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Hibee Scum (Ricksen)


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18 minutes ago, OhW said:

So you think Ricksen deserves to have Motor Neurone Disease?

So you think that having a disease is the same thing as some accident or misfortune befalling someone? MND is not the result of someones behaviour. Karma tends to involve someone reaping the consequences of their general demeanour. 

You seem unable to appreciate the difference. You're not related to Glenn Hoddle are you?

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28 minutes ago, Courtyard Bear said:

I firmly believe in Karma, if you go about your daily life acting like a cunt and disrespecting people it will come back to bite you on the arse eventually. 

Point in case this guy fucked me over on a business deal. Told him at the time to watch his back, he laughed and said if I laid one finger on him I would in jail before he could hit the floor. 4 months later he falls of a roof and shatters his pelvis sent him a nice get well soon card full laughing faces. 

Did you actually draw the laughing faces yourself?

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2 minutes ago, OhW said:

I read your post. You said you firmly believe in karma and "if you go about your daily life acting like a cunt and disrespecting people it will come back to bite you on the arse eventually".

My point is that karma is bullshit, not that you think Ricksen deserves his disease.


Thats not what you said and fine well you know it. 

You took my point that the wee junkie cunt will get his eventually and twisted it into a horrible accusation. 

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7 minutes ago, East Enclosure Row N said:

Can you read? My point - is that poor taste attempts at humour are not a criminal offence. That prick Frankie Boyle would be doing 30 years if they were.

I'd love it if he were jailed. Bully who picks on people he knows are his intellectual inferior. Cunt of the highest order. 

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karma is only half of the coin. Dharma is the other. So what’s the difference between these two all-important facets of eastern philosophy?

Karma: Refers to the actions that one does in relation to one’s dharma, and the ‘debt’ one incurs in the midst of life that must be repaid.

Dharma: Refers to one’s duty in this life. Your dharma varies according to your class, your family, and the time of your life.

I don't think some people know what Karma is and think it is punishment for not being nice.

PS Karma does not exist

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1 minute ago, OhW said:

That's exactly what you said. I know you don't think Ricksen deserves MND, but you can't say you "firmly believe in Karma" and then only apply it to situations that suit you. 

Karma in this case is that at some point in the next few years when this no mark troll goes for a decent job - assuming he can stop tweeting long enough someone googles his name and finds out what a total bellend he is. 

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3 minutes ago, OhW said:

Saying you believe in karma makes you look like a fud. Obviously using Ricksen as the example means people will get emotional and look past what I was actually saying.

So you couldn't just have simply said "karma doesn't exist"?

Instead you tried to make CB look like a dick and only managed to make yourself look like one. 

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5 minutes ago, OhW said:

That's exactly what you said. I know you don't think Ricksen deserves MND, but you can't say you "firmly believe in Karma" and then only apply it to situations that suit you. 

This is getting beyond a joke. 

If you don't believe in Karma then fair enough. Ive saw enough cunts in my life get what's coming to them to believe differently. 

The thing is I wouldn't put Ricksen on that list of cunts, the same way I wouldn't have put my Mother in Law dying of Alzheimer's in her 60's as a cunt that Karma caught up to eventually. They would be good people that have had a shit hand dealt to them. 

The fact you think Karma means that anyone who gets a raw deal in life has been a cunt, well it just baffles me. 

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6 minutes ago, OhW said:

But that's what karma is isn't it? You can't say you only believe it when it suits you. For the last time, I do not believe in karma and I do not think you believe Ricksen deserves his disease.

For the love of God, why do I attract them. 

Ive come to the conclusion that you have no fucking idea what Karma actually is and what it means. 


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9 minutes ago, OhW said:

Unfortunately though a lot of the time that's not true. Loads of evil people live their whole life without ever getting their comeuppance and bad things happen to good people all the time. I prefer to live in the real world rather than believing there is some spiritual force of justice.

You think that bad people never get their comeuppance?

I was a shit, in my youth, I can't now walk a step without pain. I hardly ever get out, but maybe this is my bad karma? I don't know, shit happens, good and bad, some people call it Karma. Maybe it's just luck? Right place, right time, or wrong place, wrong time?

Whatever it is, please, give it a rest!??

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4 minutes ago, OhW said:

The spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect).

That sounds like there are 'rules' to Karma. :happy:

That is, however, only the very broadest definition of Karma, there are many, more subtle, interpretations and its the basis of a number of related phrases to describe the same 'cosmic balancing'.

I'm sure CB was indulging in the Schadenfreude that we will all feel when the reptile in question gets his, inevitable, comeuppance. 


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1 hour ago, Courtyard Bear said:

Why would you feel the need to post that. 

Hopefully to make some reflect on their actions.

The outrage they feel over this prick having a go at Ricksen may make them think twice over having a go at that poor kid.

I dont think for a second that anyone on here has any malice to the boy, but he shouldnt be used for a cheap joke either.

What Ricksen is going through is probably my idea of hell. He is twice as strong as I could ever hope to be. I would never wish this awful disease on anyone, not even the prick who thinks that it is a laughing matter.

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Just now, mitre_mouldmaster said:

Hopefully to make some reflect on their actions.

The outrage they feel over this prick having a go at Ricksen may make them think twice over having a go at that poor kid.

I dont think for a second that anyone on here has any malice to the boy, but he shouldnt be used for a cheap joke either.

What Ricksen is going through is probably my idea of hell. He is twice as strong as I could ever hope to be. I would never wish this awful disease on anyone, not even the prick who thinks that it is a laughing matter.

Then start a thread about that and get tore in. 

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5 minutes ago, RFC Eagle said:

That sounds like there are 'rules' to Karma. :happy:

That is, however, only the very broadest definition of Karma, there are many, more subtle, interpretations and its the basis of a number of related phrases to describe the same 'cosmic balancing'.

I'm sure CB was indulging in the Schadenfreude that we will all feel when the reptile in question gets his, inevitable, comeuppance. 


?? agreed. 

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4 minutes ago, OhW said:

Those are the rules according to those who believe it, he asked if I knew what karma was. I still don't believe in it.

Due to your behaviour in this thread I've passed your IP address and particulars over to our forum heavy who is quite handy with a bat, once your hands have healed can you post and let us know if you think that's karma or not.


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57 minutes ago, OhW said:

Saying you believe in karma makes you look like a fud. Obviously using Ricksen as the example means people will get emotional and look past what I was actually saying.

Just because you don't believe in something, doesn't mean the other person is a fud for believing in it, each to their own ,That's taig behavior 

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