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1 hour ago, jintybear said:

I'm going to be honest BP9. I don't agree with your political views (and never will) but I like your posts a lot better when you are not being a smart Alec and actually give your opinion


1 hour ago, Courtyard Bear said:

Go back to the trolling you, this sensible talk won't do. 

I always give my opinion - it's always sensible - you chaps just need to embrace it! :pipe: 

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1 hour ago, Bluepeter9 said:

It's a view point - that does not mean it will become a reality! I think it's a fairly valid debate tho'!

One does not have to agree with every policy or every utterance of any leader of a political party that we choose to vote for to support them. That's just allowing other people to dictate what you think - mind you there are folks like that! 

Yes it's a view point and it's held by senior SNP party members, the same viewpoint that some Tories held about getting out of Europe, we now have a referendum, we all know that the tail can wag the dog.

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4 hours ago, Bluepeter9 said:

Then again I might like it. My wife and all her family are good PUL people.

For myself apart from the religious part - (I think all religions are daft!) I am not against loyalists BUT I do choose (as is my right) to take the view that Scotland would be better of Governing ourselves. However I have nought against the Queen and even if we had got a YES vote she would have remained Queen! 

And (IMHO) NONE of the above has any bearing on supporting for Rangers.

 "However I have nought against the Queen and even if we had got a YES vote she would have remained Queen! " Anyone who believes an independent Scotland run by the SNP would have retained her majesty as head of state is deluded. Or just plain bonkers. That drivel was simply a ploy to get a few loyalists and gers fans onside. Thankfully it failed.

"A SNP spokesman said: “Brendan O’Hara interviewed Mo Johnston for a documentary a number of years after that comment was made. The two get on well, and Mo Johnston subsequently gifted Mr O’Hara the last shirt he wore in his playing career.

“Mr O’Hara acknowledges that in the past he used a derogatory term commonly used about Rangers supporters. It is not a term he would use any longer as thankfully football culture in Scotland has moved on from those days. He would apologise for any offence it caused.” 

Carpet...brush....under.....fuck your SNP.

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6 hours ago, sassaaaa said:

Dunno how everybody gets bothered about another referendum , the SNP have peaked and folk can now see through them. If there was another one next week they would lose that even heavier.

Don't think it's the referendum per se, it's the 'once in a lifetime' lie that seems to irk a lot of folks.  A lie right up there with Clintons "I never had sex with that woman" and the RF "we won't merge with the RST".  The latter lie was just to maintain the Rangers content to the thread :lol:

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2 hours ago, Bristoe1872 said:

 "However I have nought against the Queen and even if we had got a YES vote she would have remained Queen! " Anyone who believes an independent Scotland run by the SNP would have retained her majesty as head of state is deluded. Or just plain bonkers. That drivel was simply a ploy to get a few loyalists and gers fans onside. Thankfully it failed.

"A SNP spokesman said: “Brendan O’Hara interviewed Mo Johnston for a documentary a number of years after that comment was made. The two get on well, and Mo Johnston subsequently gifted Mr O’Hara the last shirt he wore in his playing career.

“Mr O’Hara acknowledges that in the past he used a derogatory term commonly used about Rangers supporters. It is not a term he would use any longer as thankfully football culture in Scotland has moved on from those days. He would apologise for any offence it caused.” 

Carpet...brush....under.....fuck your SNP.

Err Mo played for the 'Queens 11' did he not? And was his last club not Kansas City ! :lol: 

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3 hours ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

Yes it's a view point and it's held by senior SNP party members, the same viewpoint that some Tories held about getting out of Europe, we now have a referendum, we all know that the tail can wag the dog.

Yep amazing people of the same 'ilk' having different views on different subjects! I'm shocked! 

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46 minutes ago, siddiqi_drinker said:

Don't think it's the referendum per se, it's the 'once in a lifetime' lie that seems to irk a lot of folks.  A lie right up there with Clintons "I never had sex with that woman" and the RF "we won't merge with the RST".  The latter lie was just to maintain the Rangers content to the thread :lol:

Err I thought the phrase was once in a generation ( which some take to be a 10 year period) but hey ho!


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3 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

Err I thought the phrase was once in a generation ( which some take to be a 10 year period) but hey ho!


He added: "If you remember that previous constitutional referendum in Scotland - there was one in 1979 and then the next one was 1997. That's what I mean by a political generation. "In my opinion, and it is just my opinion, this is a once in a generation opportunity for Scotland."

Asked if he could pledge not to bring back another referendum if the Yes campaign does not win on Thursday, he said: "That's my view. My view is this is a once in a generation, perhaps even a once in a lifetime, opportunity for Scotland."

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11 hours ago, Courtyard Bear said:

A few on here need to read that. 


Especially BP9. 

This book opens up much in the hidden, GREAT people and works of the loyalist organisations, particularly of The Orange Order.

