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Spiers has another go at our fans for yesterdays game.


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He has no influence in his regional pishy paper with almost no audience at all. He's not listened to by anyone, unlike his Herald or whatever paper he was in before days.

Sadly Danny, this is not the case. He was on the radio last week and gave a figure as to the number of people who read timesonline.

I cant remember the figure, but the number was massive.

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Yes timesonline gets a lot of hits but what is the percentage of readers looking at his excuse of a blog. Him and Ewan Murray of the Grauniad are my two least favourite hacks in the broadsheets

Maybe not many as Spiers would like to think Mr C, but there is no doubt it has a substantial audience.

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Yes timesonline gets a lot of hits but what is the percentage of readers looking at his excuse of a blog. Him and Ewan Murray of the Grauniad are my two least favourite hacks in the broadsheets

Ewan Murray is Graham's catamite.

Spiers often quotes figures of 750,000 sales of the Times; however, he is employed on the Scottish version of the Times. When he joined over a year past, it was selling 30,000 copies, within several months it fell to just under 25,000. Wee Poison Pen Phil Gordon does the SPL for the UK version of the Times.

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Selective journalism once again.

He's a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody.

Nowhere man do you see us at all?

Yep, we win the Old Firm battle, go top of the league & this sack of shit has a go at our fans for some chanting. Agenda anyone ?

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You would think we just beat the scum to go top of the league....

Well seen these stories never appeared while they were on top....

Glad you're hurting Britney you bitter twisted poisonous bastard.

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Speirs is an upper class twit who's only reason for being a 2 bob hack is to dig up dirt on Rangers..lets see mr Educated explain what a real f****n Bastard is and not what he thinks it is and let him explain away the pro terrorist flags,songs and chants from our potato picking cousins.

His agenda against Rangers is quite embarrassing and we all know he reads this forum so instead of giving him more amunition lets educate the man.

Mr Speirs if you see 1,000 men shouting an obcenity as the fall of mankind then god help you if you ever cover a game in Eastern Europe,Italy,Spain,Greece,South America,South Africa,The Middle east,France,Holland and when a Rangers player or former Rangers player plays against the R.O.I.

Maybe cover a Celtic away game in Scotland or Europe and listen to them sing and shout against their own country in support of a banned,murderous terror group.

But of course he won't cos Rangers are an easy target and the man is a coward.

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As long as people read the gutter hack's dross, and post it on forums, and slag him off about it, the longer he'll have fuel to keep on with it.

I didn't read a word, I never do.

And I'm surprised you've posted this minstral, you were one of those who appreciated my clicking a timesonline link because I suspected it was him writing it - and you appreciated the fact because you didn't have to do the same thing.

And yet here you and others are giving him the time of day.

He has no influence in his regional pishy paper with almost no audience at all. He's not listened to by anyone, unlike his Herald or whatever paper he was in before days.

So let us not even give a flying funk what he says.

I know I don't.

Keep your friends close - your enemies closer.

Sorry Danny but you have got this all wrong - Minstral is right to highlight the lies and lack of journalistic integrity of this cretin.

Furthermore The Times is hardly a "reginal pishy paper". Its readership are probably in the main in the south of England and failry ignorant of the situation up here - prime candidates for being easliy influenced by lies and conjecture.

Ignoring him is not the answer. Highlighting his lack of balance, challenging his lies at every opportunity is.

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Quite a contrast to the Scotsman match review, by Tom English I believe

Though the rain rarely stopped and the cold grew bitter as the day went on, the action on the field was hot and heavy. We had it all; the good, the bad and the grotesque. Our old friends, the bigots, made an appearance. You turn up at these occasions hoping that this will be the day the fans will keep the songs clean and elevate their behaviour above the level of the gutter. How long did that fantasy last? Well, seconds. The players had taken about three strides up the tunnel at the start when we heard lusty roars from Rangers people about what they'd like to do to the Pope, replied to 15 minutes later by chunky sections of the Celtic element singing about their favourite terrorist organisation. Thankfully, these idiots climbed back under their respective rocks thereafter and we got on with the football.

I dont mind it when its balanced

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Of course, Celtic fans sung nothing of the sort either, did they? :blink:

I didn't hear the game yesterday. It was on the TV, but i had Clyde 1 on, so i can't comment on if these songs were sung.

I am against this sort of singing at Ibrox. But... This was one of the most tense Old Firm games in a while. There was so much tension between the fans, because they both knew: Whoever won, will go on to win the league.

So i think that any singing that was deemed "unsuitable" should just be chopped down to the fact that it was a very very heated game between the fans. This was pretty much the Title decider. Fuck, even i felt like belting out the BB at times :craphead:

I am even more sure you are a scumtic fan after reading this, you prefer RC to the tv commentary and you cant comment on "if" these songs were sung, how about believing everyone who was there or maybe just commenting on the IRA flags and the scumtic supporter with the republic of ireland flag with three big letters on it, let me give you a clue as to what these letters were, I Ran Away. A sentence which pretty much describes their sectarian murder gangs.

