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RST Write to Senior SNP figures over IRA pub visit


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22 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

Perpetuating politics in football - the Issue has nothing to do with Rangers or their fans collectively - if individuals are disgusted by this then write as an individual and gripe away but don't try to turn the RST into something it's not - a political pressure group 

Oh aye football and politics are in no way connected in the West of Scotland..... 

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1 minute ago, Bluepeter9 said:

Not to the extend that a supporters organisation should be moaning about which pub a meeting was held at!

It's not just any pub, it's a pub that is targeted towards a football side. Which just happens to be a side of the old firm. 

and it just so happens that that pub shares views with the SNP (namely getting rid of the union). and also promotes these views that for all intents and purposes could be viewed as treason. 

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2 hours ago, Bluepeter9 said:

So now the RST is speaking politically with a PUL bias on 'our' behalf! Oh fucking dear! As I said anyone trying to politicalise football should just fuck of - there is no place for religion or politics in football! 

You try telling that to that slanderous bitch who's just been reinstated at the herald, how long till the likes of her are recruited into the snp?

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Clubs all over Europe and beyond have fans groups who's politics and support of their club are connected,none more so than in the east end of Glasgow, football clubs and politics/religion go hand in hand all over the world (easy enough to search,for those who disagree).

So we'll done RST, Im sure the majority of our fans are with you on this.

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5 minutes ago, Willis said:

Its a disgrace that pubs like these are allowed to exist, do you think theres Taliban themed pubs in America where they put on a disco every September 11th?

No - but there are probably a few where the 'white' crowd hang (!!) out and discuss wall building while dancing to 'God Bless America' :pipe:

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How any Rangers, Unionist, Protestant minded person can back these clowns is honestly beyond me. The stark reality is people are actually buying into the drivel they produce. Glad the 'dignified silence' mantra is slowly moving away from those within our culture. The greatest power we have is the vote. It showed in the referendum. If those people bothered to vote in the general election last year they would have never managed as many seats as they did. Although the media scrutiny is paying off their MPs are involved in scandals on a weekly basis now. 

People need to get out and vote in May again. Prove to these fuckers that they don't actually speak for Scotland.

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5 minutes ago, RFCRobertson said:

It's not just any pub, it's a pub that is targeted towards a football side. Which just happens to be a side of the old firm. 

and it just so happens that that pub shares views with the SNP (namely getting rid of the union). and also promotes these views that for all intents and purposes could be viewed as treason. 

Oh dear as a SNP voting - Proud Scot - who also spend over 6 years in the Army - I am not sure their behaviour is 'treason' but even if it was - what the fuck has that got to do with the RST? 

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1 hour ago, coopsleftboot said:

I know where you're coming from, but BP9 does make a very valid point.  If people have very genuine and justifiable concerns then at least be brave enought to do it in their own name.  Hiding behind the name of a football club, ours in particular, immediately get's the shutters up because of who's doing the complaining.  

Im sure many of the member have personally written also. But this is a Rangers forum thats they the RST letter is being discussed. If an individual wrote an open letter and someone posted it on here BP9 would still be giving it "whats this got to do with Rangers?" and bitching about it.

BP9 I honestly dont know why you come in these threads as you can see from the thread title exactly what its about, everyone knows your opinion on politics being discussed on here. Most disagree with you. I know your not a taig and I know youve been in the Armed Forces, but you leave yourself open to being called a taig when you post the same thing over and over on these threads. Its like your just looking for an argument.

Id say the majority of Rangers fans would see this to be an issue that should be discussed in this setting as it does involve and affect us even if its not directly.

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2 hours ago, Bluepeter9 said:

Well the RST leadership should have turned round and said we are not a political or religious body so a letter is inappropriate - why don't you all go and sign a letter to your local MPs or MSPs and leave us to support the club! 

As a SNP supporter have you written to them and asked why,of all places, they picked a republican slophouse for a photoshoot?


as for the politics and football shouldn't mix, ask your chosen political party why they advertise at football grounds!

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2 minutes ago, STEPPS BOY said:

As a SNP supporter have you written to them and asked why,of all places, they picked a republican slophouse for a photoshoot?


as for the politics and football shouldn't mix, ask your chosen political party why they advertise at football grounds!

No - as I am sure they have held meetings in other strange places - like churches - hotels owned ny freemasons - and tax payer funded educational establishments - but there are some proper REAL issues that I have written to them about but no point discussing those when we can man the pitchforks over where someone held a meeting once!

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4 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

Oh dear as a SNP voting - Proud Scot

So you're saying am not a proud Scot because I didn't vote SNP? I'd never vote nationalist. Nationalism and Patriotism is two different things. 

