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Do you know anyone in the Manchester photos?


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If I read the post properly...well, let me look again. You post about Manchester, saying it's not an easy position for riot cops, and compare it to your experiences in Belfast. You made the comparison. If it's a comparison that is worthless, you shouldn't have used it. I was not comparing Manchester with Belfast i was merely trying to put across how the police officers were feeling when faced with this situation.

Bluntly, you're trying to have your cake an eat it. On the one hand, I'll use a comparison from Belfast. On the other hand, I never said it was about Manchester! I am not trying to have my cake and eat it I am saying that 2 wrongs do not make a right and the people who were to blame should be punished this includes police officers who were heavy handed.

No, the police were probably not shouting 'kick me in the head.' My point, plainly too obscure, was that by their violent actions the police invited the exact same response from less educated elements in society. so the police started the trouble and not mindless thugs, which if you read other posts and the many other threads and forums then you too will know that these mindless thugs ( probably not even Rangers supporters)were probably in Manchester to cause this exact trouble.

And finally, if you think hiding behind a uniform is going to stop me criticising your post you're sadly mistaken. criticise away I am only posting my opinion on will i wont i GRASS on the people the police are looking for, just trying to add something to the post and i never hide behind my Uniform i wear it with pride and have never hidden the fact i am a soldier. I would do the same if i was wearing jeans and t-shirt.

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let's hope the rest of them are identified then. Crimewatch always do follow-ups on these things, if the majority are from England etc, then it will surely be noted.

I'm confident a majority will be English hooligans too.

same here i will be watching with interest.

not watching the game then?

didn't realise it was on the telly !

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Oh come on, mrmyotto. People who riot at gatherings are hardly likely to be doing so in a quick break between solving differential equations.

Protest all you like but I didn't see Steven Hawking lobbing bottles at policemen. Bet he would have if he could though, he's probably got YEARS of sexual tension built up that needs release...

What have any of those two points got to do with what I said?

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Oh come on, mrmyotto. People who riot at gatherings are hardly likely to be doing so in a quick break between solving differential equations.

Protest all you like but I didn't see Steven Hawking lobbing bottles at policemen. Bet he would have if he could though, he's probably got YEARS of sexual tension built up that needs release...

I'd pay good money to hear you argue all day (tu)



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Why are Manchester police still pursuing this anyway................it was months ago and almost everyones forgotten about it, just because a couple of policeman got a doing so what it happens every weekend all over Britain.

Should,nt Manchester police be trying to get their own house in order, when their gangs running all over places like Moss-side blowning each other away with hand guns, the time,effort any money being wasted here just to catch a few lads for rioting doesnt make sense, and its quite clear their beat when their trying to get people to grass others-in, if they had a clue most of these people would,ve been arrested within a few weeks of the final and what will happen if they do get some of these people, taken to court and fined a few hundred pounds, while this persuit will be running into tens of thousands, get a grip and try arresting real criminals or is that beyond their capabilities????

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Any 'so called' Rangers fan who grasses up another one, can go and fuck themselves and get an application form to join the fuckin scumbags at GMP... they are lower than low, fuckin wee reptiles for grassin in other Bears.

Gone are the days when Rangers support stuck together, regardless of the situation. l hope this whole campaign by GMP (GIMP?) is a total failure.

United we stand, Divided we fall.

No Surrender to these traitors and pig fucks.

Rangers forever.

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Any 'so called' Rangers fan who grasses up another one, can go and fuck themselves and get an application form to join the fuckin scumbags at GMP... they are lower than low, fuckin wee reptiles for grassin in other Bears.

Gone are the days when Rangers support stuck together, regardless of the situation. l hope this whole campaign by GMP (GIMP?) is a total failure.

United we stand, Divided we fall.

No Surrender to these traitors and pig fucks.

Rangers forever.

And i won't stand shoulder to shoulder with the above if they think kicking someone in the head while they're on the deck is ok either.

