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James Dornan MSP For Cathcart

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10 minutes ago, smitzer007 said:

I'm afraid there's too many moon howlers on here to see the sense you're trying to make. 

Moon howlers ? Don't you realise this "free" education is paid for by the money that Westminster pumps into that abomination in Edinburgh? Or do you still believe in $150 for a barrel of oil ?

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4 minutes ago, mearns loyal said:

Moon howlers ? Don't you realise this "free" education is paid for by the money that Westminster pumps into that abomination in Edinburgh? Or do you still believe in $150 for a barrel of oil ?

This has been debated to death I think. The more important aspect is that of corrupt politicians like dorran and greer. 

I think it's wrong that there is people in this forum that seems to think it's acceptable to call fellow Rangers fans "trash", "not real fans" solely because they voted for a certain political party. 

But the excellent letter that was wrote to one of the corrupt msp is what this thread is about. 

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4 minutes ago, Howsitgoing said:

This has been debated to death I think. The more important aspect is that of corrupt politicians like dorran and greer. 

I think it's wrong that there is people in this forum that seems to think it's acceptable to call fellow Rangers fans "trash", "not real fans" solely because they voted for a certain political party. 

But the excellent letter that was wrote to one of the corrupt msp is what this thread is about. 

But it's alright for others to call those who dont agree with your views moon howlers. Nae bother

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32 minutes ago, mearns loyal said:

But it's alright for others to call those who dont agree with your views moon howlers. Nae bother

Fair point but let's agree that there's no need for any of these name callings creating a division in our support. 

The referendum was lost and there is no appetite for another. Their absurd policy in trying to gather votes by showing allegiance to scum fc is losing them seats. 

Again let's leave this thread for what's important. Highlighting the corrupt politician. 

I think you'll agree that the idiots that are defending scum fc have fuckall chance this time. The bastards are finally going to get justice and it is showing by the desperate tweets from dorran and co. 

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5 hours ago, plumbGER said:

There's not really any evidence mate.

Got to commend the first minister on how she took to twitter to condemn the hivs support and how promptly she took action after the cup final carry on.

And how she comdemned the motherwell support the year before.


Not to mention that when Hearts had their financial difficulties Salmond offered to help them out! He said something along the lines of we can't allow this club to die. I can't recall such a statement to us.

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Just now, jintybear said:

Not to mention that when Hearts had their financial difficulties Salmond offered to help them out! He said something along the lines of we can't allow this club to die. I can't recall such a statement to us.


I remember calling him out for that on facebook at the time.

Total and utter hypocrite because after helping Hearts he said he wasn't in a position to help us out and couldn't get involved in helping a football club out.

Fat, repulsive, lying bastard of a man.

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5 hours ago, simplythebest said:

I'm not really that fussed about the political spectrum ie left/right wing Scottish separatism is a red line however 

It's a free country and anyone can support Rangers if they want but SNP support seems so incompatible I can't understand it 

For now anyway 

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4 hours ago, Howsitgoing said:

It is yes but we're not all the same and the SNP was not always as pathetic as it now is. Can you agree that calling a Rangers fan trash because he voted SNP and did so solely because he takes his family wellbeing above that of Rangers football club and rightly or wrongly thought that their policies best helped the well being of his family is wrong?

I believe that looking out for the people around me helps to make a world thats worth living in for my kids. 

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4 hours ago, eskbankloyal said:

James is my MSP & I sent the following email to him earlier:


I am writing to you as a constituent to raise  my concerns at what I feel was yourself attempting to legitimise Phil MacGiollaBhain on Twitter on Saturday in the following tweet:


I note that you claim not to know Phil so I will provide some background on this individual. 

Phil believes that I, along with all my other fellow Rangers fans, am a bigot, racist and sub-human simply for being a Rangers fan. He also regularly refers to Rangers supporters as the 'klan' and 'herrenvolk' again, simply because of the football team that we support. 

