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Do you have any ideas on how to make the site better?


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I've read the whole thread I notice that quite a few people are calling for a shoutbox/chatbox. Don't want to put a dampener on the idea, but since a chatbox would take up screen space on the main forum index & mostly be full of people talking utter pish, I'd suggest that if anything like that is added to the forum it should be able to be switched on/off in the user control panel.

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The trouble with being in a minority on the debate about what should be in the BD and what not is I actually care for the clubs future and actually believe I have a right to an opinion both about the club, and to a lesser degree this forum.

I like this forum as it does allow dissention away from the protestant/unionist/loyalist line. I think my position is a valid one, but there are many on here would love to have that debate stifled. Now I do NOT want it stifled - I just want it separated from the football discussions but it seems that decision has already been taken - it stays! And if it stays then I will debate it until the opponents of free speech win and I get banned for being a dissenter.

I tend not to call names, acuse people of being a time/spiers/hand wringer / PC/ apologist etc. etc. (unless using the pipe ecomotion to make it ok :lol: ) but I can hold a debate and opinion that many would like stifled. I do refuse to be shouted down or bullied away from my position.

Despite what many may think I have no issues with the PUL causes - just their linkage, in the future, to Rangers. It is my opinion that their time has been and gone. Others disagree - so we 'debate it on here'. Does the fact that folk started fighting on Glasgow green during a parade interest me? It does. Should it be linked on the Rangers only part of the forum - not in my opinion, but scince its allowed I believe I am entitled to comment on it, even disparingly.

See, I think, thats where the problem is. An essential part of it is faith, and, many people follow their team "religiously", so, its not even a minor link. You cant tell people to sever it, nor should you expect them to. You can disprove of it, and, disagree with it, but, they must be allowed. If you are against it, the question is why? Its not a "bad" thing, yet, its demonized in the Scottish media, so, is this were your belief/opinion comes from? If it is NOT a bad thing, then, there is no problem ;) I think, in itself, that as the main bug bear and cause of issues, all those things, and, having them associated with the club isnt a bad thing, unless you think there is a major negative connotation to being 1, or any combination of those things, in which case, that my friend, is a sectarian viewpoint/stance, I am afraid, and, probably goes some way to explaining some of the more "angry" responses you get at times.

Sorry but ...

Following a team 'religiously' is not the same as religion. Also even if Rangers and the Protestant cause are linked it is the extreme elements of that that drag us down (and hence why I advocate dis-association). Singin FTP is not 'banter' it is religiously intolerant. Also why as a Protestant should that define what team I suppport, or more accurately why should my political or religious view be defined by my football team. i.e. just because I am a Rangers supporter there are many who would have me support the loyalist or unionist causes. Now I have no issues with these causes but my support for these causes is not defined by my support for Rangers or vice versa.

In the grand scheme of things, Rangers in particular, during the saga of signing Mo Johnstone, then laterly the banning of TBB I took a long hard look at myself, and why I sang TBB, FTP. etc. etc. just banter I thought, and then I realised that no it wasn't it was wrong. It was detrimental to the club and to me as I believe that people have the right to support any religion the want but also have to be tolerant of those religions. It was detrimental to the club because, if maintained, would prevent a wider fan base supporting to us. Religion is dying but I want us as a club to prosper. Now here is where we come to the hub of the matter on here, there are many who want to 'defend the (their) causes'. and alienate those who are not. There are a good number on here. What is important to me is the future of Rangers FC and I think it is best served by a future dis-association with the PUL causes - that is not a denial of the past but a definition of a (potential) future.

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i have seen a few comments regarding quote levels.

It does infuriate me about the amount of quotes allowed, it really does annoy me reading through umpteen previous quotes to get to the pertinent post.

Limiting the amount of quotes would go along way to tidying up the board.

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Sorry but ...

Following a team 'religiously' is not the same as religion. Also even if Rangers and the Protestant cause are linked it is the extreme elements of that that drag us down (and hence why I advocate dis-association). Singin FTP is not 'banter' it is religiously intolerant. Also why as a Protestant should that define what team I suppport, or more accurately why should my political or religious view be defined by my football team. i.e. just because I am a Rangers supporter there are many who would have me support the loyalist or unionist causes. Now I have no issues with these causes but my support for these causes is not defined by my support for Rangers or vice versa.