5 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

who also spend over 6 years in the Army

Completely irrelevant, what does this have to do with anything? You fought for your country well so have multiple people in my family. 

6 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

I am not sure their behaviour is 'treason' but even if it was

So "up the RA" or basicly supporting a group that actively seeks to disband the UK and would happily see the british monarchy dead and/or away isn't treason to you? Let's see here 

From Wikipedia, "Treason is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's sovereign or nation." So a group of extremist terrorists who have bombed the UK before would fit quite firmly into being punishable by treason. Now at this pub the SNP went too, this is supported quite heavily since Celtic men feel the need to say "I'm orish" and quite happily sing "Up the RA" and other things. Hell even at national games involving Scotland and England, "God Save the Queen" is boo'ed, which is extremely disrespectful. Regardless of it's God save the queen or another national anthem, you don't boo it. You remain silent. 

10 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

what the fuck has that got to do with the RST?

Got everything to do with RST, a football group who aims to see the best for not just Rangers but also other clubs too. Hence why they complained about the facial reconfiguration software, now the Offensive behavior at football and threatening communications act 2012 was introduced by the SNP, so it's clear the SNP are trying to stamp out sectarianism. So why would they go to a bar that not only is aimed at Celtic supporters but also promote this poor behavior.

Not only this, but Yousaf has been photographed with a Celtic supporter who is notorious on twitter for writing things that would break this rules. So it shows a heavy bias towards Celtic and Celtic fans by the SNP. If they had evened it out by going to a Rangers bar then am sure it'd been better. But the fact that as it stands it's only been a Celtic supporters club it just shows that they are hypocritical and in ways showing bias towards Celtic. and if they show bias towards Celtic then that sure as hell means we are going to get the shit end of the stick. Which is why RST has stepped in before that happens.   

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4 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

Oh dear as a SNP voting - Proud Scot - who also spend over 6 years in the Army - I am not sure their behaviour is 'treason' but even if it was - what the fuck has that got to do with the RST? 

The problem is that the SNP government have introduced legislation that it claims is aimed at tackling sectarianism on both sides.

Organising an event in an establishment that promotes sectarianism from one side is tantamount to saying that what they're doing is OK, it's the other side we're really after.

This applies to any divisive issue. You can't claim to be neutral while organising events aligning yourself with one side.

This is directly relevant to Rangers and us, the supporters, because while they claim to be condemning both sides, Rangers and Septic fans, they are clearly aligning themselves with the Septic fans.

But, of course, your small-minded SNP voting mentality won't let you come to that conclusion yourself and more worryingly will prevent you from accepting it when it is pointed out by others. Get a grip.

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11 minutes ago, Willis said:

Im sure many of the member have personally written also. But this is a Rangers forum thats they the RST letter is being discussed. If an individual wrote an open letter and someone posted it on here BP9 would still be giving it "whats this got to do with Rangers?" and bitching about it.

BP9 I honestly dont know why you come in these threads as you can see from the thread title exactly what its about, everyone knows your opinion on politics being discussed on here. Most disagree with you. I know your not a taig and I know youve been in the Armed Forces, but you leave yourself open to being called a taig when you post the same thing over and over on these threads. Its like your just looking for an argument.

Id say the majority of Rangers fans would see this to be an issue that should be discussed in this setting as it does involve and affect us even if its not directly.

So what your saying is IF I have a minority view point I should not participate in the debates because it seems more people disagree with me than agree? 

Should I back of posting just in case someone dislikes it? - oh its ok they know my pov! - Perhaps anyone that disagrees should not post - then all the 'pitchforks at the ready' loyal can be free to discuss their nit picking 'everyone is against' us pov! 

Do you REALLY believe that the RST should be wasting its time with that sort of politicised letter? Is that where you think the RST time should be devoted to writing letters and dscussing where someone had a meeting once? Is THAT what we need to 'better' our club? 



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3 minutes ago, RFCRobertson said:

So you're saying am not a proud Scot because I didn't vote SNP? I'd never vote nationalist. Nationalism and Patriotism is two different things. 

Completely irrelevant, what does this have to do with anything? You fought for your country well so have multiple people in my family. 

So "up the RA" or basicly supporting a group that actively seeks to disband the UK and would happily see the british monarchy dead and/or away isn't treason to you? Let's see here 

From Wikipedia, "Treason is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's sovereign or nation." So a group of extremist terrorists who have bombed the UK before would fit quite firmly into being punishable by treason. Now at this pub the SNP went too, this is supported quite heavily since Celtic men feel the need to say "I'm orish" and quite happily sing "Up the RA" and other things. Hell even at national games involving Scotland and England, "God Save the Queen" is boo'ed, which is extremely disrespectful. Regardless of it's God save the queen or another national anthem, you don't boo it. You remain silent. 