She was taken right throught the whole background, warts and all. She met some remarkable men, men like Sir Knight and Brother Jackie Hewitt M.B.E., Sir Knight and Brother Martin Smyth O.B.E., Brother George Chiddick, Rev. Sir Knight and Brother Alistair Smyth D.G.M. too many to name is here. Closer to home men like Sir Knight and Brother Ian Wilson.

Great book and a great read, you can get it on eBay as pre read, so cheap.


I'm not Ruth Dudley Edwards trying to sell my book. LOL


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2 hours ago, siddiqi_drinker said:

He added: "If you remember that previous constitutional referendum in Scotland - there was one in 1979 and then the next one was 1997. That's what I mean by a political generation. "In my opinion, and it is just my opinion, this is a once in a generation opportunity for Scotland."

Asked if he could pledge not to bring back another referendum if the Yes campaign does not win on Thursday, he said: "That's my view. My view is this is a once in a generation, perhaps even a once in a lifetime, opportunity for Scotland."

Both right then! :7326:

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It's not extreme views that incur wrath of others, my critics just can't stand that I can respect a different tribe: Ruth Dudley Edwards

There will always be those who prefer us to live confined to cultural ghettoes

A new friend whom I met for dinner last week reported that in the west of Ireland, where he goes often, he had asked an old friend if he'd read my latest book, The Seven: the lives and legacies of the founding fathers of the Irish republic.

Having never had a cross word with this person, he was disconcerted to see him, as he put it, "go nuts and red-faced, denounce me for all kinds of revisionist wickednesses" and indicate that he'd rather be dead than read anything I wrote.

I laughed, and told him that only a few hours earlier, a Dublin friend who had rung me to discuss cultish behaviour had told me of an almost identical encounter he had just had with someone he had hitherto thought sane.

I get a lot of abusive messages, mostly on social media, and almost all from Irish and Scottish republicans and anti-semites (categories that often overlap).

Since I am an enthusiast for free speech, I don't block or otherwise try to silence my critics.

Indeed, because I quite enjoy some of their ravings, I often retweet insults.

One recently claimed that I was a supporter of the armed paedophile wing of the Orange Order.

There was a bumper crop recently because of my column last week discussing a sinister attempt to demonise Rangers supporters by dehumanising them.

As I explained, I have no interest whatsoever in football, but I dislike injustice and lies, and it seemed to me that Rangers were suffering from both.

Like the Orange Order, they have far more good than bad apples, but they are culturally poor at public relations, and their opponents seem well organised and as vicious as they are self-righteous and unscrupulous.

Various outraged people denounced me as a bigot-lover, not least because I had quoted an article from the Vanguard Bears blogsite for Rangers supporters, which was, they told me, full of hatred and bigotry.

So I had a look at the site again, and declare myself baffled.

The motto at the top is a quote from Mark Warburton (below), the club's manager: "We have to maintain the highest levels of discipline and standards of behaviour.

"If we don't, we will be weak as a group".

I have tried to see what's objectionable about that and admit failure.

The articles I've read there are reasonable and intelligently written.

I read the terms and rules for the VB forum, which said that users of the bulletin board had to agree they would not post "any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law".

If I applied such standards to the apoplectic cybernats and Shinnerbots to whom I allow free expression on my Facebook or Twitter pages, there would be a drastic reduction in communications from those who don't like my opinions.

They hate unionists with such a passion that it drives them mad when people like me, from an Irish Roman Catholic nationalist background, get to know, like and admire people from the "other tribe".

Over recent years, Scottish nationalists have been emulating Irish republicans in their addiction to groupthink, an affliction I believe is responsible for many of the ills of the world. That is why I'm proud to be called a revisionist, for that is a person who changes her opinion in the light of new evidence.

And it's why I have a soft spot for Presbyterians and Jews, who never stop arguing with each other.

Some years ago, when Ian Paisley had to step down from his role as First Minister, I wrote an article about what I considered to be his malign influence on Northern Ireland.

I had phone calls and emails from Ulster Presbyterians who were delighted that in the middle of all the guff about his so-called conversion to peace-making, someone was recalling uncomfortable truths.

I love the company of Jews, not least because they're trained in exegesis, the critical examination of even sacred texts, something that would benefit followers of Roman Catholicism, Islam, many other religions, and groupthinkers everywhere who want us all to live in intellectual and cultural ghettoes.



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I shall be purchasing this fair minded Ladies book. How refreshing to read someone balanced and able to tell the Truth..

She should publish the rantings that she receives from the hate mhob republicans and scot nats, And include their real names and what positions they hold....

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On Tuesday, June 07, 2016 at 11:19 AM, RFC Eagle said:

'Political' : done or acting in the interestsof status or power within an organisation rather than as a matter of principle.

Now tell me football isn't political. You again attribute your definition to my post. 

Thought you deserved a like for that post and it makes your 'like' count look so much better! 

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