In the grand scheme of things, Rangers in particular, during the saga of signing Mo Johnstone, then laterly the banning of TBB I took a long hard look at myself, and why I sang TBB, FTP. etc. etc. just banter I thought, and then I realised that no it wasn't it was wrong. It was detrimental to the club and to me as I believe that people have the right to support any religion the want but also have to be tolerant of those religions. It was detrimental to the club because, if maintained, would prevent a wider fan base supporting to us. Religion is dying but I want us as a club to prosper. Now here is where we come to the hub of the matter on here, there are many who want to 'defend the (their) causes'. and alienate those who are not. There are a good number on here. What is important to me is the future of Rangers FC and I think it is best served by a future dis-association with the PUL causes - that is not a denial of the past but a definition of a (potential) future.

This isn't the right thread to argue your point on this imo. :P


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Sorry but ...

Following a team 'religiously' is not the same as religion. Also even if Rangers and the Protestant cause are linked it is the extreme elements of that that drag us down (and hence why I advocate dis-association). Singin FTP is not 'banter' it is religiously intolerant. Also why as a Protestant should that define what team I suppport, or more accurately why should my political or religious view be defined by my football team. i.e. just because I am a Rangers supporter there are many who would have me support the loyalist or unionist causes. Now I have no issues with these causes but my support for these causes is not defined by my support for Rangers or vice versa.

In the grand scheme of things, Rangers in particular, during the saga of signing Mo Johnstone, then laterly the banning of TBB I took a long hard look at myself, and why I sang TBB, FTP. etc. etc. just banter I thought, and then I realised that no it wasn't it was wrong. It was detrimental to the club and to me as I believe that people have the right to support any religion the want but also have to be tolerant of those religions. It was detrimental to the club because, if maintained, would prevent a wider fan base supporting to us. Religion is dying but I want us as a club to prosper. Now here is where we come to the hub of the matter on here, there are many who want to 'defend the (their) causes'. and alienate those who are not. There are a good number on here. What is important to me is the future of Rangers FC and I think it is best served by a future dis-association with the PUL causes - that is not a denial of the past but a definition of a (potential) future.

This isn't the right thread to argue your point on this imo. :P


:lol: - actually - your right - me an outlaw69uk got carried away with it - sorry :craphead:

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I bet CR wished he'd never opened this thread.

This is a good wee site, with lotsa helthy debate. That is something we should all welcome, less RM becomes more like other sites (ie ££). Only problem I can see is, there are too many lurking T**** using it and using quotes from it.

I'd suggest more proaction from admin to cut out the t****** content.

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I think there should be a Liberals sub-forum. Where like-minded posters can discuss Rangers without their delicate sensibilities being upset by reading about such distasteful subject matter as Loyalism, Unionism and Protestantism. The sub-forum can even branch out and address the hot topics of the day, here's a few to get them started.

Where can I get my sandals recycled?

What kind of trees do you like to hug?

What tactics do you use to take a thread you don't like off-topic?

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Could we put the Rangers Museum under the BD when the transfer talk sinks to the death on the 1st of September?


Good shout Norman Bates.

I went and looked him up!

Don't really watch movies much, get bored and start thinking about Football or fall a sleep during it.

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Could we put the Rangers Museum under the BD when the transfer talk sinks to the death on the 1st of September?


Good shout Norman Bates.

I went and looked him up!

Don't reallly watch movies much, get bored and start thinking about Football or have a sleep during it.


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For example - There were threads about the Forces march in Glasgow and the numpties that spoilt it - interesting, great debate but why in the Bears Den

It seems BP9 that you are being somewhat economical with the truth here - for what purpose...I do not know.

The thread speculated that those who were anti British/Protestant/Unionism - would see our club as a viable target for their ongoing campaign of hatred - hence why it was in the Bears Den.

As GLC has pointed out - no-one else seems to be supporting you in this, furthermore had the mods felt that the thread was not appropriate for the Bears Den - they would have moved it accordingly.

What I find most unedifying is your complete and utter intolerance of certain Bears who dare to think differently from you....and your arrogant implication that because you are "right" any material which you are intolerant of should be moved to a secondary part of the site.

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A man of the match thread after each game. All the members pick there top 3 players from the game. e.g.

1. N. Novo.

2.K. Boyd.

3.S. Papac.

Best player gets 5 points. Next gets 3 points. Third gets 1 point. It can be added up at the end of the season. This would give you a Rangers Media player of the year.

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