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Regime change needed

eejay the dj

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4 minutes ago, BigBearButt said:

To be fair we didnt exactly have a long queue of people waiting in the wings through administration which was the time to buy us.

So that's it then eh . We are stuck with lying fuckpig  King ??

There is always someone waiting on the wings when pressure is applied and the cancerous fucking bastards are smoked out .

It happens at most clubs and we are a massive football Institution

I still believe that

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I never understand this.

Who the fuck else is there? Nobody credible wanted us when we were available for relative pennies.

There is no one else. This is it. Certainly not people who will just pull money out of their arse to spunk on players.

I'd love a board who were loaded and really wanted to over throw the filth but the fact is there isn't anyone else out there. King himself said he'd happily step aside if there was ffs!

An £8m budget is enough to finish second at least. Is enough to beat Hamilton at home. Is enough to beat Motherwell in a semi final.

The boards failing is picking a disastrous manager but there isn't another party out there wanting to take our team and club forward. There just isn't.

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6 minutes ago, eejay the dj said:

So that's it then eh . We are stuck with lying fuckpig  King ??

There is always someone waiting on the wings when pressure is applied and the cancerous fucking bastards are smoked out .

It happens at most clubs and we are a massive football Institution

I still believe that

So you want another bunch of sneaky bastards in charge that are waiting in the wings pick up the scraps of what is our club?

How is that any better? Someone waiting in the wings to get us cheap and do what?

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For the 'paid hands and errand boys', Craig Houston and Chris Graham et al', take a bow guys - you must be so proud of what you achieved in your vainglorious crusade.

Funnily enough, they've been very quiet regarding the current clusterfuck on and off the pitch - can you imagine the outcry had we been performing like this under previous boards; campaigns about spivs oot, pish-stained bedsheets and vans with the boards faces plastered on them...but not a peep. Funny that eh :sarcasm:

Fucking self-serving egotistical wankers. Cunts should be chased along with King and Co.

By your deeds.... 

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4 minutes ago, eejay the dj said:

So that's it then eh . We are stuck with lying fuckpig  King ??

There is always someone waiting on the wings when pressure is applied and the cancerous fucking bastards are smoked out .

It happens at most clubs and we are a massive football Institution

I still believe that

Don't really get this thread surely the problem is that we don't have a manager to steady the ship and get us moving forward.

I believe McInnes was the man before and after Pedro but as there is no movement I take it the board don't want him.

In any case three weeks is way too long given our current situation....we need someone in to say I'm the boss and this is what I want u to do to do. Instead we've got a youth coach who although trying his best has zero presence or credibility. Forget whining about nonsense .....the issue is we haven't got a manager of substance.

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41 minutes ago, eejay the dj said:

Until these cunts and King are out of our club 

Days like today are going to happen over and over 

We have losers right though out out our club with a losers mentality 

It is a fucking scandal that another proud record gets busted today 

Cunts who saved the club!! I bet you were one of those lunatics who wanted Mike Ashley to stay?

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There's no doubt in my mind that regime change is needed.    The chairman and the other directors have run their course and run out of meaningful investment money other than providing enough by way of soft loans to keep the club solvent and waiting for their cherished resolution to be passed at the AGM so they can convert loans to equity.     They are bereft of the quality of leadership needed to transform the football side of the club, preferring to leave that to blameable lackeys they can fire at will when things get rocky.......an all too frequent happening under their watch.    

The problem is no alternatives have come forward.  Nobody in the wings looking to take ownership of the Club.  And no indication of willingness from King and the others to sell their stakes to test the market to see if others might surface who have more money or willingness to find more investment.

Nope.  It seems we are stuck with them.   If anyone sees how regime change can be made to happen that replaces King etc with better, more competent, wealthier investors then do please share.   

One thing though, the period of willingness by many to accept the King regime because it replaced a worse regime is, imo, running to a close as failure after failure happens on the pitch and with managers being sacked at a hitherto unheard of frequency.  

The vitally important thing for the Club now is to assemble a team that wins the 55th title very quickly and which also gains cup winning success and some progress in Europe........in other words football success and truly returning to the top.   Seems to me the current board gets this but is utterly unable to lead the Club to on the fast route (or even any decent route) to make that happen.   Therefore they can only oversee the Club in treading water or just as likely going backwards.    At some point they'd have to start looking for others to replace them as they'd realise they are done because of the criticism they'd be facing week in and week out not only from the Support but from the media.  

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10 minutes ago, bil 65 said:

Don't really get this thread surely the problem is that we don't have a manager to steady the ship and get us moving forward.

I believe McInnes was the man before and after Pedro but as there is no movement I take it the board don't want him.

In any case three weeks is way too long given our current situation....we need someone in to say I'm the boss and this is what I want u to do to do. Instead we've got a youth coach who although trying his best has zero presence or credibility. Forget whining about nonsense .....the issue is we haven't got a manager of substance.

Of course you don't get it

There are plenty of Kingalings on here tonight defending him and his idiots

I'm not expecting that to change .

Under DM in his latter shameful  years , Our support was  apathetic to change . It's groundhog day all over .

We just fall in line and accept these things

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well theres a lot on here that wanted that clown king murray and the rest and as for that fucking lot sos they bastards bullied Rangers supporters to get there men in and were now were we are third manager in the offing the last to were clowns and if u beleve  the  pish they want  another clown wan thats never even been close to betting the tarriers we are reaping  what weve sawin that board needs run oot oor club asap and as for the chairman the man with no fucking money to his mate murray who has even less they got to ware they are with bulling other supporters now its there turn to be put under the same carmas a fucking bitch MR CHAIRMAN 

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23 minutes ago, GaryMc said:

I never understand this.

Who the fuck else is there? Nobody credible wanted us when we were available for relative pennies.

There is no one else. This is it. Certainly not people who will just pull money out of their arse to spunk on players.

I'd love a board who were loaded and really wanted to over throw the filth but the fact is there isn't anyone else out there. King himself said he'd happily step aside if there was ffs!

An £8m budget is enough to finish second at least. Is enough to beat Hamilton at home. Is enough to beat Motherwell in a semi final.

The boards failing is picking a disastrous manager but there isn't another party out there wanting to take our team and club forward. There just isn't.

Ashley offered to buy a controling interest in us of 30%, the aftermath is a catalogue of broken promises and amateurism at all levels.

You reap what you sow.

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23 minutes ago, bilkobear said:

Yeah, having proper Rangers men who are ploughing their own money into the club is a fckn disgrace.

Bring back the Spivs.. eh?

Are they meant to just live off the not being the spivs idea forever? 

They've been in long enough to be accountable for their decisions and competency 

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