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To Be A Ranger

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Everything posted by To Be A Ranger

  1. They are shite. They lost to a part time team from Gibraltar ffs. It worries me that we couldn't put some tactics together that would have shown some kind of fight.
  2. Youre right but I didn't expect anything from that game. That fact it was only 2-0 was a bonus. I expected a lot more today.
  3. I was at several doings by the scum in the past (and several doings we gave them) but even then I seen more to suggest there was optimism for future games. Today I saw none of that. No closing down, hardly a promising attack. Never have I seen such a lack of attacking options.
  4. Never have I seen a Rangers team be so shite against the scum. No heart, no passion, no tactics, no defence, no nothing, no fuckin shots on target. I don't see any improvement ahead. Get moh and holt in the team. Make some major signings for fuck sake.
  5. So who did you want then? The crook's to remain in place? Cause there was fuck all anyone else stepping up. I agree we need investment in the team big time. I hate to say it but at least half the team is well away from the standard we need. They cnuts ripped us apart today
  6. My father-in-law is (was) hyper whenever any Rangers game was on the Tv or radio. Listening to the radio was the worst. He would be a nervous wreck and disappear out the house during various times. Marching around the block and up Gardner street before coming back in to see what the result was. Listen a bit more then disappear again, and repeat until the game was over. He still follow follows, but Alzheimers is taking its grip day by day and he doesn't have the same focus any more, but still a great bear.
  7. There's a piece on the BBC website Old Firm rivalry opens new chapter that I just read. It reads like some bloke trying to be intellectual about Rangers playing the tims, but can't resist the usual digs, and reads like a bloke who has never set foot in Glasgow in his life. Anyway one quote made me take notice at the peak of the Jock Stein era which made them untouchable for a while Not everyone was untouchable Jamie, and BJ Knew that. The article is below. Note the quotes are from "a Rangers fan" and "a Celtic fan" no names as usual in this made up pish. "It's life," a Celtic fan said to me in a Glasgow pub this week, and meant it. Saturday's game with Rangers is the resumption of maybe the oldest, and fiercest rivalry in football. Since Rangers' financial collapse four years ago, which meant the club had to start again from the bottom rung of the Scottish leagues, Glasgow has been deprived of one of its cultural touchstones - sometimes ugly, sometimes inspiring but always important to this city. "See the sheriff court on Monday morning?" a Rangers man said to me, predicting possible trouble. "It will be bouncing! Four hundred bodies." Brendan Rodgers relishing first taste of Celtic v Rangers Warburton knows Rangers success must be swift Old Firm public safety 'is priority' He was wearing, rather bizarrely, a Croatian national team shirt, perhaps to allow him to pass through the streets without attracting too much attention, but his passion was bursting out. "I'm Catholic. I've always been Rangers. Imagine that!" In saying it, he touched on the fiery undercurrent of this rivalry. It cuts deep into the religious sectarianism that has scarred the west of Scotland for generations. Much diminished these days - both clubs have turned the screw on people who sing the old partisan songs at matches - but it is still there. The sound of Ibrox It is not so long since the Rangers ground, Ibrox Stadium, rang to the deafening sound of the Orange anthem, The Sash My Father Wore, and at Celtic Park you would hear the full Irish Republican repertoire. Their encounters sometimes seemed to be proxies for re-enactments of 17th century battles, as if the bitterness had been distilled and kept like a precious drink for special occasions. But the story is much richer than that. This industrial city, where they used to build a quarter of the world's shipping, got much of its colour from the football field. A smoke-shrouded, tough city, where the work was hard and life often punishing, found pageantry in the rivalry of these clubs. Kids were reared on the magic; traditions were burnished down the years and passed on. It often angered the other clubs in Scotland, of course. The Old Firm's dominance, and money, often seemed like a stranglehold. Yet while Rangers were out of the premiership, working their way back after financial disaster, everyone acknowledged that something had been lost. You may not like them, but maybe you need them. Jock Stein era So, across the city they're preparing for a wild weekend. The clubs have played twice in cup competitions in recent years, but no one took those games seriously. Saturday's match is the resumption of the endless quest for domination, which has swung back and forth down the years. Celtic's European Cup victory in 1967 - they were the first British club to win the competition - was their most glorious moment, at the peak of the Jock Stein era which made them untouchable for a while. By the late eighties, Rangers had resumed command and - as their rivals had done - won the league title for years in succession. That is the history that is the backdrop for this resumption of hostilities. I spoke to Gordon Smith, an ex-Rangers player who became director of football at the club, who talked about life in the Old Firm. He said - with Murdo McLeod, ex-Celtic standing next to him - that the players generally got on well because they shared the understanding of what it's like to play for one of these clubs in Glasgow, and face the fans in the street. No one who has not experienced it can quite understand. 