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Tell The Big Policeman If You Get Frightened At The Football


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I thought the point was we don't want a police state?

You're playing right into their hands there.

How is that having a police state?

There is a massive difference between flares, suicide attacks and people being offended by singing.

The issue with flares can be prevented at the turnstiles.

Reporting fellow fans is the biggest load of nonsense ever and the grass a bear hotline introduced by that cunt Bain was a low point in our history.

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so....is he right - is it reality that there is no such thing as the 90 minute bigot?

This question highlights the absolute stupidity of the laws and the lack of understanding amongst the politicians and the police over what they have brought about.

By specifying the environment of the football match and highlighting particular offenses and penalties to be attached to that environment, which would not be relevant in any other time or place, they have actually created the offense of 90-minute bigotry.

Being a bigot is not an offense.

Expressing bigotry in a perceived offensive or aggressive manner is an offense.

Penalising the offensive or aggressive expression of bigotry (racial, sexual, sectarian, political or national) differently, based on whether or not it is within the environs of a football match, by definition validates the concept of the 90-minute bigot. But these idiots can't see that.

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I like to think I'm a pretty nice guy. Pay my taxes.. never been in trouble, I vote... take care of my family etc. Going to the football has always been a release. I have no problem whatsoever with the 90 minute bigot .. probably because I am one as well. Football has always -- well... used to be? the working man's game. Work hard, play hard and on Saturday at 3pm just let loose.

No harm has ever been done by a few words that are deemed unacceptable. ffs. Now if people feel 'uncomfortable', they are asked to go to the polis? Really not sure what to make of all of this. But it certainly doesn't feel like it's ok. When I was a child, I would go to Ibrox hear and see everything and just accepted it. I didn't turn into a serial killer.

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They won't be happy until football has the same kind of 'family" atmosphere as ice hockey.

And the irony is for all the nice safe behaviour of the ice hockey spectators, the players punch fuck out of each other and get away with it.

The upside to that is we get to punch fuck out of those mhanks. I'd pay plenty to watch. The downside is we would need deloused and disinfected afterwards and of course all the supporters would be jailed for joining in!

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They got one of my fav songs banned about some wee cunt who ate his dog.

The tims have created a monster that keeps getting bigger and by 2030 we will be sat on our hands humming so as not to offend.

[we are 15 years behind then as they smelly cants are humming already/quote]

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Fuck them. Their fault we are in this mess in the first place. What did they think was going to happen? That the SNP would introduce an anti-Rangers bill and leave all the other teams supporters alone? Daft cunts.

Moaning about getting searched going into grounds when their fellow mhanks are throwing flares about. Cunts are beyond parody

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Fuck them. Their fault we are in this mess in the first place. What did they think was going to happen? That the SNP would introduce an anti-Rangers bill and leave all the other teams supporters alone? Daft cunts.

Moaning about getting searched going into grounds when their fellow mhanks are throwing flares about. Cunts are beyond parody

They thought exactly that.

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Someone mentioned offending the taigs by 2030. Personally wouldn't worry about that too much. At current 'breeding' rates, by 230, the UK will be predominately Muslim and the country will be living under Sharia Law :angry:

Just because Muhammed has been the most popular name for new born boys in Glasgow for three years running doesn't mean that......oh wait...ehm.

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That fans against criminality got a bear off with a charge the other day I think I read.

They've also helped Motherwell and Hamilton fans

But I agree we are miles behind. If anyone is ever up plead not guilty. You're never getting convicted

Not true. Seen a Raith Rovers fan get done under the Football Act for sectarian abuse at Ibrox. He went right through trial and got found guilty.

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That fans against criminality got a bear off with a charge the other day I think I read.

They've also helped Motherwell and Hamilton fans

But I agree we are miles behind. If anyone is ever up plead not guilty. You're never getting convicted


Never plead guilty to this joke law. I have yet to hear anyone get found guilty after a trial with this charge.

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Not true. Seen a Raith Rovers fan get done under the Football Act for sectarian abuse at Ibrox. He went right through trial and got found guilty.

Did they have video evedince?

I read a stag saying something like 85% who pled not guilty got off with it. Think that's the fans against criminality clients though

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Defo true in my case, as I would fit into their category of lifetime bigot. Why? Well because firstly because I am a member of a Loyalist institution. I sing songs that they say are no longer relevant both on match days, in my home and at parades.

I am vocal in my protesting of .......the satanic doctrine of Rome, the cover up of priestly child rapists, sectarian schools that I am forced to fund, the influencing of government policy by the satanic church, being criminilised for being a football supporter and more.

Now if being a member of an institution that celebrates freedom of worship, being an individual who protests against non biblical doctrine, wants children protected from child rapists and the perp's brought to justice, an end to sectarian schooling and not wishing to be criminilsed and labelled for just supporting a football team, them I am unashamedly that full time bigot.

Then tell me what has happened to our democratic rights, freedom af speech and civil liberty. It has been flushed away down the toilet to appease the bigoted minority, aided and abetted by our very own appeasers and handwringers.

Utterly spot on!!

Nail, head. Couldn't have said it any better.

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