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Do you know anyone in the Manchester photos?


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GMP caused it with their actions in Picadilly gardens as early as 6.30 when they were seperating family members etc from each other who were trying to get in and out of fan zone and also did not allow the game to be shown. There was no fault with the tv feed, GMP said to the company involved 'don't you dare put the game on' they are not happy about it as this had never happened to their equipment before and their repuatation has suffered, but what can they do? Fuck all because GMP will deny it til their blue in the face and they have the power remember.

So, no I would not help them even if I could, i will not do their job for them.

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to be perfectly honest, GMP HAVE to take the blame on this, i know a police officer from Strathclyde and they were briefed by the GMP in Manchester as a co-ordination with Sclyde police, their constable said to the Strathclyde officers disbelief that they were expecting 50-70,000 fans at the manchester centre.

the officers then turned to their constable to ask wtf was going on to which he replied "i tried to tell them, they wont listen"

am no gonna name names and u can believe me or not, but thats how it happened. They were setup for loss and the screen on Picardilly was working, they wudn't show it for health and safety reasons which they mucked up with, if Ranger were to even score one goal they're woulda been deaths in there i can assure u, tucked in like a can of sardines.

Now we are made out to the messiest, most violent fans about all for the GMP's ignorant stance on how many fans they were gonna have.

They can go to fuck and do their own work, thats what we taxpayers fucking pay them to fucking do.

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am no gonna name names and u can believe me or not, but thats how it happened. They were setup for loss and the screen on Picardilly was working, they wudn't show it for health and safety reasons which they mucked up with, if Ranger were to even score one goal they're woulda been deaths in there i can assure u, tucked in like a can of sardines.

i said the excact same thing to my mates :rolleyes: there would have been deaths but they made it worse by not organising the event well

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untill such times as the people hear the truth, the mhedia tell the truth, our ghovt and chouncillors tell the truth and stop slating us purely because of who we are - they can go drown in a pool of f***** blood for all I care.

Sick of the crap being levelled at us at every turn, and the handwringers giving in every ten mins - it all makes me stand even firmer against those who wish to do us an injustice. I was there that day - and if there were 30 screws hurt, there was 10 innocents hurt for every screw. They paid us a big dividend - now ask for help...

fuck em.


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Was it just me or did the cops who arrived in Piccadilly gardens look like they were up for a bit of action? Seemed that way to me.....

my bro said they wouldnt let anyone out of the square at the big screen and anyone that tried to get out got battered with a baton regardless of sex and age

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