It should also be noted the Scottish Sun had to remove the serialisation of Phil's book 'Downfall' due to his constant derogatory language towards Rangers supports noting that he was 'tarred with a sickening sectarian brush'.

It is also clear that some of the language that Mr. MacGiollaBhain uses would fall foul of the Offensive Behaviour Act should he happen to reside in Scotland, rather than the Republic of Ireland. 

In terms of the story itself, safety of fans is certainly of paramount importance however this rumour has been online for a significant period of time and has already been dealt with. Firstly, a Freedom of Information request was submitted regarding the issue and I have attached the documentation dated 15 July 2016. I refer you specifically to the sentence in bold where it is explicitly stated that the engineers survey showed no signs of structural damage. 

Further to this, an article for the National on this subject was also posted on the 22 July 2016 (http://www.thenational.scot/news/14904022.Ibrox_issued_with_safety_certificate_after_roof_confusion/).

In terms of Mr MacGiollaBhain's previous accuracy with regards Rangers Football Club I refer you to the following two articles that highlight his constant inaccurate claims, including an outright lie concerning the family of the late Sandy Jardine (I apologise for the language in the title but this does not take away from the message):



Whilst these two articles are over two years old the message they convey is still relevant and his blog that you posted on Twitter is unfortunately no different. A small amount of research from yourself would have found the information I have provided above, both in relation to the story and to Mr MacGiollaBhain. 

Given the above mentioned information, do you believe it is appropriate for an elected Member of the Scottish Parliament to be using a blog that is easily proven as inaccurate by a man who has a history of attempting to dehumanise a large number of your constituents for no other reason that the team that they support? 

Can you offer assurances to your constituents that you will undertake a small amount of research to ensure blogs are accurate before posting them to your large amount of Twitter followers? 

Will you offer an apology to your constituents for using a blog by a man 'tarred with a sickening sectarian brush'? 

For reference, I will also be forwarding a copy of this email to Rangers Football Club and I may decide to publish the letter on other platforms. 

If you would like to discuss anything above in person then please do not hesitate to let me know and we can arrange a suitable time.

I look forward to your reply. 


Well done mate and straight to the point with factual proof included.

I'd also be interested to know why a man who claims not to know him decided to vote for him in a blog award,Given the vast majority of his stuff is anti-Rangers,I wonder which story's made his mind up to vote for him.

I have no doubt that Dornan know's who he is and well aware of what ill Phil writes on his blog.

James i'm afraid like most MP's is just trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes and cover his own arse being tainted.

One other thing, Shouldn't Dornan be passing this onto the MSP for Ibrox/Govan given this is not in his constituency,I find it pretty strange that if you make a complaint to an MSP in say Castlemilk and your complaint is in say Govan, Then the Castlemilk MSP would simply refer you to your own MSP and take no more to do with it.. Ibrox isn't in Cathcart. 

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"Rangers Directors face fines of £5m each and custodial sentences of years if the latest ramblings of the Scirish blogger......(are to be believed) sic

The rules of Corporate manslaughter were recently toughened and extreme penalties were put in place for Directors of Companies who put their staff or customers at risk of injury or death. If even a tiny proportion of his latest guff was true and the unthinkable was to happen then each of the Directors at Rangers who apparently knew about the situation would be subject to the harshest of penalties.

Now i get that a lot of the obsessed bloggers and fans with nothing in their lives except Sevco, dont hold certain members of our Board in high esteem but to suggest all of them would somehow hide this and run the risk of prison sentence and fines that would destroy everything in their life is a bridge too far.

The irony is not lost on myself either, that as someone with little faith or belief in a couple of our Boards ability, i would struggle to believe that either of them would be so blatantly stupid as this.

The truth of the matter is that Sevco is now a cottage industry. It is used to fund peoples lives. Crowdfunding, donate buttons, begging bowls and pleads are the new Giro. They need to keep the gravy train going so they make up nonsense like this and watergate if it gets them an extra fiver from idiot who are as thick as 2 short planks and would rather fund these lies than look after their own families.

