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Family man Neil Lennon started the fight


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So he picked him out in an identity parade but he doesn't know what for ? What an admission of guilt from this gutless coward. But know the tragedy of it all the 2 guys will still get the blame and the brave man that fingered him James Dick will get the same treatment reserved for referees who don't let them cheat. :sherlock:

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And when these blokes are found not guilty as they should be, it will go very quiet in the press.

They'll probably get found guilty for assault. But religious aggrivation ? Doubt it. though they should get aquited for self defense in my opinion.

What is clear now though is that Celtc, Lennon and the mhedia from the outset have lied and used any means possible to pervert the court of justice. If the lawyer is half decent he'll expose that.

Going by what we have heard so far i am interested to see where the religous part of this comes in......

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They do have a case to answer, if the victim choses not to press charges the Police can if they have enough evidence and it was in public view.

They will be found guilty, sentence will be relevant to percentage of blame.

The best outcome the guys can hope for is a fine, i think they will get time, and a stinging rebuke for Lennon and his side of the story.

Who is the Judge?

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Neil Lennon gave evidence during the trial at Glasgow Sheriff Court

Football coach Neil Lennon has given evidence at the trial of two men accused of attacking him.

The 37-year-old told Glasgow Sheriff Court that the only thing he could remember was waking up on a street in the west end of Glasgow on 1 September.

Bar manager, James Dick, had earlier told the court he thought Mr Lennon had started a fight with the accused.

David Whitelaw, 47, and 43-year-old Jeffrey Carrigan deny carrying out the assault due to religious prejudice.

Mr Dick, who is bar manager of the Ubiquitous Chip, told the court that he saw Mr Lennon push one of his alleged attackers before a fight broke out between the three men.

Asked by Mr Whitelaw's defence lawyer, David Phinn, if it was Lennon that started it, he said: "I would say so, from my point of view, yes."

Mr Dick told the court: "I was standing at the entrance to the bar talking to a friend of mine, Liam Cameron, when Liam said 'I think Neil Lennon's going to get into a fight'.

My next recollection in waking up in hospital with my fiancé sitting at the end of the bed crying

Neil Lennon

"I turned round and I saw Neil Lennon shove a man on the chest with both hands.

"Another guy was standing slightly behind and he then either punched or slapped Neil Lennon and thrust him forward again.

"Neil Lennon then tried to punch the guy that he pushed originally and he tried to punch him back. They were both punching and kicking at each other and Lennon fell to the ground."

Mr Dick claimed that both men then kicked Mr Lennon as he lay on the ground before running off shouting: "You'll no talk to me like that again."

Mr Lennon told the court that the only thing he could remember was waking up in Ashton Lane after being attacked.

"A friend of mine offered to walk me up the road but I said I would be fine as I only live three minutes away," he said.

Identity parade

"The next thing I remember I was lying on the ground and somebody was dabbing my face asking if I was okay.

"My next recollection in waking up in hospital with my fiancé sitting at the end of the bed crying.

"I was pretty upset, pretty disappointed and paranoid for a while after it."

Mr Lennon later picked out Mr Whitelaw in a police identity parade, but could not tell officers how he knew him.

The trial, before Sheriff Martin Jones, continues.


So these guys get branded rangers supporting bigots in the mhedia and all they were doing was defending themselves ? Bear in mind one of these men has remained in custody since his arrest.

That is an absolute disgrace, Jim.

If it was anyone but a Irish Republican 'star footballer' it would be three men charged with breach of the peace or affray, not two guys accused of religiously motivated assault.

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And when these blokes are found not guilty as they should be, it will go very quiet in the press.

They'll probably get found guilty for assault. But religious aggrivation ? Doubt it. though they should get aquited for self defense in my opinion.

What is clear now though is that Celtc, Lennon and the mhedia from the outset have lied and used any means possible to pervert the court of justice. If the lawyer is half decent he'll expose that.

Going by what we have heard so far i am interested to see where the religous part of this comes in......

Me too GLC

Particularly as it is libelled as an aggravation of the original crime ie the original crime of assault was motivated by religious prejudice.

Yet the eye witnesses appear to be saying Lennon started the fight.........

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There are clearly 2 sides to the story.

Not if you read the press in the days following the incident....

I would agree with that.........and it seems the same can be said of "some" on here now who clearly are going for the other side of the story, and have done from day one.

In the trial there are witnesses who have said they heard him being called a "Fen... Bassa" and the guys ran and blootered him and their are witnesses who say he started it.

