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Why we must back the Dublin Loyal.


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Taken from Follow Follow, it just goes to show what we all know about khenny Scott and Murray.

And i take it the RST are still waiting for a member on the board that the mint promised a while ago ?


Heavy Heart On The Dubs

By Paisleyprod Tuesday, 29th April 2008

Why we must back the Dublin Loyal.

I write this with a heavy heart. I thought the club had gone as low as it could have but it appears that I was wrong. MacIntyre left and I along with many others thought that things may get a bit better. We were incorrect. Fair play to the Gub and others who warned us that Kenny Scott would be no better than MacIntyre, you were right. I must also apologise for writing bits about Scott in a more favourable light than his predecessor in some articles I've done as at first he did make some decent noises but his cover is now well and truly blown.

You will probably be familiar with the incident where members of the Dublin Loyal were told that their flag wasn't welcome at Ibrox any longer as "Behind Enemy Lines" contained on the banner may offend. I have since spoken to many Rangers fans, a Motherwell fan, a Sheep and some Tims, none of which found the banner or slogan remotely offensive. It's certainly not bigoted and just how it could offend is beyond most people's comprehension. Well that is apart from Kenny Scott and his buddy from the police force who was match commander at our recent match versus Falkirk. The banner is an obvious light hearted statement about the way the guys feel being a Rangers Supporter in Dublin and you do not need to be a rocket scientist to fathom that out.

Since the incident, Mr Scott has been emailed by several people and has backed the match commander and reiterated he and the club back the decision to have the banner removed and for it not to be brought back. Some of his emails to Rangers fans were abrupt, some bordered on arrogant. He did take time to answer many of them but it did become clear that he was getting irritated by the emails he was receiving.

Questions I'd like answered by Scott and the match commander at the last Old Firm match at Ibrox was why were Republican Banners allowed to be flown in the Celtic end despite many being offensive to most Rangers fans? Also why were Celtic fans allowed to chant what they like and used phrases like "h**" and "Orange Bastard" and "animals", these three could cause offense for sure so why no action? I'd also like to know how very many seats were smashed yet arrests were minimal or non-existent and Celtic fans had also been consuming alcohol out of cans and bottles and smoking where they sat yet all this seemed to go unchallenged too? Was the Celtic end that day given a free ride to do as they pleased? What were the stewards doing as they certainly weren't doing what they were paid for. I witnessed the damage and also found many drinks containers and cigarette stubs in the Broomloan stand the next day when helping with a card display in case you wondered how I knew the state of the place. So is it just Rangers fans that get hassled at Ibrox for trivial and petty matters when others can do as they please? It's a serious question.

So just where has this incident left the club in the eyes of the fans? The most apathetic will shrug their shoulders no doubt as they have helped Murray and co by turning a blind eye to the shocking way our club is being run. Many other fans like myself are appalled by the events of last Saturday and if this goes unchallenged then what next? The banning of Union Flags or Ulster Flags? The cessation of Rule Britannia? The banning of the word Dublin inside the stadium? Sounds far fetched and ridiculous but you never know. Murray seems to want customers to turn up without banners or flags, to visit the club shop, to buy a programme, to buy a pie and drink, to sit for 80 minutes in silence then piss off home but how many of the aforementioned things you could spend money on do Rangers actually see the cash? What those in high places within Rangers seem to forget is that the Rangers support has changed. It's done all that's been asked of it and more. The fans get the odd word of praise now and then but later the club will score another own goal and it's back to square one. The club still refuse to publically defend the fans or itself from scandalous lies from certain journalists who revel in their sick pursuit of our club and that is totally ridiculous. Murray will defend himself quick enough so why not the club or his customers?

If anything positive has come out of this sorry incident it's the togetherness of many fans, supporters clubs, individuals, message board users and the RST who have all rallied round the Dublin Loyal and rightly so. A meeting has been scheduled with the club and will perhaps have been held by the time you read this. It's good to see the Trust will have representatives in attendance and hopefully this matter will be resolved to the satisfaction of the Dublin Loyal RSC. I'm sure life can be tough enough for them living "behind enemy lines" without "the enemy within" giving them extra grief.

No matter the outcome of this, don't be complacent and remember that next time it could be you, your mates or your supporters club being singled out by the club for some unfair treatment and the only way we can do anything about it is by sticking together and offering support and solutions. Sitting back and taking it can't be an option, the fans have taken too much as it is.

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i have loved the club all my life and will never stop loving them, but hate the cowards that now run it, and hope that all fans will help the dublin loyal, and if they dont join the fight, then in my eyes they will just be as bad as the cowards who are killing our club. and for kenny scott he has always been a wanker, but what do you expect from a tim lover employed by murray the coward.

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It is a shocking way to treat the life blood of the club, it hurts more this kind of crap than the Spanish polis handing out random beatings, because this comes from within. The sooner Murray and his poodles fuck off the better imo.

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Kenny Scott is a die hard Rangers fan BTW.

I am NOT defending him in any way over this as i hate the cunt but just letting you know..............

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Murray only cares about Murray.

And the people that actually defend this prick are equally bad.