What makes it worse though is when you get MSP's retweeting the nonsense and enabling the story, whilst making it more believable. @glasgowcathcart MSP James Dornan likes Phils blogs. He voted for him in recent awards despite his bile posted about many of James Dornans constituents. He supports a man who was outed by a National newspaper as "being tarred with a SICKENING SECTARIAN brush" for his bile about Rangers fans and he fears the Hogmanay game is in doubt due to safety issues.

For some reason, he didnt seem worried about the safety yesterday. Nor for the game on 24th December ?

Does James Dornan truly believe the Rangers Directors are running the risk of Corporate Manslaughter? Or is he simply another idiot who is happy to throw Phil a fiver or give credence to the many who do ?"


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13 minutes ago, TheLawMan said:

Does James Dornan truly believe the Rangers Directors are running the risk of Corporate Manslaughter? Or is he simply another idiot who is happy to throw Phil a fiver or give credence to the many who do ?"


"Section 5 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 creates a statutory duty to report any suspicions of child abuse i.e. a duty to do what is reasonable in all the circumstances to safeguard the child's health, development and welfare. Failure to report concerns, turning a blind eye or failing to protect a child may result in legal action."

I also wonder what his thoughts are regarding  ex Celtic directors and ex players/managers since he is so keen to ensure football adheres to our laws. Did they adhere to their statutory duty?

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Whilst it is easy for myself or others to email somebody the inaction of the board to take on Phil (& others) is starting to really bother me. 

I understand that sometimes he writes in a way that makes it difficult to 'prove' who he is talking about but the blog Dornan tweeted made very specific allegations. He has also in the past made allegations about specific directors and they have still done nothing. 

Really fed up with it. These bloggers may well be mental & perhaps in some cases with serious mental conditions but this does not take away from the fact that they have, and continue to do, some pretty severe damage to the club. 

Time to step up.

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6 minutes ago, eskbankloyal said:

Whilst it is easy for myself or others to email somebody the inaction of the board to take on Phil (& others) is starting to really bother me. 

I understand that sometimes he writes in a way that makes it difficult to 'prove' who he is talking about but the blog Dornan tweeted made very specific allegations. He has also in the past made allegations about specific directors and they have still done nothing. 

Really fed up with it. These bloggers may well be mental & perhaps in some cases with serious mental conditions but this does not take away from the fact that they have, and continue to do, some pretty severe damage to the club. 

Time to step up.

Until it is aimed at a Director then silence is the Rangers way.


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Just now, eskbankloyal said:

That's my point though. Personal allegations have been made again Directors and they still do nothing so that argument doesn't stack up.


But it's not. It's a generalised attack.

However take on Paul or Dave in a named directed attack and watch the L5 attack dogs released.

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6 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

But it's not. It's a generalised attack.

However take on Paul or Dave in a named directed attack and watch the L5 attack dogs released.

The blog Dornan publicised did, yes. But a range of bloggers have made some pretty serious allegations about directors (&other shareholders) over the past 18 months that offered a perfect opportunity to nail the bloggers but they didn't. 

They have no appetite in any capacity be it personal or as the club. 

The reason they give is that they don't want to give these guys legitimacy & let them become a martyr by doing so. 

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2 minutes ago, eskbankloyal said:

The blog Dornan publicised did, yes. But a range of bloggers have made some pretty serious allegations about directors (&other shareholders) over the past 18 months that offered a perfect opportunity to nail the bloggers but they didn't. 

They have no appetite in any capacity be it personal or as the club. 

The reason they give is that they don't want to give these guys legitimacy & let them become a martyr by doing so. 

I'm not actually arguing with you.

It's weak, it's encouraging similar attacks and it's unacceptable.

Suppose it's part of the whole bridge building process.