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Quite a contrast to the Scotsman match review, by Tom English I believe

Though the rain rarely stopped and the cold grew bitter as the day went on, the action on the field was hot and heavy. We had it all; the good, the bad and the grotesque. Our old friends, the bigots, made an appearance. You turn up at these occasions hoping that this will be the day the fans will keep the songs clean and elevate their behaviour above the level of the gutter. How long did that fantasy last? Well, seconds. The players had taken about three strides up the tunnel at the start when we heard lusty roars from Rangers people about what they'd like to do to the Pope,replied to 15 minutes later by chunky sections of the Celtic element singing about their favourite terrorist organisation. Thankfully, these idiots climbed back under their respective rocks thereafter and we got on with the football.

I dont mind it when its balanced

What a gross misinterpretation of the lyrics. I don't think any Rangers fan actually wants to fuck that geriatric Nazi :craphead:

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And another thing...

Ibrox support still singing racist and bigoted songs

It used to be said, with some justification, that it was only media comment and pressure that really led to the bigotry problem at Rangers being addressed by the club and the football authorities. In which case, on the basis of Saturday at Ibrox, it is time for that period of scrutiny to recommence.

A couple of years ago some of the truly offensive chants from the Rangers hymnal were expunged following Uefa's intervention, but after Saturday's Old Firm experience, the Rangers problem is evidently boiling away again. Recurring bigoted or racist themes were all too apparent in many songs sung by a section of the Ibrox support, and it looks like this is set to embarrass the club all over again.

Rangers – yes, with Uefa holding a bayonet to the club's head – took strong action over its fans' singing a couple of years ago, but both the club and the Scottish media have held back since in a joint effort which, it was hoped, would help the problem to ebb away.

It was Rangers who specifically asked that we in the media cooperate with this "cooling off" period, and most of us have happily gone along with it, to a degree. I'm afraid, however, that the policy appears doomed.

On Saturday thousands of Rangers fans even hijacked their club's own prematch anthem, The Best, to pollute it with sectarian language. Throughout the game, with the Celtic supporters' Irish flags goading them on, much of the dreaded preUefa repertoire of bigoted dirges were unleashed. For some reason the phrase "f****n bastards" remains much cherished in chant and song at Ibrox.

Sir David Murray, the Rangers chairman, and Martin Bain, the club's chief executive, and Kenny Scott, the club's head of security, have all summed up this type of singing in one word: "embarrassing". Walter Smith, the Rangers manager, and Ally McCoist, the club's assistant manager, have also made statements pleading with Rangers supporters to stop singing such stuff. Much of this has been in vain.

As crass as it sounds, now we hear reports of fans' campaigns on one or two of the demented internet sites to have The Billy Boys brought back at Rangers games. Apparently, the song is alive and well on the trains and buses going to matches.

Rangers FC need to be on guard against this whole embarrassment resurfacing again. Evidently, the club still has this choral poison in its midst.

Oh dear, did we knock poor Britneys team off the top? Better stick the knife into the fans (again, yawn) Speirsy ya bell-end. Nobody cares what you say.

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A historical non-story, using old quotes from previous conversations with the Rangers Management team to imply it was their view yesterday. The best an untalented, disrespected, bitter, cantankerous, biased and contemptible little excuse for a journalist can come up with.

Jog on Britney, the sack can only be matter of time.

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15 minutes in we heard 'oo-ah up the ra' I made a point of checking the time. Also stumbled across this article earlier on but didn't want to dignify it by posting it on here. He lives for the publicity and to give McCoist355's campaign to bring the bb is his biggest faux pas yet.

Absolutely. McCoist355's campaign - which is certainly the only one I know about - is to bring it back with a change of words, so as not to be "sectarian." Britney is a fanny of a man.

I should point out that there is a direct corrolation between Rangers winning an old firm encounter, and the songs issue being raised.


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Of course, Celtic fans sung nothing of the sort either, did they? :blink:

I didn't hear the game yesterday. It was on the TV, but i had Clyde 1 on, so i can't comment on if these songs were sung.

I am against this sort of singing at Ibrox. But... This was one of the most tense Old Firm games in a while. There was so much tension between the fans, because they both knew: Whoever won, will go on to win the league.

So i think that any singing that was deemed "unsuitable" should just be chopped down to the fact that it was a very very heated game between the fans. This was pretty much the Title decider. Fuck, even i felt like belting out the BB at times :craphead:

I am even more sure you are a scumtic fan after reading this, you prefer RC to the tv commentary and you cant comment on "if" these songs were sung, how about believing everyone who was there or maybe just commenting on the IRA flags and the scumtic supporter with the republic of ireland flag with three big letters on it, let me give you a clue as to what these letters were, I Ran Away. A sentence which pretty much describes their sectarian murder gangs.

Im glad someone else has picked up on 'dietspam' There is something very suspicious about this guys posts.

Anyhow, Spiers is a class 1 wanker, in a league of his own. I used to go on to the Timesonline to defend comments made about our club but then it got really tedious for me because it was a new attack every single day and with me being out in Italy he kinda wore me down. To think people are reading this shite all over the world but I tell you this there is not a single person in Verona who believes any of the hype coming out from Scotland regarding TGFITW and the bigoted press. No surrender !

