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Everything posted by BILLYBOY50

  1. help me please im lost what a weird world we now live in lol w.a.t.p
  2. i hate them us much now as i always have hated the T*rrier bastards and that is everything to do with them. but i have never hated a manager of them as much as i hate that dirty wee sniveling scummy cunt lemmon and there is no fucking way can we let him lead them to the title in walters last season. and hopefully someone has done him in before the season ends. no surrender rangers for w.a.t.p
  3. 1 0 to the gers cmon bears lets get behind walter and the team and forget about sunday that will take care of itself on the day. sporting first then we focus on the T*rrier game.cmon the rangers get right fucking into them w.a.t.p
  4. yes after the games your best bet m8 he will see all the players and can get his photo taken with them and get their autographs hope you and your wee brother enjoy your night. w.a.t.p
  5. well said if he wants to play for the dark side then freeze him out doesnt deserve to wear the blue jersey.
  6. our reaction to it is fuck all ya shower of gypo bastards. our players can wear what they like and practice what ever faith they are as long as when they pull on our famous blue jersey they give 100% and shove it right up the green and white shite. w.a.t.p
  7. jelavic go on big man give the unwashed the hiding of their lifes w.a.t.p
  8. second verse id shite on your paddy mccluskey id shite on yer icelander too id shite on your englishman latchford a wish i had an arse of a coo a coo shite on shite on shite on the bastards below below shite on shite on shite on the bastards below. those were the days lol w.a.t.p
  9. as i have already stated bears we only attacked them for about 15 mins both halfs in the cup game and still had the better scoring chances. ok they had the lions share of posession, but apart from their goals and the save from shagger from samarse they didnt threaten us and as i said before the motherwell game theres no need to panic, if we play to our strenghts in both the sporting and the T*rrier games we will win them both.
  10. haha get it right up you ya T*rrier bastards.step up and play each machine seems to say. we are coming to get ye ya gypos. w.a.t.p
  11. great idea wont happen under walters leadership though w.a.t.p
  12. what goes around comes around :chopometer: i for one cant understand how other bears think that the t*rriers are out of site. who had the better scoring chances in the cup we did and after only playing about 15 mins attacking football. lets get 3 points against motherwell then we shall see who the champions are when we go to play the scum in their own midden.i have a feeling we are going to see the real rangers so keep believing bears. w.a.t.p
  13. ffs lets just wait and see what the team is tmrw ? people being pessimistic already doesnt help. cant see what all the panic is rangers will have a comfortable win tmrw then we can get ready to batter the scum. w.a.t.p
  14. if we are going to sing it ? sing it like its meant to be sung like we did on sunday. w.a.t.p
  15. congratulations m8 to you and yours.
  16. wont judge him on that performance. but will say he will need to get into better shape to play for rangers looks like he needs to lose a few pounds ? w.a.t.p
  17. the wee fucker punched the air as is to say get it up you to the clubdeck when the wanker commons scored, then after that cupped his ear as if to say i cant hear yous. i hate the wee ginger gypo with a passion and i hope the next time someone sends bullets to him its out a fucking gun and not in the post dirty wee T*rrier bastard. w.a.t.p
  18. needs an operation and willmost probably miss the remainder of the season.
  19. i agree sit in and defend we will win none of the o/f games. but if we play to our strenghs i:e attack them then im confident of winning all them because they are not as good as every 1 thinks they are. we only played attacking football for about 15 mins between the halfs and we still made the best scoring chances.so fucking bring it on ya T*rrier bastards. w.a.t.p
  20. motherwell first. and lets not say how hard and difficult the game will be walter, stop talking up the opposition and get your own team to play to our strenghs. take the game to them high tempo and watch the goals fly in.then and only then will we get our selfs ready to batter the t*rriers in their own midden lets do this walter fuck all this sitting back shite go at them from the first whistle and dont stop till they are battered into submission.and show the fuckers who are the scottish champions. p.s i have never wanted to teach those bastards a lesson as much as i do now only hope the rangers players and management feel the same. w.a.t.p
  21. no thanks but hopefully there is a hard tackling no nonsense defensive midfielder elsewhere that is out of contract. as if we dont play hutton we will need cover for jig if he is out the rest of the season. w.a.t.p
  22. cmon walter how can you be right and we are all wrong. give them the chance because we have a very good team when we go all out and attack we have proved it when we start games and come flying at the opposition with all guns blazing. only for you to get them to apply the brakes once we take the lead. think back to december 2009 walter when we scored over 20 goals in 5 weeks with 2 wingers and 2 strikers we have excellent attack minded players but you are making them look ordinary with your defensive mindset, let them loose walter and see what they can do im sure they wont let us down. w.a.t.p
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