Morals Loyal.

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Any 'so called' Rangers fan who grasses up another one, can go and fuck themselves and get an application form to join the fuckin scumbags at GMP... they are lower than low, fuckin wee reptiles for grassin in other Bears.

Gone are the days when Rangers support stuck together, regardless of the situation. l hope this whole campaign by GMP (GIMP?) is a total failure.

United we stand, Divided we fall.

No Surrender to these traitors and pig fucks.

Rangers forever.

And i won't stand shoulder to shoulder with the above if they think kicking someone in the head while they're on the deck is ok either.

Morals Loyal.

So your just going to rule out every Bear suspected of breaking the law ( Judged by GMP never the less ) and write them off as mindless thugs ?

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I've said this elsewhere, i want those who are ruining the reputation of the club to be outed.

If they not fans then that needs to be highighted to prove we did nothing wrong, if they are fans then we need to find these guys who beleive that representing the club involves ruining it's reputation is ok.

Drop a coin on them all !!

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Any 'so called' Rangers fan who grasses up another one, can go and fuck themselves and get an application form to join the fuckin scumbags at GMP... they are lower than low, fuckin wee reptiles for grassin in other Bears.

Gone are the days when Rangers support stuck together, regardless of the situation. l hope this whole campaign by GMP (GIMP?) is a total failure.

United we stand, Divided we fall.

No Surrender to these traitors and pig fucks.

Rangers forever.

And i won't stand shoulder to shoulder with the above if they think kicking someone in the head while they're on the deck is ok either.

Morals Loyal.

So u would gladly grass up a fellow Bear who got caught up in, lets be honest, anarchy after the game?

Plus.....innocent until proven guilty.....i'm very, very interested in the outcome of this.

l hope the majority are well known hooligans from down south. and i also hope wee grassing snitches who have no conciense about getting another supporter into bother, may it live with them forever. Turncoat bastards.

I'm not saying what happened was right, however i feel that the Bears were forced into a position by a shite city who undermined and underestimated the quantity of people coming to their shitty city......they deserved the comeback they got, and some.

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Any 'so called' Rangers fan who grasses up another one, can go and fuck themselves and get an application form to join the fuckin scumbags at GMP... they are lower than low, fuckin wee reptiles for grassin in other Bears.

Gone are the days when Rangers support stuck together, regardless of the situation. l hope this whole campaign by GMP (GIMP?) is a total failure.

United we stand, Divided we fall.

No Surrender to these traitors and pig fucks.

Rangers forever.

And i won't stand shoulder to shoulder with the above if they think kicking someone in the head while they're on the deck is ok either.

Morals Loyal.

So your just going to rule out every Bear suspected of breaking the law ( Judged by GMP never the less ) and write them off as mindless thugs ?

Hmmmm................. where did i say that?

If the police want to 'speak' to these people then i, like most people will assume their innocence until proven guilty.

What i won't do is blindly back up a thug, out of some misguided perception that because he's a Bear, he should be immune from prosecution for breaking the law.

I have looked at the photos very long and hard and if you do the same, you'll probably see there are loads of them where certain individuals have been specifically singled out - even when they are obviously in a much larger group.

You honestly believe that the police haven't pored over endless hours of footage to clearly identify the idiots from the innocents?

What i would love to happen is for the police to find out that the vast majority of these people are from OUTSIDE of Scotland and prove once and for all that, even more so, genuine Rangers supporters went to Manchester with the express intention of having a wonderfully memorable day.

I was in Piccadilly gardens and there were bottles being thrown INTO the Rangers fans from behind some portakabin type buildings on the left hand side of the square ( i think i even have some of my own video footage of this) a long time before the screens 'failed'.

The mood as some have already mentioned was becoming increasingly ugly as it got nearer kick off time

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Any 'so called' Rangers fan who grasses up another one, can go and fuck themselves and get an application form to join the fuckin scumbags at GMP... they are lower than low, fuckin wee reptiles for grassin in other Bears.

