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Spoke to the boys on soccer am


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I'm certain Helen said they may be the best fans ever on Soccer AM..

Don't think people will be thinking we're thugs.

" The Rolls Royce of football fans and without a doubt the best to have ever been on Soccer AM "

I thought so,most of these mopes must walk around with ear plugs in all day incase anything hurts their wee feelings.

I'm certain Helen said they may be the best fans ever on Soccer AM..

Don't think people will be thinking we're thugs.

She did say this, hopefully the tims go for revenge next week and get fcked over.

Timmy hates all things English.This will be fun.

I'm going to email Helen and Rushden and tell them to get a big padlock for their dressing room.

Giro money only goes so far.

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i personally think silly comments like that will just furtherly dissilusion people all over the nation who already think of us as a thug set of fans.

on national tv to say something like that is a bit idiotic

So if that man didn't say it we would be getting heaps of praise right now ?

No one likes us, we don't care (tu).

How did i know somebody was going to give me this generic response.

It means nothing, i do personally care if a wonderful club like Rangers is thought of as nothing more as a playground for idiots and trouble makers which is how we are regularly painted out as.

We could atleast present ourselves well when they give us a rare chance to do so.

It's generic because its true! Do you think people from England give a fuck about what we say ? Your deluded if you do. The only people who would have cared about what was said today are MOPES within our support ( like your good self ) and the tarriers.

How many complaints made today do you think were from Celtc fans ? If it wasn't 100% I would be shocked.

Other Rangers fans would have taken the light-hearted comment for what it was, a fucking light-hearted comment! People are all too easily offended and eager to complain.

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Watched it this morning, thought the fans really did us proud. Celtic fans are just jealous, and no doubt, were just waiting to be offended by the least wee thing as usual. Celtic fans care too mush about rangers. Their lives seem to revolve around what is happening at Rangers and what the Rangers fans are singing. Just have a look at their forum, and the number of threads and posts relating to rangers. As usual, Rangers fans handle themselves with dignity. Something, they know nothing about. As for fellow 'rangers fans', having a go at the lads this morning, we have enough shit to deal with. Show some support and loyalty.

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can i ask you hossy are you just on today to have a go at rangers

you started off with comments about bigotry

now your onto fans who allegedly rounded on a fellow fan against auxerre for not singing the national anthem

what is your points cause i see no positivity coming from you towards the team you claim to support

its easy as fuck to slag rangers christ the media and every other teams fans do it we dont really need our own puting the boot into fellow fans(many from ulster and beyond)

the reason i mentioned ulster is maybe that will answer your point about singing irish songs(your words) maybe these guys have brought some of theyre culture with them across the sea

i have no problem with anyone supporting rangers or what religion they are but if they want to support rangers they must embrace the rangers way

it is just this post i have shared my feelings!!

i dont have issues with religion, i just dont see the link with religion and football.

i have pals who i meet from belfast every week for the games, and they will sing about it back home, but are embarassed at ibrox!

we are all different and this is my personal views!! I know i am not going to stop it! but for me its not the rangers way, or what our founders would want!

I don't wish to be contrary, obviously your statement should be taken at face value seeing as you're with these pals. I understand that a normal reaction to your statement would be to accept it as fact.

Unfortunately i genuinely believe you're talking f*cking bollocks. (tu)

M.O.P.E - Most Offended People Ever.

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Hossy you have got to loosen up a bit.

Away and bile yer heid.

Listen, I am relaxed, I just hate the fact that no doubt this will lead to some stupid press thing from Speirs or something shite. I have not got an issue with people celebrating it in their homes or privately, but having it at Ibrox, and away games is so cringeworthy!!

I can't see how people have to go on about it at a Rangers football game?

Maybe I am being a stick in the mud, but its what I feel is right

let's all bow to speirs then. ya stick in the mud! ever heard of humor?.

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remember 1690...

One of the most important dates in British history, why be ashamed to remember it?

Know what? Fuck it, fuck the pope.

You better get a cloth to wipe the froth from your computer screen hossy, ya horrible little man.

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Fuck me, some people really do need a humour transplant don't they, have you forgotten what a big part of supporting any team is all about? ie. having a laugh and doing your best to wind-up the opposition supporters, the 16-9 tae comment was a classic [the old ones usually are] and should be seen as such, I know I've had a chuckle at a few jokes aimed at us over the years, it's what sensible people do, see the funny side of it ,have a laugh, and move on to the come back retort.

Nowadays it really is getting out of hand, the PC mob [&MOPES] really are a bunch of sad people, it seems that they must spend their entire life waiting to pounce on the most trivial of things to try to justify their miserable existance, we can't sing funny songs [i class TFS as a wind up] and now we can't tell a joke anymore without it being dragged all out of proportion. GET A FUCKIN' GRIP PEOPLE.

