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  2. Could have told you that ages ago.
  3. Coming to the conclusion I might be shite at betting
  4. Well that changes everything. Manky work tops that look like cunts are walking on them and no one is cleaning them are fine. My bad.
  5. Albanian boy in the crowd was on another planet there.
  6. Ezra looks out of the depth already.
  7. Seen the first part of this post and thought that I was going to have to start actually moderating if the calmest member of the site had lost his shit
  8. Mate that’s bang out of order. One of my daughters has Cerebral Palsy so she is a genuine “spastic”. Even she could see that’s a fucking worktop.
  9. Thank fuck they're not taking forever between fights.
  10. Hatton going great -3 after 5
  11. Massey's won this for me, unless a KO last round.
  12. Tournament had been enjoyable without Lineker being on screen
  13. Shearer saying the Italian defender was slow to react. His team mate threw the ball straight into the path of the Albanian player FFS
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