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Everything posted by bluenose48

  1. Ok he's picking up some injuries, anyone of his age knows that not only do you get injured more easily but it takes longer to recover. All those on here giving him pelters need to have a quiet word with themselves. Any one who has played for the teams he has played for and for the Portuguese national team for as long as he has is no mug. True he doesn't like the rough stuff but he has strengthened our piss weak back four unbelievably.
  2. Wishing Bears everywhere a Happy and Prosperous 2018.
  3. Was a great game to watch no quarter given or asked for. Some great chances at both ends missed and some great saves from both keepers. We played like a Rangers team. Thought Candies had a great game as did Wilson and young Bates when he came on.
  4. He proved last week he is better even now than anything we can field.
  5. Aye alright Dave. Kris Boyd was and still is a Rangers fan even if he now plays for Kilmarnock. He is speaking a simple truth DK and his merry men are doing their best to destroy this club. His memory of Rangers is of a team who could and did compete with celtic every game. If only we had a striker as good as him in his prime.
  6. Don't want any manager who sees us as a second choice to Preston.
  7. Times are bad I know and most of us are not in a very festive mood. But I would just like to wish all Bears and their families a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year 2018.
  8. He should another one who runs around like a headless chook. Yeah sure he scores a couple of good goals, so does Windass so does Kenny but hey cop some shite on here. People bag Boyd but at least he scored two goals from three or four chances. Morelos had at least three and didn't look like converting any of them Windass had probably three and converted none. We need a striker like Boyd was in his day.
  9. No amount of protests, no amount of proposed boycotts will remove King and this board. I said years ago the man is a charlatan a liar. He has been called that by now at least two judges. He never intended to spend the 50 million reported. He only spent enough to stop anyone else from getting control of our club. He wanted time to cover up his tracks in the web of lies and deceit that was Rangers before admin. His and others within the board have lied to the real supporters of Rangers and the gullible among us who believed his line about real Rangers men and supported him are now seeing the real truth, manipulation of the fans, the share market and the little investors. I cannot believe how much this man disgusts me. He has screwed over ordinary working class men and women, some who have invested large sums of their savings in shares, in season tickets, in merchandise. Who have turned up to support the team they love in their thousands very week for the last five years in the hope that things would improve. But they haven't. We are toxic while he is in charge. NO serious investor will put serious money on the line for him and this board to waste. We sing God Save The Queen at every game and we pray someone will save our club.
  10. With six first pick players out today was alway's going to be tough.
  11. Condolences to Neil and his family. There's no good time but losing family at Christmas is tragic.
  12. When you live thousands of km's away from Ibrox RTV is one of the few choices we have to watch our team. Yes Tom has a whinny voice but he is staunch. Yes he rabbits on about the past, but then so do most of us old bastards. Lovenkrands and Thompson were great players for us and I especially like listening to Kev as he talks some real sense about the game
  13. What we need is a proven goalscorer, a poacher like McCoist was, like Boyd was in his day. Our present lot get the ball into the last third then fanny about, passing back and sideways until a pass goes astray. Have a shot at goal from the 18 yard box FFS, mix it up, that way the defence is not sure which way the attack is coming. The way we are at the moment opposition teams just stack the box knowing either we will stuff up or a defender will get a foot in and the chance is lost.
  14. So you think a bit of TLC is what is needed. Come over here son and cry on my shoulder, don't worry about those bad supporters. After all they are only the ones who have poured millions of pounds into this club over the years. Some of them have ridiculously unrealistic expectations of you. They want you to put in a real shift every game, you know 100% what a quaint idea.
  15. Unless there are significant changes in ownership, the board, the manager and sponsorship or a new owner with real money. We will be in the same position as we are now for the foreseeable future.
  16. They need to spend the next week at training learning how to pass the ball to a Rangers player. The number of passes that went straight to an opposition player in the last three games is ridiculous. We put the defence under pressure all the time. The number of little flick passes to fresh air is terrible " Oh I thought you were there " doesn't cut it at this level.
  17. Listening to his interview after the game. He said what most fans saw and would have said as well. Unlike our last few managers who would have tried to have put some sort of positive spin on what was essentially a very poor performance. We were lucky end of. Really piss poor passing, slow to react to their attack. Saved by the post twice by a blind linesman and Fod.
  18. Stay strong mate. Positive attitude will win out in the end.
  19. Alves, McRorie and Jack and on recent form Danny Wilson has been solid.
  20. Been a big fan of Miller but even I have to admit he has been rank in the last couple of games. His first touch is abysmal. Pena should not even be in the squad he is even slower than me and I'm 70. I think he's as fit as he'll get. So no amount of extra training is going to make him any better.
  21. He may not have an extensive managerial career but anyone who could motivate our squad the way he has done for the last two games will do me.
  22. Some of the comments on here about Alves are comedy material. Break Brown's legs FFS the guy is a professional footballer with top international experience, they don't go out to break any ones legs Watching him play has been a pleasure compared to what we have had over the last few seasons. He reads the game well, times the tackle and distributes the ball. What more do you want.
  23. 1/ What external income streams have been looked into and when if ever they will be put into place? 2/ What is the criteria being applied to our search for a new manager and is it similar to your last two efforts? 3/ Ditto for our search for players who actually give a fuck.
  24. Regardless of your opinion re FF or 1872 the bloke has it spot on. We, the fans, I count myself and all the overseas support as fans are fed up to the back teeth with the shambles that is Rangers. Most of us older supporters have been through the ups and downs of supporting Rangers over the last, in my case, 60 years. The fans have been the only constant over the last six years. We are the ones who are subjected to the ridicule in he media, other fans e.g. Dundee fans singing you're no Rangers any more and from workplace mates. The fans who have turned up year after year paid their hard earned money are the ones who have been mislead. They are the ones who turn up at Ibrox each game and fill the stadium, turn up at all these wee clubs grounds and given them their best game receipts of the season. The various boards we have had over the last six years have all failed dismally to resurrect our club, despite their hollow claims to be true Rangers men. They have all been and are charlatans of the highest order. The only thing keeping this institution alive is the fans. For without the season ticket money the gates would have closed years ago. Unless something miraculous happens at the AGM and the appointment of a manager that will get the team winning again we had better get used to not being Rangers anymore.
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