The jury will decide who is telling lies (tu)

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And when these blokes are found not guilty as they should be, it will go very quiet in the press.

They'll probably get found guilty for assault. But religious aggrivation ? Doubt it. though they should get aquited for self defense in my opinion.

What is clear now though is that Celtc, Lennon and the mhedia from the outset have lied and used any means possible to pervert the court of justice. If the lawyer is half decent he'll expose that.

Going by what we have heard so far i am interested to see where the religous part of this comes in......

Me too GLC

Particularly as it is libelled as an aggravation of the original crime ie the original crime of assault was motivated by religious prejudice.

Yet the eye witnesses appear to be saying Lennon started the fight.........

If no witness actually reports the use of sectarian language then it’s an absolute disgrace what these guys have been charged with.

Are we now going to charge people with crimes aggravated by a religious prejudice every time a drunken street fight starts between a protestant and a catholic…….

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there must be 500 fights in glasgow after bears v smelltic game,,,,,how many bodies lay in for months just the one,,,,u go to court on the monday ye get your 250 fine for breach and you try not to get caught next time, im thinkin these 2 guys have no chance, and he canny remember anything,, cmon

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Sounds like the these two guys are far from innocent in all this but neither is lennon, the press should be ashamed the way they presented this story…


Court hears Lennon 'finger' claim

Neil Lennon told the court he was "pretty upset" after the incident

Celtic coach Neil Lennon gave a one-fingered gesture to two men who are alleged to have attacked him, a court has heard.

Bar worker Liam Cameron, 24, said the gesture came after comments were made about an earlier Old Firm game.

He also said Mr Lennon was "kicked in the head more than three times" in Glasgow's Ashton lane on 1 Septmber.

David Whitelaw, 47, and 43-year-old Jeffrey Carrigan deny carrying out the assault due to religious prejudice.

Mr Cameron told the court that Mr Whitelaw and Mr Carrigan had walked past the Celtic coach and "said something along the lines of 'good score today'".

Rangers had earlier beaten Celtic by four goals to two at Celtic Park.

Mr Cameron claimed that Mr Lennon raised his middle finger at the men who then walked on but shouted abuse back.

He said: "Mr Lennon then said 'what did you just call me?' and started walking towards the men."

For someone in his position it should have been like water off a duck's back

Liam Cameron


The barman told the court that the Celtic coach was then punched to the ground and the men started kicking him on the head and body.

Witness Louise Bradley had earlier told the court that she heard the men shouting "ya Fenian bastard" but Mr Cameron said: "I definitely never heard the word Fenian."

He explained that he was standing chatting with the bar manager of the Ubiquitous chip, James Dick, when he noticed that something was about to happen.

He said: "As Neil walked in the men's direction the three of them had gone out of my line of sight but when I walked round the corner to see them again I saw an argument between one of the men and Mr Lennon.

"The second man then punched Mr Lennon on the side of the head.

Head kicks

"Mr Lennon then went down backwards and hit his head on the cobbles. He ended up on the ground on his back and his shoe came off.

"He was then kicked in the head more than three times."

Prosecutor Mark Allan asked the barman: "Was there any physical aggression or contact from Neil Lennon before the first punch was thrown?"

He replied: "Not that I seen no."

On Tuesday, the court heard evidence from Mr Dick who claimed that Lennon pushed one of the men first.

Sheriff Martin Jones asked Mr Cameron where he was in relation to Mr Dick and he replied "he was a bit ahead of me".

David Phinn, defending Mr Whitelaw, asked Mr Cameron if he felt that Mr Lennon's behaviour contributed to the incident.

He answered: "What happened could have been avoided by not walking towards the men.

"For someone in his position it should have been like water off a duck's back."

The trial continues.

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Guest Andypendek

This is a really important case, but not for Lennon or the guys who are charged.

It's like that bloke who was found guilty of acting in a manner likely to cause alarm or fear by singing down at Rugby Park - absolute bullshit, a politically motivated decision which made a mockery of the justice system and certainly booted the balls of any claim that Rangers are the 'establishment club.'

From what we know already this is another bullshit case which probably wouldn't even have reached a court were in not for the political motivation behind it. The result, therefore, is crucial. The 2 will get found guilty, because there is footage of them giving someone on the ground a booting, and whether you started it or not isn't really here or there - this is not a playground, it's a court. But whither Lennon?

Anyone objective (not me, admittedly) can see he's lying and also, given the testimony of a reliable witness (manager of Ubi Chip) part instigator. Therefore, should the judge give him a clean bill of health after this, we're in real trouble.

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