'Little to match it' For David Hay, a Celtic star from the Stein era, it will be a match of pulsating excitement that will lift Celtic Park. Like old Rangers hands on the other side he will be in a crowd that will be gripped by the feeling that an old movie that has been on pause has started to run again, with a great climax not far away. The Glasgow that these clubs feed on is a very different city from the one a predecessor generation of players knew, even, say, in the 1960s. A modern, throbbing, young place with the smokestack industries gone and a different kind of life on the streets. With that has gone some, though not all of the sectarian bitterness that long disfigured the game here, but some things don't change. Anyone wanting to understand how sporting passion can become a culture should be at Celtic Park at 1130 BST on Saturday. There is little that can match it.
  8. The manager should know his best side and how he wants the team to play. All our major players are fit. He knows what we have to do. The players just need to show the desire to win and it will happen.
  9. No ticket and don't really want one but I dare say if offered I'll be handing over my 50 quid. Looks like everyone in our club who wanted a ticket got one. Those of us without will be there in spirit. Looking forward to an excellent sash bash in the club.
  10. We'll have chances to score so we just need to take them. We get the ball moving fast, get the team selection right and fight to the end then there's no worries. Get right into them.
  11. Your right there. I've got to get my son to help me these days. It used to be a simple win or draw now it's how many goals, 1st half or 2nd half, scorecasts etc. I put a bet on some fuckin mob that I thought was Juve turned out to be a youth team in the Buenos Aires 4th division or something like that.
  12. Do you think any of the scum would get blamed for it even if there was cctv trained on every one of the fckers.
  13. Great idea. Then we could do 130 years, 131 years, 132 years. A party every year. Someone better let the board know just in case they are not aware
  14. He played for us and gave his best. That's all I ask of players that pull on the jersey. Unfortunately he just doesn't have what it takes at the moment to impress in the 1st eleven. Good luck Robbie with your football wherever it takes you.
  15. Probably just some tim at the wind up. How the fuck does someone get banned from RM. Unless you're an obvious rabid scum lover I think that this forum is a pretty tolerant bunch. Good/bad posters, informative/boring bassas, sober/drunk nutters in fact a good collective. Any nob end that feels the need to run off his mouth on another forum and slag fellow bears because of his own insecurities is rubbish well gotten rid of. And any forum that believes him should take a good hard look at themselves.
  16. Then they can proudly own what will probably be classed as a collectors item. Probably be worth a few bob in years to come for any collector geeks out there.
  17. Scotland is not a tolerant society when it comes to anything that can be remotely seen as something that might upset the most paranoid of tims.
  18. Time for European leagues if the big boys want guarantees they can take part in euro competition each season.
  19. I'll add to the tediousness by saying his missus won't be happy. He said after the Sunderland job that he was retiring from football to spend some time with her indoors.
  20. Somehow during the 1st half the prick managed to utter that Rangers are a joy to watch when we go a goal in front due to the way we try to keep the ball. Someone must have pointed it out to him at half time cause he was determined to make up for it with his constant whining about Harry's tackle.
  21. When Holt came on as sub against Peterhead his energy was obvious. Getting in among the players and constantly moving showing great urgency yet he can't get into the team. We are playing a slower game in midfield now. The faster passing game takes a lot of energy and it looks like MW is not keen on it at the moment
  22. Late on in yesterday's game they swung in a corner and although one of our centre backs had their man covered closely, arms outstretched to prevent a run, the Dundee man still got a header in without even jumping. The defence has to not only learn to mark their men properly but also attack the ball when it comes into the box.
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