If Kenny Scott is a 'die-hard' Rangers fan he should step aside, for the good of the club. But I reckon it's too easy of a job to just give up.

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It is shocking that visiting hoops fans can do whatever they d*mn well please and have no fear of consequences, yet the DL get kicked in the teeth by the club they love and support. This club is becoming a ruined shadow of its former self due to arse-backward thinking like this.

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An excellent article from Mr Prod.

This whole affair has been a real sickener, and I can see it being a festering sore for years to come.

I don't know Kenny Scott but I've met him a couple of times and he strikes me as the sort of arrogant cunt who hates being challenged about anything, no matter the rights and wrongs, all that counts is his decision.

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I always used to back Murray but now with him,Bain and Scott we are run by shitebags.

Motherwell game next wdnesday i would love to see the Dublin loyal banner in the ground.If stopped at the gates then hand to the man behind and stand aside and the next and the next.Show of defiance.

Not only are we subject to shite from the media ,the officials and the police now we're victims of out own club.

Time to take a stand............give me the Dublin loyal banner and i'll take it in on Wedensday.The boys i sit wi will stand proudly and show it off.

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I always used to back Murray but now with him,Bain and Scott we are run by shitebags.

Motherwell game next wdnesday i would love to see the Dublin loyal banner in the ground.If stopped at the gates then hand to the man behind and stand aside and the next and the next.Show of defiance.

Not only are we subject to shite from the media ,the officials and the police now we're victims of out own club.

Time to take a stand............give me the Dublin loyal banner and i'll take it in on Wedensday.The boys i sit wi will stand proudly and show it off.

You shouldn't have any probs on Wednesday ;)

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I always used to back Murray but now with him,Bain and Scott we are run by shitebags.

Motherwell game next wdnesday i would love to see the Dublin loyal banner in the ground.If stopped at the gates then hand to the man behind and stand aside and the next and the next.Show of defiance.

Not only are we subject to shite from the media ,the officials and the police now we're victims of out own club.

Time to take a stand............give me the Dublin loyal banner and i'll take it in on Wedensday.The boys i sit wi will stand proudly and show it off.

You shouldn't have any probs on Wednesday ;)

Why?? will they not be policing the Rangers-Motherwell game next Wedensday

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I always used to back Murray but now with him,Bain and Scott we are run by shitebags.

Motherwell game next wdnesday i would love to see the Dublin loyal banner in the ground.If stopped at the gates then hand to the man behind and stand aside and the next and the next.Show of defiance.

Not only are we subject to shite from the media ,the officials and the police now we're victims of out own club.

Time to take a stand............give me the Dublin loyal banner and i'll take it in on Wedensday.The boys i sit wi will stand proudly and show it off.

You shouldn't have any probs on Wednesday ;)

Why?? will they not be policing the Rangers-Motherwell game next Wedensday

Thought you were talking about Fiorentina :blush::lol:

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if the dublin loyal expect backing from some members on here then they are wasting their time, as there are only so many members on here who care about our traditions and will fight for our fans. what i will say is the fight for the dublin loyal will go on and murray, bain , and kenny scott can go and fuck themselves. :unionflag:

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if the dublin loyal expect backing from some members on here then they are wasting their time, as there are only so many members on here who care about our traditions and will fight for our fans. what i will say is the fight for the dublin loyal will go on and murray, bain , and kenny scott can go and fuck themselves. :unionflag:


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if the dublin loyal expect backing from some members on here then they are wasting their time, as there are only so many members on here who care about our traditions and will fight for our fans. what i will say is the fight for the dublin loyal will go on and murray, bain , and kenny scott can go and fuck themselves. :unionflag:

Support them all the way. But this has to be taken to the next level whether through the RST or whatever, there has to be a unified effort by us all to show Murray,Bain,Scott that we will defend our own. :unionflag: :unionflag: :unionflag:

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An excellent article from Mr Prod.

This whole affair has been a real sickener, and I can see it being a festering sore for years to come.

I don't know Kenny Scott but I've met him a couple of times and he strikes me as the sort of arrogant cunt who hates being challenged about anything, no matter the rights and wrongs, all that counts is his decision.

I heard from an ex colleague of Kenny Scott that the man is a "complete wanker".

Support the DL.

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I've supported SDM in the past, mainly because a successor could be a lot worse and destroy the remaining traditions of OUR Club. But this matter of the Dublin Loyal has really, really pissed me off.

It comes after years of not defending the Club and its supporters from the bias and lies of the media, politicians, police (especially Spanish police) etc. I'm beginning to believe the Fish was right all along.

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if the dublin loyal expect backing from some members on here then they are wasting their time, as there are only so many members on here who care about our traditions and will fight for our fans. what i will say is the fight for the dublin loyal will go on and murray, bain , and kenny scott can go and fuck themselves. :unionflag:

If they go to Dublin we will follow on.......

Not gonna get involved in the debate on tradition Minstral, but if the DL want to hold an AGM IN DUBLIN, then you can count on the lads from down here to 'follow on' mate.

:unionflag: :unionflag: :unionflag:

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The regime are only fluent in one language............cash money.

If everyone refused to speak the regimes language (for a short time)it would soon change its tune.

It wont happen though. Principles are a thing of the past.

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