Mo Johnston, did you love it when Ally was in charge and we were losing consistently to Alloa ?

Did you love it when the club advised not to sing the song, and distanced themselves from it ?

Save the unrequited love tosh for American romances.

We want the best for our club, regardless of what changes are needed, or how tough those changes may be for some.

We keep and respect our history and our heritage but history also shows we sometimes need to change with the times.

We did change with the times and nearly lost our club mate. Wish their was a time capsule to take me back to the old days, when the fans loved our club, and no interest of making money or boosting their own ego.

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We did change with the times and nearly lost our club mate. Wish their was a time capsule to take me back to the old days, when the fans loved our club, and no interest of making money or boosting their own ego.

I assume you are talking about years after the pits of the Greig years and the the board stubbornly refused to change or invest, and when Murray borrowed and threw money at players, almost grabbing that elusive big European trophy. Jury might still be out on whether it was worth the risk, but they were amazing times. Teams in England have taken big risks financially, some win some lose.

We nearly lost our club through the actions of crooks, something unprecedented in British football, aided and abetted to a degree by haters in Scottish Football. Nothing to do with general changes to suit the times at our club.

However on the business sense maybe the modern approach of Mr Warburton and hopefully the board will stabilise the club again, and with proper investment (and debt free) we can build something great.

Yep, in my day a fan was a fan only, with no great influence on the board, but we assumed that the board was always looking after our best interests. (Naive maybe, but true.)

And also find the ego building and self interest of some members of our clubs fan base embarrassing and unethical too, but fortunately the biggest majority of our fans will still remain loyal to the club in most if not all circumstances. (50,000 fans at football games in a Scottish 4th division tells that.)

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