Got everything to do with RST, a football group who aims to see the best for not just Rangers but also other clubs too. Hence why they complained about the facial reconfiguration software, now the Offensive behavior at football and threatening communications act 2012 was introduced by the SNP, so it's clear the SNP are trying to stamp out sectarianism. So why would they go to a bar that not only is aimed at Celtic supporters but also promote this poor behavior.

Not only this, but Yousaf has been photographed with a Celtic supporter who is notorious on twitter for writing things that would break this rules. So it shows a heavy bias towards Celtic and Celtic fans by the SNP. If they had evened it out by going to a Rangers bar then am sure it'd been better. But the fact that as it stands it's only been a Celtic supporters club it just shows that they are hypocritical and in ways showing bias towards Celtic. and if they show bias towards Celtic then that sure as hell means we are going to get the shit end of the stick. Which is why RST has stepped in before that happens.   

:lol::lol: so fucking laughable - 'Man the PITCHFORKS!!!!!!!'

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3 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

:lol::lol: so fucking laughable - 'Man the PITCHFORKS!!!!!!!'

So that's it?

You're completely disregarding everything I just wrote, and rather than engage in a argument that calls into question the integrity of your preferred political party, you simply laugh it off and make a off hand comment? 


Either way, take it I won it since you're bitching out. 

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23 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

No - as I am sure they have held meetings in other strange places - like churches - hotels owned ny freemasons - and tax payer funded educational establishments - but there are some proper REAL issues that I have written to them about but no point discussing those when we can man the pitchforks over where someone held a meeting once!

So your justification that they held this shoot in a pub that clinks the tins for repulicans is that they may or may not have held a meeting in a place of worship, a hotel belonging to a mason or a school :lol:


you're beyond parody..

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19 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

So what your saying is IF I have a minority view point I should not participate in the debates because it seems more people disagree with me than agree? 

Should I back of posting just in case someone dislikes it? - oh its ok they know my pov! - Perhaps anyone that disagrees should not post - then all the 'pitchforks at the ready' loyal can be free to discuss their nit picking 'everyone is against' us pov! 

Do you REALLY believe that the RST should be wasting its time with that sort of politicised letter? Is that where you think the RST time should be devoted to writing letters and dscussing where someone had a meeting once? Is THAT what we need to 'better' our club? 



He's not saying you shouldn't participate in the debate - he's saying your leaving yourself open to ridicule given the position of most of the members on this forum.  Would you go out your way to go on any other forum just to disagree with the majority on it?  Maybe you should try an SNP or nationalists forum instead of crywanking on here constantly.

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24 minutes ago, WishartsAshes said:

The problem is that the SNP government have introduced legislation that it claims is aimed at tackling sectarianism on both sides.

Organising an event in an establishment that promotes sectarianism from one side is tantamount to saying that what they're doing is OK, it's the other side we're really after.

This applies to any divisive issue. You can't claim to be neutral while organising events aligning yourself with one side.

This is directly relevant to Rangers and us, the supporters, because while they claim to be condemning both sides, Rangers and Septic fans, they are clearly aligning themselves with the Septic fans.

But, of course, your small-minded SNP voting mentality won't let you come to that conclusion yourself and more worryingly will prevent you from accepting it when it is pointed out by others. Get a grip.

I am 100% sure John Mason said the OBAF act was to protect the Irish.

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24 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

So what your saying is IF I have a minority view point I should not participate in the debates because it seems more people disagree with me than agree? 

Should I back of posting just in case someone dislikes it? - oh its ok they know my pov! - Perhaps anyone that disagrees should not post - then all the 'pitchforks at the ready' loyal can be free to discuss their nit picking 'everyone is against' us pov! 

Do you REALLY believe that the RST should be wasting its time with that sort of politicised letter? Is that where you think the RST time should be devoted to writing letters and dscussing where someone had a meeting once? Is THAT what we need to 'better' our club? 



You are the one trying to dictate what should or shouldnt be discussed

I think our fanbase needs to be defended, ive criticised the RST for not being vigilant towards the media etc so im glad theyre  doing it now.

It doesn't harm us in any way from what  can see

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7 minutes ago, STEPPS BOY said:

So your justification that they held this shoot in a pub that clinks the tins for repulicans is that they may or may not have held a meeting in a place of worship, a hotel belonging to a mason or a school :lol:


you're beyond parody..

Yes - we should man the pitchforks if anyone meets in a place that worships a fairy in the sky - who belongs to a secret society or a publicly funded building - IF we are going to let the RST moan about meeting in a pub!

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