Gone are the days when Rangers support stuck together, regardless of the situation. l hope this whole campaign by GMP (GIMP?) is a total failure.

United we stand, Divided we fall.

No Surrender to these traitors and pig fucks.

Rangers forever.

And i won't stand shoulder to shoulder with the above if they think kicking someone in the head while they're on the deck is ok either.

Morals Loyal.

So u would gladly grass up a fellow Bear who got caught up in, lets be honest, anarchy after the game?

Plus.....innocent until proven guilty.....i'm very, very interested in the outcome of this.

l hope the majority are well known hooligans from down south. and i also hope wee grassing snitches who have no conciense about getting another supporter into bother, may it live with them forever. Turncoat bastards.

I'm not saying what happened was right, however i feel that the Bears were forced into a position by a shite city who undermined and underestimated the quantity of people coming to their shitty city......they deserved the comeback they got, and some.

Sorry, people were FORCED into violence !!!!

You are happy to defend those ahead of the club you claim to love ... so, who comes first Fans or Club ???

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Any 'so called' Rangers fan who grasses up another one, can go and fuck themselves and get an application form to join the fuckin scumbags at GMP... they are lower than low, fuckin wee reptiles for grassin in other Bears.

Gone are the days when Rangers support stuck together, regardless of the situation. l hope this whole campaign by GMP (GIMP?) is a total failure.

United we stand, Divided we fall.

No Surrender to these traitors and pig fucks.

Rangers forever.

And i won't stand shoulder to shoulder with the above if they think kicking someone in the head while they're on the deck is ok either.

Morals Loyal.

So your just going to rule out every Bear suspected of breaking the law ( Judged by GMP never the less ) and write them off as mindless thugs ?

Hmmmm................. where did i say that?

If the police want to 'speak' to these people then i, like most people will assume their innocence until proven guilty.

What i won't do is blindly back up a thug, out of some misguided perception that because he's a Bear, he should be immune from prosecution for breaking the law.

I have looked at the photos very long and hard and if you do the same, you'll probably see there are loads of them where certain individuals have been specifically singled out - even when they are obviously in a much larger group.

You honestly believe that the police haven't pored over endless hours of footage to clearly identify the idiots from the innocents?

What i would love to happen is for the police to find out that the vast majority of these people are from OUTSIDE of Scotland and prove once and for all that, even more so, genuine Rangers supporters went to Manchester with the express intention of having a wonderfully memorable day.

I was in Piccadilly gardens and there were bottles being thrown INTO the Rangers fans from behind some portakabin type buildings on the left hand side of the square ( i think i even have some of my own video footage of this) a long time before the screens 'failed'.

The mood as some have already mentioned was becoming increasingly ugly as it got nearer kick off time

I was also in Piccadilly gardens standing on a wall near the back. From what I can re-call there were one or two cans being flung about amoungst the fans.

I just feel GMP are in no position to judge on what went on that day as there was more than enough lets say " heavy handed " police officers happy to hand out punishment to innocent people.

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The term grass or snitch is most often used among criminals to keep people afraid to police their own communities. To grass or snitch is in no way a crime, or at least in no way similar to assault or bringing down the reputation of a decent football club and decent law abiding football supporters. I would have no hesitation in pissing on anyone who let my team and country down.

Rangers are better off without such vermin. However I would defend those who are falsely accused or victimised just for some misguided political PC agenda. Do not get the idea that it is wrong to 'grass' or 'snitch' or police our own communities and to expect a society of decent people who respect one another. If you do not respect other people and their right to be free to enjoy a peaceful life then you do not deserve to be anonymous. If you're brave enough to act like a hard man in Manchester or Mount Florida or wherever then be big enough to face the law and the consequences, do not expect the rest of us to be bullied into obedient silence.

Rangers are bigger than any individual player and more important than any individual supporter.

