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Sectarianism at Rangers or celtic affects us all and beating it requires equal approach - James Black

The Dude

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16 hours ago, The Dude said:

Anyone seen @Laudrupsleftfoot ? He was desperate to know what I thought about all this the other day?

I understand you won't be allowed in an article for the record to slate the record for their two headlines covering both incidents, which is what I quoted in the first place.

Should have been something in there about Clarke's hypocrisy, but other than that it was decent.

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Nacho Novo  in Rangers News ..extract...

'Novo didn’t mince his words with his thoughts on the governing body in Scottish football, holding strong opinions about what goes on at the SFA. Whilst Novo has been ‘very impressed’ with the way Gerrard and his men have played this season, he has been less pleased with how the SFA have been operating this term.

Novo believes there is bias towards celtic in the SFA and in the media.

“For me personally, there is mafia in the SFA, in terms of they are ran by celtic.

The newspapers are exactly the same and that’s obvious. You can see it from a mile away,” Novo told Rangers News.

That’s how I see it. Look at Alan McGregor’s tackle on Lewis Ferguson.


Now if you look at Scott Brown’s challenge on Daniel Candeias, that’s worse. It’s a straight red, yet Brown doesn’t even get a booking. If he was took to a panel they would still say no.

“It’s just these stupid things. If it’s one rule for one team, then that should be the rule for others as well. You can’t keep celtic directors or Rangers directors on the SFA panel. If people aren’t going to stop them, we aren’t going to go forward, we’ll be going backwards. It will affect the young players.”


ON sectarianism issues..

Whilst there are several issues within this topic, the Spaniard believes the mainstream media perhaps give the subject too much exposure. Novo believes the media have to be careful in the way they report the topic.

“I think people have to stop putting morbid stuff out in the press, because that is very confrontational, that’s what I think. They contribute to it, 100%.


 PS .Check the Daily Rebel today which is punting it big time

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Dunno whether you had a say in the headline the record used mate, but the minute they say your a Rangers blogger your opinion will be washed away as bias no matter how neutral your blog is

Ive read it and i know its neutral, but others will see you aa the records Rangers blogger and immediately dismiss the article no matter what

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It will only ever be look at as whataboutery.. all you have to do is look at the talk sport headlines one Thursday and Friday.. there’s uproar, all big bad Rangers and it’s fans. Yet anything they do wrong is swept under that big carpet,  it’s blatant propaganda- it can’t be classed as anything else. It’s definetly not impartial reporting as Monday’s headlines would’ve been the same as fridays just swap 1 team for the other.   Any negative headline that can be twisted to involve Rangers is published, a guy could steal a motor or rob a pensioner and the headlines would be so and so a Rangers fan when in fact football has nothing whatsoever to do with the offence. Then we look to the football fans arrested on racism charges against Morelos up in Aberdeen.  Well it definitely wasn’t a Rangers fan abusing the clubs top goal scorer was it?  So it was obviously an Aberdeen fan yet we see no mention.  A celtic fan gets arrested at football and it’s a supporter in green and white scarf- never mentions the club.

ofcourse the head in sand loyal will just accept it and accuse others of being paranoid.

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