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I should point out that there is a direct corrolation between Rangers winning an old firm encounter, and the songs issue being raised.

Correct mate. Read the Bear Essentials article from Friday on the main website.

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Of course, Celtic fans sung nothing of the sort either, did they? :blink:

I didn't hear the game yesterday. It was on the TV, but i had Clyde 1 on, so i can't comment on if these songs were sung.

I am against this sort of singing at Ibrox. But... This was one of the most tense Old Firm games in a while. There was so much tension between the fans, because they both knew: Whoever won, will go on to win the league.

So i think that any singing that was deemed "unsuitable" should just be chopped down to the fact that it was a very very heated game between the fans. This was pretty much the Title decider. Fuck, even i felt like belting out the BB at times :craphead:

I am even more sure you are a scumtic fan after reading this, you prefer RC to the tv commentary and you cant comment on "if" these songs were sung, how about believing everyone who was there or maybe just commenting on the IRA flags and the scumtic supporter with the republic of ireland flag with three big letters on it, let me give you a clue as to what these letters were, I Ran Away. A sentence which pretty much describes their sectarian murder gangs.

You think I'm a Celtic fan because i like Radio Clyde? <cr> Yes, i would rather listen to that then the shitey commentary on Setanta.

Again, you show that you are just a paranoid prick. I know about the IRA flags, there is a thread about it in the General Football section. I have replied in there a few times. But you have chosen to ignore that? <cr>

Jog on ya prick, WATP.

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Usual one sided rubbish from someone who has long since stopped being relevant.

The add ons to STB are moronic though, they will just stop playing it again, shouting FTP at a rangers game is not acceptable anymore, we as a support know this but still have our collection of morons who just can’t grow up…..

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Of course, Celtic fans sung nothing of the sort either, did they? :blink:

I didn't hear the game yesterday. It was on the TV, but i had Clyde 1 on, so i can't comment on if these songs were sung.

I am against this sort of singing at Ibrox. But... This was one of the most tense Old Firm games in a while. There was so much tension between the fans, because they both knew: Whoever won, will go on to win the league.

So i think that any singing that was deemed "unsuitable" should just be chopped down to the fact that it was a very very heated game between the fans. This was pretty much the Title decider. Fuck, even i felt like belting out the BB at times :craphead:

I am even more sure you are a scumtic fan after reading this, you prefer RC to the tv commentary and you cant comment on "if" these songs were sung, how about believing everyone who was there or maybe just commenting on the IRA flags and the scumtic supporter with the republic of ireland flag with three big letters on it, let me give you a clue as to what these letters were, I Ran Away. A sentence which pretty much describes their sectarian murder gangs.

Im glad someone else has picked up on 'dietspam' There is something very suspicious about this guys posts.

Anyhow, Spiers is a class 1 wanker, in a league of his own. I used to go on to the Timesonline to defend comments made about our club but then it got really tedious for me because it was a new attack every single day and with me being out in Italy he kinda wore me down. To think people are reading this shite all over the world but I tell you this there is not a single person in Verona who believes any of the hype coming out from Scotland regarding TGFITW and the bigoted press. No surrender !

I invite you to take this up with me on PMs to avoid taking the thread off topic.

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As Covenanter has stated - were we sitting here this morning discussing a defeat on Saturday, this topic would not be part of that discussion because the Botanical Truth Fairy wouldn't have mentioned it.

This disgusting little toerag is doing his masters bidding - his master being none other than Peter Lieswell.

Lieswell tells the Queer one that "We have no sectarian problem at Parkhead - it's a Rangers-only problem" and this little pond dweller does a hatchet job on us at every turn.

I would suggest that all Rangers-minded people ignore the ramblings of this gutter-dwelling-pond-crawling little rodent in much the same manner as the rest of his media colleagues already do.

Spiers is an attention-seeking dyke-jumper.

It's all he's got left in his miserable life.

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Of course, Celtic fans sung nothing of the sort either, did they? :blink:

I didn't hear the game yesterday. It was on the TV, but i had Clyde 1 on, so i can't comment on if these songs were sung.

I am against this sort of singing at Ibrox. But... This was one of the most tense Old Firm games in a while. There was so much tension between the fans, because they both knew: Whoever won, will go on to win the league.

So i think that any singing that was deemed "unsuitable" should just be chopped down to the fact that it was a very very heated game between the fans. This was pretty much the Title decider. Fuck, even i felt like belting out the BB at times :craphead:

I am even more sure you are a scumtic fan after reading this, you prefer RC to the tv commentary and you cant comment on "if" these songs were sung, how about believing everyone who was there or maybe just commenting on the IRA flags and the scumtic supporter with the republic of ireland flag with three big letters on it, let me give you a clue as to what these letters were, I Ran Away. A sentence which pretty much describes their sectarian murder gangs.

<cr> the shitanta commentators who are WILLING and vocally encouraging the scum to win? Who get over excited anytime the ball got 25 yards from our goal? I never listen to clyde, mainly because I dont have a radio haha, but, I would rather listen to ANYTHING apart from the TV commentary, which is ridiculously biased. That fact in itself makes your accusation of the guy appear a little foolish mate

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