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Dont be grassing on those Bears


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If they are Rangers supporters I dont want them anywhere near our club now or in the future.

Those "thugs" involved had a choice.... They chose to fight the police and because of that innocent people got hurt as well

very true

I noticed, in the update, not the main show, they then stressed they werent necesarally Rangers fans, nor were they Scottish

Am sure some like brissybeat there will neglect to pick that up

edited for shocking name error

We don't know of they were true Rangers fans or not, agreed, but how can you suggest because someone's not Scottish they're automatically not a Rangers fan?

We have fans all around the world, are they suddenly not fans when it suits us?

Time will tell and I hope if people get caught the club will come out and say if they were ever season ticket holders or not and we can get a true handle on the number of our fans who were involved and the number of fans of other clubs. It's conceivable the number of our fans involved is a fraction of the number who went on the rampage and if that's the case I want the numbers out there in the media.

That wasnt the suggestion, it was word for word what the GMP guy said. Its a reaction to people instantly stating on here things like "these Rangers fans" and so on. It was made very clear by the program last night that they were in no way stating that these were Rangers fans, or associated with the club, unlike many on here who are! Thats the difference

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the council in Manchester along with the Police themselves were more to blame than Rangers fans

dont be grassing them up for fighting back against the thugs of the police

Did the police force them to loot shops, terrify the people of Manchester and wreck innocent peoples' cars too?

The police have picked out troublemakers and ringleaders not innocent people who were caught up in the violence.

Do YOU know they are Rangers fans?

Do you know they're not?

Of course not, thats the point. However, I would prefer to think they were not, until proved otherwise, rather than the opposite. I would have thought most Bears would do the same. Certainly would have in the past.

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If they are Rangers supporters I dont want them anywhere near our club now or in the future.

Those "thugs" involved had a choice.... They chose to fight the police and because of that innocent people got hurt as well

very true

I noticed, in the update, not the main show, they then stressed they werent necesarally Rangers fans, nor were they Scottish

Am sure some like brissybeat there will neglect to pick that up

edited for shocking name error

Of coures there were English casuals involved, but there were plenty of our own. - proof?

Did you go to manchester? - of course, i only live over the hill from it

On the way back from the game, me and my mate were confronted by 5 "bears" who were launching bricks at parked cars from this roof.

We asked them what the fuck they were doing. PUnches were thrown and we ended up getting chased round a few cars until othe rbears backed us up.

They were scottish and they had colours on. - did you speak to them in the manner that you speak to many on here in? If so, its not a surprise tbh

Nobody is denying every wee ratshagging scummy neddy Rangers supporting fuckwit was down there for the game.

No-one is denying tehre were Man City, Chelsea amongst others mulling about looking for trouble.

Unfortunately we brought our own "shit' down that couple of days. - like the Bears who pulled the copper out?

In the square when the bottles were being launched I couldnt beleive what i was seeing. Bears weere getting hurt by other bears. - I believe that was also due to some rather heavy handed GMP "tactics" (or did that not happen either?. Of course, people wouldnt go, buy a top from JJB for £15 and just, blend in would they? instant Alibi!, but, to suggest that would just be paranoia right? Timmy or casuals wouldnt do that of course

Of course out of 200,000 the trouble was perpetrated by a tiny minority. Anyone who was there and denies that it didnt change everything is a bare faced liar.

Even back at the camp site we went to, bears were fighting with each other.

See, here is the point, why are YOU, a supposed Rangers fan, arguing so strongly to prove that the trouble was due to bears? The program on NATIONAL tv, (not Scottish tv) did the EXACT OPPOSITE! Even the GMP did the same. Why would they do this, if there was no doubt who was to blame?

Your attitude confuses me, as it often does.

Are we so brainwashed by the scottish media and timmy that if anything happens it must be our fault???

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so your point is?

that you have faith in the courts and think justice will prevail thats not the real world i live in

Treat people violently and they'll act violently sell them beer at over inflated prices and treat them violently and they will act violenty and yobbish like to boot!

I think the point is pretty clear. The actions of overly violent coppers are only relevant to those people who were acting in self defence and these people will be cleared in a court of law in any case. Evidently you do, as I suspected, subscribe to nonsensical conspiracy theories about stitch ups, GMP being out to get us, the courts being corrupt or whatever else (tell me which is correct) so it's no surprise you don't see the logic in that point. Incidentally, the provocation of "being sold beer and treated violently" isn't a defence for violence - it's an explanation.

a copper getting beat up seems to have upset you do you think Rangers fans didn't lay on the ground curling up while big boots NO SANNIES MIND BIG BOOTS got tore in and any movement to get up resulted in the batons being cracked over the nut

do you

As I've said, the sins of others are no defence whatsoever for the sins of those people (fans, infiltrators, wandering neds, whoever they may have been) who broke the law: it is in fact completely irrelevant. These attempts at deflection are always made in debates like this and they are never convincing. It's the old "aye, he robbed the bank, but what about all those murderers and rapists out there who the police haven't caught - shouldn't they be focusing on them?" argument.