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8 hours ago, ritchieshearercaldow said:

Aye that's the case but if they lumped it into the government enquiry it would take years, hopefully if the SFA has its own fully independent enquiry it shouldn't take too long to expose the filth and cover ups in Scottish football 

I think I'd rather it be a governmental enquiry . 

Put it this way , with the c....c influence at the sfa , I wouldnt expect too much of an effort . 

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Just now, gmcf said:

I think I'd rather it be a governmental enquiry . 

Put it this way , with the c....c influence at the sfa , I wouldnt expect too much of an effort . 

What because the bheasts and the embra mini bheasts are the most implicit in this and both their chairmen are 2 of the most influential figures in Scottish football???

Nah it'll be fine, not as if there's ever been a cover up with those 2 clubs....

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1 minute ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

What because the bheasts and the embra mini bheasts are the most implicit in this and both their chairmen are 2 of the most influential figures in Scottish football???

Nah it'll be fine, not as if there's ever been a cover up with those 2 clubs....

Exactly . I'd have more confidence in an enquiry outside the Scottish footballing authorities . 

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7 hours ago, eskbankloyal said:

James is my MSP & I sent the following email to him earlier:


I am writing to you as a constituent to raise  my concerns at what I feel was yourself attempting to legitimise Phil MacGiollaBhain on Twitter on Saturday in the following tweet:


I note that you claim not to know Phil so I will provide some background on this individual. 

Phil believes that I, along with all my other fellow Rangers fans, am a bigot, racist and sub-human simply for being a Rangers fan. He also regularly refers to Rangers supporters as the 'klan' and 'herrenvolk' again, simply because of the football team that we support. 

It should also be noted the Scottish Sun had to remove the serialisation of Phil's book 'Downfall' due to his constant derogatory language towards Rangers supports noting that he was 'tarred with a sickening sectarian brush'.

It is also clear that some of the language that Mr. MacGiollaBhain uses would fall foul of the Offensive Behaviour Act should he happen to reside in Scotland, rather than the Republic of Ireland. 

In terms of the story itself, safety of fans is certainly of paramount importance however this rumour has been online for a significant period of time and has already been dealt with. Firstly, a Freedom of Information request was submitted regarding the issue and I have attached the documentation dated 15 July 2016. I refer you specifically to the sentence in bold where it is explicitly stated that the engineers survey showed no signs of structural damage. 

Further to this, an article for the National on this subject was also posted on the 22 July 2016 (http://www.thenational.scot/news/14904022.Ibrox_issued_with_safety_certificate_after_roof_confusion/).

In terms of Mr MacGiollaBhain's previous accuracy with regards Rangers Football Club I refer you to the following two articles that highlight his constant inaccurate claims, including an outright lie concerning the family of the late Sandy Jardine (I apologise for the language in the title but this does not take away from the message):



Whilst these two articles are over two years old the message they convey is still relevant and his blog that you posted on Twitter is unfortunately no different. A small amount of research from yourself would have found the information I have provided above, both in relation to the story and to Mr MacGiollaBhain. 

Given the above mentioned information, do you believe it is appropriate for an elected Member of the Scottish Parliament to be using a blog that is easily proven as inaccurate by a man who has a history of attempting to dehumanise a large number of your constituents for no other reason that the team that they support? 

Can you offer assurances to your constituents that you will undertake a small amount of research to ensure blogs are accurate before posting them to your large amount of Twitter followers? 

Will you offer an apology to your constituents for using a blog by a man 'tarred with a sickening sectarian brush'? 

For reference, I will also be forwarding a copy of this email to Rangers Football Club and I may decide to publish the letter on other platforms. 

If you would like to discuss anything above in person then please do not hesitate to let me know and we can arrange a suitable time.

I look forward to your reply. 


That's an excellent letter . 

The sad thing is people like this pass things off as fact , not based on any solid basis , but because they want to believe it . Be interesting to hear his reply . 

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