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Everything posted by LineysLament

  1. Smart about turn a fucking off at the 'high port' I should imagine
  2. A third nipple anaw. Oh, and a black cat. I know about these things as my ex had them
  3. Whitabootery of the first order.. Outfuckingrageous 'statement'..
  4. Threatened? They were fucking assaulted!! Weak statement.
  5. Can you pm Tuesdays lottery numbers please?
  6. Thats an old statement. They've said fuck all since. neither have SFA.
  7. Been heartsick all day. Not now after reading that. Well done Rangers. WE ARE THE PEOPLE!
  8. So, the polis tactic of detaining people who have not committed any crime just in case they might be thinking of it didn't work then?
  9. Well, that shut the fat cunt up.
  10. Watched the game in the Gallant Pioneer. Brilliant atmosphere. WATP
  11. 11 11 is sacrosanct. It is a time to remember those who fell in the service of their country, friend or even foe. I will be thinking of them and my comrades who died in service and out of it. The last thing on my mind will be some stinking paedophile.
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