the GMP force are the most corrupt and most violent in the uk and thats saying something some of those areas in England have police forces that make me think we should open all the cells in the Bar L and give them the police gear and we would have a better service.

the GMP omg the GMP even x coppers are lining up to beret those thugs

yes the beer thing is an explanation and not a defence so

is there a zillion miles between explanation and defence is there?

as for the rapist etc that have been caught well done the public usually after watching the likes of crime watch for dubbing them in - THIS IS NOT SUCH A CASE


i have travelled all over the UK watching football and the most violent Police force i have ever come across - by a long chalk - are South Yorkshire.

In fact a thought just occurred to me whilst typing this - it wouldn't surprise me if the 'stormtroopers' who were drafted in later on in the evening were part of that lot.

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If they are Rangers supporters I dont want them anywhere near our club now or in the future.

Those "thugs" involved had a choice.... They chose to fight the police and because of that innocent people got hurt as well

very true

I noticed, in the update, not the main show, they then stressed they werent necesarally Rangers fans, nor were they Scottish

Am sure some like brissybeat there will neglect to pick that up

edited for shocking name error

Of coures there were English casuals involved, but there were plenty of our own. - proof?

Did you go to manchester? - of course, i only live over the hill from it

On the way back from the game, me and my mate were confronted by 5 "bears" who were launching bricks at parked cars from this roof.

We asked them what the fuck they were doing. PUnches were thrown and we ended up getting chased round a few cars until othe rbears backed us up.

They were scottish and they had colours on. - did you speak to them in the manner that you speak to many on here in? If so, its not a surprise tbh

Nobody is denying every wee ratshagging scummy neddy Rangers supporting fuckwit was down there for the game.

No-one is denying tehre were Man City, Chelsea amongst others mulling about looking for trouble.

Unfortunately we brought our own "shit' down that couple of days. - like the Bears who pulled the copper out?

In the square when the bottles were being launched I couldnt beleive what i was seeing. Bears weere getting hurt by other bears. - I believe that was also due to some rather heavy handed GMP "tactics" (or did that not happen either?. Of course, people wouldnt go, buy a top from JJB for £15 and just, blend in would they? instant Alibi!, but, to suggest that would just be paranoia right? Timmy or casuals wouldnt do that of course

Of course out of 200,000 the trouble was perpetrated by a tiny minority. Anyone who was there and denies that it didnt change everything is a bare faced liar.

Even back at the camp site we went to, bears were fighting with each other.

See, here is the point, why are YOU, a supposed Rangers fan, arguing so strongly to prove that the trouble was due to bears? The program on NATIONAL tv, (not Scottish tv) did the EXACT OPPOSITE! Even the GMP did the same. Why would they do this, if there was no doubt who was to blame?

Your attitude confuses me, as it often does.

Are we so brainwashed by the scottish media and timmy that if anything happens it must be our fault???

It's the battered wife syndrome ... every time we take a hit we blame ourselves :dry:

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Guest Andypendek

Quite right, better to accept the beating. The sooner we learn our place the less trouble we shall have.

In Paisley Museum there is a whipping stand, a tall wooden structure with belts around the middle for hands and at the bottom for the feet. Attached to this, any miscreants would, in the past, receive a sound beating before being sent on their way. Should we reach another final, I suggest we all take one with us. Save the police some time and effort.

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Read the opening post and I know there is no need to read the rest, plain and simple, if you recognise ANY of the faces from the pictures contact the numbers provided by media/police AND MAKE THEM PAY FOR SHAMING OUR NAME AND CLUB!

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i have travelled all over the UK watching football and the most violent Police force i have ever come across - by a long chalk - are South Yorkshire.

In fact a thought just occurred to me whilst typing this - it wouldn't surprise me if the 'stormtroopers' who were drafted in later on in the evening were part of that lot.

Thats true, and its not just at football, they are buggers rounds here!

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Do YOU know they are Rangers fans?

Do you know they're not?

Of course not, thats the point. However, I would prefer to think they were not, until proved otherwise, rather than the opposite. I would have thought most Bears would do the same. Certainly would have in the past.

well said

thats the point ive been trying to make where the fuck is the solidarity if a guy tosses a coin at a Aberdeen or any other player then he should be grassed up if the player did anything to warrant the coin we d have seen it in the game highlights or other bears would hve pointed it out so its clear cut

what happened in manchester wasnt clear cut and giving the media there pound of flesh just to get them off us is fuckin silly

havent seen the incident that annoys bears with copper on the ground but as i ve said ive seen plenty of incidents where the coppers got laid into a guy on the ground but some of you stupid cunts just dont wanna say what we all know

the police are a shower of fekking animals full stop

not only that there a expensive shower of fekking animals for the tax payers

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