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I was also in Piccadilly gardens standing on a wall near the back. From what I can re-call there were one or two cans being flung about amoungst the fans.

I just feel GMP are in no position to judge on what went on that day as there was more than enough lets say " heavy handed " police officers happy to hand out punishment to innocent people.

I'm not defending the police mate. I'm saying that these people should be given up.

The police were overall on the day very accommodating and generally joined in the celebrations.

The riot police who arrived later in the day were obviously not and i'm fully aware lots of innocent Bears were unfairly treated.

I honestly have no love for the GMP, i have been on the receiving end of their injustices several times during my life and i won't defend them for a minute.

What i will do is defend the club i love and if that means flushing these 'fans' from their hidey holes then so be it.

The worrying thing is if these people are prepared to act like this in the name of Rangers, what happens the next time they decide to do it - you might be stuck in the middle of it - maybe with your kids? (if you have any of course :) )

people who act in this way have no thoughts for anyone else, they just want to behave in a certain way and don't give a sh*t who is in the vicinity.

And IMO, they have no place at the club.

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The term grass or snitch is most often used among criminals to keep people afraid to police their own communities. To grass or snitch is in no way a crime, or at least in no way similar to assault or bringing down the reputation of a decent football club and decent law abiding football supporters. I would have no hesitation in pissing on anyone who let my team and country down.

Rangers are better off without such vermin. However I would defend those who are falsely accused or victimised just for some misguided political PC agenda. Do not get the idea that it is wrong to 'grass' or 'snitch' or police our own communities and to expect a society of decent people who respect one another. If you do not respect other people and their right to be free to enjoy a peaceful life then you do not deserve to be anonymous. If you're brave enough to act like a hard man in Manchester or Mount Florida or wherever then be big enough to face the law and the consequences, do not expect the rest of us to be bullied into obedient silence.

Rangers are bigger than any individual player and more important than any individual supporter.

Couldn't have said it better myself mate (tu)

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I was also in Piccadilly gardens standing on a wall near the back. From what I can re-call there were one or two cans being flung about amoungst the fans.

I just feel GMP are in no position to judge on what went on that day as there was more than enough lets say " heavy handed " police officers happy to hand out punishment to innocent people.

I'm not defending the police mate. I'm saying that these people should be given up.

The police were overall on the day very accommodating and generally joined in the celebrations.

The riot police who arrived later in the day were obviously not and i'm fully aware lots of innocent Bears were unfairly treated.

I honestly have no love for the GMP, i have been on the receiving end of their injustices several times during my life and i won't defend them for a minute.

What i will do is defend the club i love and if that means flushing these 'fans' from their hidey holes then so be it.

The worrying thing is if these people are prepared to act like this in the name of Rangers, what happens the next time they decide to do it - you might be stuck in the middle of it - maybe with your kids? (if you have any of course :) )

people who act in this way have no thoughts for anyone else, they just want to behave in a certain way and don't give a sh*t who is in the vicinity.

And IMO, they have no place at the club.

I know mate.

To a certain extent I agree with you , Theres quite alot of tims and general football fans in my work and when they seen the front of the paper and the pictures they were all instantly labelled as mindless violent thugs , Which may be true for some though I've also heard a few Rangers fans doing the same which I can't understand. Without knowing what each individual is being accussed of I think its impossible to judge and Yes I am stuck in the middle about the way I feel , Like I've said in previous posts I would prefer a neutral to judge on who should be " wanted " , From what I've seen the intergrity of GMP has to be questioned.

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As i said.....we'll see the outcome....get off ur high-horse Ace until we see the results.

I wasn't the one who decided that ....

Any 'so called' Rangers fan who grasses up another one, can go and fuck themselves

Putting a fan who brings the club into disrepute before the club itself ... not on in my book!!

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Reckon the 21st one(3rd row down, right hand side) could pass for our own Dado(definately not him however). Excellent blackmail oppertunity if I get dropped from RMFC on sunday though!!!

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