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Who do you rate a Rangers Legend ?

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If I had to pick 1 player it would have to be John Greig, he carried The Rangers almost single handed in the lean years of the late 60's/early 70's,

Although if we're talking about players who were proud and loved the jersey, along with all the above I'd like to include John [bomber] Brown, he would run through a brick wall for the team and was vastly underrated, why he never got more caps is a disgrace.

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There's so many. In my life there has been Gough, Butcher, Goram, Hateley, McCoist, Ian Ferguson, Bomber, Durrant, Stuart McCall (very underrated), Laudrup, Gazza, big Amo, Albertz Rolf Harris' didgeridoo and a few more.

Out of the current side only Barry and wee nacho even come close. Ferguson in time will be thought of as a legend. Over time the bad memories fade and we will remember him for the player he was

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Billy Simpson, Willie Woodburn, Willie Thornton were some of my Granda's choices. In recent times I'd say Cooper, Laudrup, Albertz, Klos and Barry Ferguson, though I believe that Michael Mols could have been a legend if it wasnt for THAT injury.

Oh yeah - Ally McCoist how did I forget him? doh

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If I had to pick 1 player it would have to be John Greig, he carried The Rangers almost single handed in the lean years of the late 60's/early 70's,

Although if we're talking about players who were proud and loved the jersey, along with all the above I'd like to include John [bomber] Brown, he would run through a brick wall for the team and was vastly underrated, why he never got more caps is a disgrace.

Agree on Bomber, though I forgot to add him on my list (and Durrant belongs there as well). One of my favourite players to have worn the jersey.

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Laudrup, The goalie and Gazza and i would also add mccoist and Hateley too. (tu) all players i have seen.

then you have the REAL legends that i havent seen play: Baxter and cooper( have seen him play but was very very young)

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I,m surprised none of the auld yins have mentioned Eric Caldow and my first idol, Jimmy Millar.

Eric Caldow was never booked once in his entire career, Jimmy Johnstone was once asked if he ever went past Caldow, His reply was he once past him in a taxi

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The wee Prime Minister, George Young, Ralph Brand, Jim Baxter, John Grieg, Davie Cooper, Ally McCoist. Modern players don't tend to spend long enough at the club to be considered as legends.

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The wee Prime Minister, George Young, Ralph Brand, Jim Baxter, John Grieg, Davie Cooper, Ally McCoist. Modern players don't tend to spend long enough at the club to be considered as legends.

(tu) Spot on!

I find it ludicrous when a player who had one and a bit good season is referred to as a Rangers Legend. Even Gazza, a truly fantastic player, cannot really be termed as one of our legends although his amazing display against the sheep will live in my memory.

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The wee Prime Minister, George Young, Ralph Brand, Jim Baxter, John Grieg, Davie Cooper, Ally McCoist. Modern players don't tend to spend long enough at the club to be considered as legends.

Welcome to RM mate. (tu)

I agree, there are only 1 or 2 players in the game at the moment that come close to being true legends, Ryan Giggs being upmost in my thoughts. Surely a legend is someone who will be remembered as a fantastic player and servant to the club in 30, 40, 50yrs time? Will youngsters in the 2050s hear the same awe in their elders voices when they talk of Novo, Boyd, Ferguson or Thomson that I heard in my fathers when he talked about Caldow, Shearer and Baxter? I seriously doubt it!

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The wee Prime Minister, George Young, Ralph Brand, Jim Baxter, John Grieg, Davie Cooper, Ally McCoist. Modern players don't tend to spend long enough at the club to be considered as legends.

Welcome to RM mate. (tu)

I agree, there are only 1 or 2 players in the game at the moment that come close to being true legends, Ryan Giggs being upmost in my thoughts. Surely a legend is someone who will be remembered as a fantastic player and servant to the club in 30, 40, 50yrs time? Will youngsters in the 2050s hear the same awe in their elders voices when they talk of Novo, Boyd, Ferguson or Thomson that I heard in my fathers when he talked about Caldow, Shearer and Baxter? I seriously doubt it!

Funny though Eh ? The biggest Legend at Ibrox Jim Baxter was there only 5 years not counting his 1 year return. Sometimes it's what you do with the time that counts not the length of it ! :sherlock:

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The wee Prime Minister, George Young, Ralph Brand, Jim Baxter, John Grieg, Davie Cooper, Ally McCoist. Modern players don't tend to spend long enough at the club to be considered as legends.

Welcome to RM mate. (tu)

I agree, there are only 1 or 2 players in the game at the moment that come close to being true legends, Ryan Giggs being upmost in my thoughts. Surely a legend is someone who will be remembered as a fantastic player and servant to the club in 30, 40, 50yrs time? Will youngsters in the 2050s hear the same awe in their elders voices when they talk of Novo, Boyd, Ferguson or Thomson that I heard in my fathers when he talked about Caldow, Shearer and Baxter? I seriously doubt it!

Funny though Eh ? The biggest Legend at Ibrox Jim Baxter was there only 5 years not counting his 1 year return. Sometimes it's what you do with the time that counts not the length of it ! :sherlock:

Think the difference is though that Baxter was truly an exceptional talent and probably the only Ranger that I can remember that was WORLD CLASS and by that I mean had a genuine claim to be the best player in the world at the time as backed up by Pele. This is no slur on Laudrup or Gazza.

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Jock Wallace and Bill Struth...No true Ranger has ever failed in the tradtion set him.......and this sums up these guys.

Player wise... Cooper, Greig, Alex McDonald, Baxter, McCoist, The Goalie, Laudrup.

In my eyes Jorg Albertz will forever be a Rangers Legend as well (tu)


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