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exactly fuck them...are they not on next week. if im rite i bet they say sumthing aswell
And i bet people on here will be offended by whatever it is they say. Welcome to the Old Firm

No, I think that's where you're wrong. People on here will only comment on it because of the double standards. We are not easily offended.

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Religion is a huge factor between the old firm. No point trying to kid yourself.

I mean, when was the last time you got the urge to sing " god bless the pope and the Ira " during Simply the best before kick off?

Of course it is, but it shouldn't be! That's the problem!! Why can't we stop it?

No people like you are the problem.I'm proud of the Protestant history,you want nothing to do with it.

Do i start telling you that you should embrace it? No so what gives you the right to tell us to "stop it"

There's nothing harming our club

Nothing harming our club? Where have you been for the past 5/10/15/20 years? UEFA involvements? Banning of TBB?

I have nothing against your protestant history, but rangers were not founded on this!!

well considdering it was in 2005 when uefa got involved, so i don't understand why your going back 20 years. :rolleyes:

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Religion is a huge factor between the old firm. No point trying to kid yourself.

I mean, when was the last time you got the urge to sing " god bless the pope and the Ira " during Simply the best before kick off?

Of course it is, but it shouldn't be! That's the problem!! Why can't we stop it?

No people like you are the problem.I'm proud of the Protestant history,you want nothing to do with it.

Do i start telling you that you should embrace it? No so what gives you the right to tell us to "stop it"

There's nothing harming our club

Nothing harming our club? Where have you been for the past 5/10/15/20 years? UEFA involvements? Banning of TBB?

I have nothing against your protestant history, but rangers were not founded on this!!

well considdering it was in 2005 when uefa got involved, so i don't understand why your going back 20 years. :rolleyes:

20 years ago these songs were allowed, the new-era Old firm support get offended by the slightest thing mentioning their beliefs (and thats both sides).

The fans have grown softer over the past, say ten years.

Embrace you're culture, don't be ashamed!

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Timmy doesnt do satire or fun.

"The Craic" is the biggest myth peddled by timothy and his ilk.

The Famine Song was the most outstanding piece of satire ever at any football stadium yet timothy managed to get it banned.

Every tim I know actually thought it was hysterical.

They have an offended spine running through their psyche though and that group are particularly vocal.

Unfortunately some Bears dont see them for what they are or what they are up to.

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This thread :anguish:

Some people are just dying to be offended.


ffs if it wasn't for the fucking pc brigade it would still be banter.

let them call us h*** and us call them f*****s - that's what we are all fucking thinking anyway

I'd be quite happy with that - unfortunately UEFA have banned the use of the word feni4n, unlike the word h*n.

Give us a level playing field and we'll win every game (tu) (chantily speaking of course)

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i watched soccer am last week and im positive that wen helen asked the stoke city fans (of the week) wat they thot stokes score wudve been that day,

she got 2 the last guy at the bak and he replied a ridiculous score similar to 16-9. i presumed it must b a soccer am thing-that the last person asked replies with a ridiculous answer. with the dunoon boys 2day it was the same, the last guy at the bak gave a ridiculous score. now he obviously did say 16-9. but he did not say 1690, therefore i dont see any grounds 4 complaint. he replied with a ridiculous answer in line with the shows format. now the question is did the lad do it as a cheeky dig or was it just an off the cuff answer?? also i noticed the lads where quite subdued after each commercial break they didnt even boo wen they mentioned celtic, which even helen was surprised at and commented about it.

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I wondered why they looked pretty embrrassed after the break when they only stood up and cheered. Only got to sing three songs then, but it got the message across. We Are The People!!

Just make sure you all afford those fenian bastards the same courtesy next week and complain that they are not wearing poppies.

Incidentally, that lot next week are being represented by the CSC from my town. It will be a sad day for Bishopbriggs. :anguish:

i thought all folk from bishopsbriggs were tims :P

are they fluck !!!! not that i live there anymore - Bishy High Loyal in my youth !!!!

It is all change now mate, the cunts are taking over. They emalgamated the two non-denominational schools this year but have built a brand-new campus for the Catholic school.

Not one bluenose pub in the Briggs anymore either. Fucking shame.

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It was always going to cause an uproar. What a bunch of idiots going on live tv. and saying 16-90, for fucks sake, get a grip.

And stop slevvering over it. Jeez, you know the sooner fucking bigots are out our club the better!

The quicker that you are out of our club, the better it will be you handwringer.

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