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Everything posted by BILLYBOY50

  1. jammy bastards in more ways than one and why was that wee cunt broon not closed down before he got his shot away. poor defending to say the least still confident of winning the replay though as long as we press the ball and play at a higher tempo, and cut out the slack passing cmon gers get your fucking act together we have been put through enough torture this season. follow follow for w.a.t.p
  2. good team on their day when they play on the deck and attacking football. but its too few and far between games, as they are being stifled by the management team who every time we take the lead tell them to keep it tight and try and defend our lead fucking shocking tactics let them play attacking football that is the teams strengh,s still not too late to change it we still have 4 trophies to play for
  3. for all that we were rotten throughout most of the game and they had most of the posession we still had the better of the scoring chances and should of made them count, and didnt which contributed to our downfall although we didnt get beat the draw to me still feels like a defeat. still think if we play the ball on the ground up the tempo and find a team mate with a pass we can win the replay as i think we made them look good yesterday and we can have a better day if everyone plays to their full potential at the midden in the east end and play to our strenghs i:e attack instead of sitting back and letting them dictate the play.NO SURRENDER RANGERS for W.A.T.P
  4. if i didnt know better id say we were playing for a draw to get more money from the replay. but it has happened more often than not this season trying to hold on to a lead without going for more goals. just cant understand the logic at all if you think back to december 2009 we scored for fun playing with two up top and two wingers why we have resorted to trying to defend a lead other than put teams away is beyond me.and only walter knows why and if it continues i can see us winning centre of a doughnut this season.so come on walter let other teams be frightened of us from now on and not the other way around.we are still in all 4 competitions so cmon rangers 100% effort from each and every one of you a maybe we can still end up with a domestic treble if not quadruple its still in our own hands DONT FUCK IT UP w.a.t.p
  5. he should of been hooked at half time for his first half performance alone. has been poor of late, never mind him already being booked. i said after he was booked walter better take him off or he will be sent off how right i was. and how can we all see this and walter cant. i just dont get him anymore i have never felt so angry and frustrated watching rangers in the last 40 odd years. please walter try and win all ur remaining games and not try not to lose them and we might end up with silverware. w.a.t.p
  6. give kyle bartly a go in midfield every time i have seen him the boy knows how to put in a hard tackle. unlike our powderpuff midfield without jig like it was on sunday and play somebody in the hole just behind jela with ehd on the left and miami on the right and try and attack teams for ninety mins not just ten.cmon rangers stop being so fucking lazy and feart its time for every 1 of you to stand up and be counted as we cant expect to win games when only 4 or 5 players can be bothered to play to their full potential, lets do this and another thing try to play on the grass and not up in the air. rant over w.a.t.p
  7. the 2nd of january was an emotional day for every one connected to the club and i think it got to the fans and players. but lets make ibrox a cauldren of hate towards these scummy bastards today bears and help carry our team to a famous victory w.a.t.p
  8. the fucking celtic know all about their troubles we will fight till the day is done. cmon the gers lets do it
  9. iv had at least 2 hours sleep and about to crack open my first can of strongbow not nervous just excited cmon the gers get in aboot them w.a.t.p
  10. cant rembember the year but played the t*rriers at ibrox and was 2 goals down at half time. that big prick edvalson scored both and we scored 3 in the second half to beat them that was a great day.should have seen their end empty when we scored the third. w.a.t.p
  11. fuck knows m8 think its a pile of pish to be honest just another way of winding us up me thinks anyway roll on kick off w.A.T.P
  12. dont break our hearts rangers break their fucking legs lol w.a.t.p
  13. cant fucking wait and hopefully the champions turn up and put in a full 90 minute shift then i think we will all be celebrating knocking those gypos out of the scottish cup. cmon the bears get right fucking into them. w.a.t.p
  14. i feel that if we press the ball and get right in about them unlike the last game we will win. but if we play just 1 up and with the defensive mindset of the last game im afraid the scum will just do enought to put us out the cup.so cmon the gers no surrender and give these T*rrier bastards the game of their lifes. w.a.t.p
  15. fuck them all for we will be mastered by who by no fenian bastard we,l keep the blue flag flying high w.a.t.p
  16. why do some people on here not try and look at things with a bit of cheer., instead of no matter what the subject is thats open for discussion they put a fucking downer on it. i for one like to think my glass is half full than half empty. but we will just need to wait and see if indeed its the middle of march when the buy out takes place anyway bears heres hoping. w.a.t.p
  17. the cry was no surrender cmon the gers.
  18. like the look of that team m8 only hope walter does too w.a.t.p
  19. keep the faith bears i can see this happening looking forward to getting some money to spend on the team. but for now lets just get right into these T*rrier bastards on sunday rangers and show the scum who the champions are. w.a.t.p
  20. just said that craig whyte hopes to finalise the buy out by the middle of march heres hoping bears w.a.t.p
  21. nice one m8 enjoy ur day im sure u will n give it laldy w.a.t.p
  22. fuck the dirty unwashed T*rrier cunts lets see what happens on sunday w.a.t.p
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