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Everything posted by ger4life_1872

  1. yeah you could be right about that actually
  2. seen on twitter last night they apparently phoned some of them who were there already and told them they were banned , then change their mind and tell them they will get in , it was obviously just a stunt by them too try take the spotlight off them
  3. I was in game at glasgow fort yesterday mate and they were saying they expected consoles in on wed or thu , not sure if you had too order or anything tho
  4. great piece mate , absolutely fantastic and quoted because it deserves 2 reads , quite simply the best rangers blogger there is and possibly the only 1 who represents the majority view
  5. Apparently the German manager was at the game too watch the keeper for a possible call up too the national team
  6. 4-4-2 , 4-3-3 , 4-5-1 , what seating arrangement would u have for the agm ?
  7. yeah it's a fucking joke that needs binned or lists need too be produced because people's careers etc can be ruined when their innocent
  8. I would have thought that it wasn't focus job too decide what was legal or not , the police don't make the law they only enforce it , it would be the decision of a judge too decide imo
  9. Plans sound gd mate , I will get my donation in 3 weeks when I get paid again , no doubt forgetting too add username again
  10. did he get a £27,000 bonus though , that's the important question
  11. as I'm voting no and very pro union and a member of the sponsors fund I say politics in the sponsers fund this needs an official thread and poll
  12. ger4life_1872

    GTA V

    yesterday morning was first I got online so I hammered it all day , got too about level 9 and had about 8 grand in bank and shit load ammo , went back last night and it was all gone
  13. ger4life_1872

    GTA V

    cheers mate glad I didn't get on then
  14. ger4life_1872

    GTA V

    Anyone else on ps3 can't get online ?
  15. are you a rangers fan ?? Yes or no ?? This is a question admin should really be asking because if answer is no you have no place here
  16. Stockbridge claims in the article too have paid the electric bill out of his own pocket last year , Malcolm Murray made the same claim a few months ago , were these separate bills or is someone lying ?
  17. Only thing I think should have been different yesterday was gasparotto for cribari in a straight swap because I think we would have adjusted quicker and would have looked as solid as we did first half
  18. first castle that was on fire had league 2 flag and second 1 had a league 1 flag so think it was meant too illustrate us destroying everything that gets in our way , that was my guess anyway
  19. Is this not the tarriers just trying too pretend too uefa that their dealing with them so no need for any action against club
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