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Everything posted by Ryju84

  1. Our equivalent of wee Jay?
  2. Things are going too positive just now. Decent manager. Decent players who aren't pansies. We needed a good negative story to stick the boot in.
  3. But it is actually the kinda story that Rangers fans who write for the media (i.e. Daily Record) could run with
  4. He doesnt shit out from tackles
  5. Wonder if the negative spin on the story would be so obvious if he was on loan to them
  6. The irony here (and I may be alone in this comment) is that Morelos looks okay running in from the right and taking players on ... in that role Waghorn wasnt as good at.
  7. Doesnt give me option to update. But il have another look. That is the weirdest cropping I have ever seen. But I appreciate it
  8. I cant see it on Virgin to go app... is it not on that?
  9. Is the other team so poor that we are confident it will be these guys?
  10. Or when a cross came in, or when the ball was passed back, or when a shot came from close, or when he walked onto the park...
  11. He will score more than Morelos
  12. The ball came to him. He missed it. Might actually have been Josh
  13. Seems to have the first touch of a virgin sometimes. Let's see what happens now with Umar there
  14. People who want their aris to hang out
  15. Macedonia press ask better questions in one session than whole of Scottish media in the last 3 years
  16. Iv never once claimed to know anything, nor have I ever posted anything along the lines of "I told you so"... not for anyone of our players. I made a comment about my opinion after seeing him play and the responses that people used to say. The drink problem is nothing to do with it.
  17. "But he just needs time to get match fit" "He needs a few games to find his touch" "Insert other comment here that some people said whenever someone dared to slag Pena"
  18. Gerrard to be announced as our manager
  19. Thread should be "what have we missed?" The answer being the target.
  20. She is even smaller when on her knees
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