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Vanguard Bears article on SpIers


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[qoute] Spiers-The Endangered Species

Written by John McCrae

Friday, 13 November 2009

I would like to start by thanking other forum posters who knowingly or otherwise have allowed me to use some of their comments. One of the world's rarest species of journalist is the Graham Spiers (Latin name: britney scrivo shitto), which can only now be seen fleetingly as a sportswriter on The Times. It used to be seen more often writing for larger circulation papers such as The Sunday Times, The Guardian, the Daily Telegraph and Scotland on Sunday, and was even chief sportswriter on The Herald from 2001 to 2007.

It also used to broadcast frequently on the BBC and STV warbling in a high pitched almost effeminate speech tone which made other species of presenters snigger - even on serious programmes. However, it is rarely filmed or seen on television now. Similarly, it rarley now is heard on radio, but more of that later.

What has caused the almost total disappearance of this once ubiquitous gayly coloured species whilst other journalist species seem to thrive? Perhaps it was the constant rubbish it wrote, one sided anti Rangers bile whilst fawning over the extremes of the Dark Side? Perhaps it was what the editorial species (a more developed breed of the same species) called "feckmecirculationsdownagain"?

Or perhaps it was his inability to find a mate due to a dreadful odour the species was renowned for? Perhaps it was the onset of depression and paranoia as other species shunned it and saw the creature try to find comfort only in its own warped mind? Perhaps it is the steady diet of Prozac?

One of the first signs of madness from the Graham Spiers was in its article 'from turnstile to press box' 'Having watched Rangers week in and week out for years'' it finally gets to attend its first Old Firm match at Ibrox. A tense occasion which will partly decide the 1975 title. However, it is ''slap bang in the middle of the Celtic support'', with its Rangers scarf on. As Rangers take the lead it ''jumps to his feet'' (seems it was sitting down despite being on the terracing) and ''yelps in delight''. However it has ''never forgotten what then occurred'' , a ''compassionate Glasgow voice'' calls out ''You shout for your team son''

All Rangers fans are aware that if we stand or sit in the middle of a Bheast support with our scarves on and leap up cheering as we take the lead, the Bheast fans will react in that same kind way. For a species that claims it stood on the Ibrox terraces in the 70's, the Graham Spiers also made a glaring error when it stated Bomber Jackson

played centre half in the 1972 ECWC final. Real Rangers fans know he was injured and it was Derek Johnstone that played.

Did things ever get so low as the time when another species of journalist who in Christmas 1995 punched the Graham Spiers in the face outside a watering hole used by various species? The Graham Spiers squealed to its assailant "Why are you hitting me ?" The reply ? "Because I enjoy it". Then it walloped the Graham Speirs again.

In an effort to find solace the Graham Speirs has been seen finding relief in the company of exotic female foreign species (Latin name: barcelonaprostitutas)

Let's look at some of the antics of this once celebrated (in its own mind) species.

The Graham Spiers once penned the match report for a Sunday Celtic v Kilmarnock game for the next day's Scottish Times……but its media colleagues noted it wasn’t in the press box. They even believe it wasn’t even at the game……and compiled its report by watching the game on Setanta.

It was once asked to go to Montenegro to cover a Rangers game on a Tuesday. It refused and told its bosses it “feared for its safety”. One of its first admissions of a morbid fear for its own safety. Another journo species easily recognised by its nasal mating call, the Hugh Keevins let slip that the publicity surrounding the Graham Spiers was affecting its mental state. David Murray has gone public with his contempt for the species. Other journalist species like the Jim Traynor have openly mocked it.

In December 2007 a caller on Traynor's show asked Jim to name how many proper Scottish journos there were. Traynor said six. The caller said, Traynor, Spiers and who are the other four to which Jim replied that Spiers was not one of the six he had in mind!

The new Scottish Times circulation has dropped significantly since the Graham Speirs joined its colony. More people read The Metro. Its bosses will be worried.

In an effort to build a bigger, newer nest for itself, the Graham Speirs wrote a book about the failure of a great French species of manager (Latin name: leguenus failus). However, another important species called the publisher cut the Graham Speirs advance from £15,000 to £10,000 once it realised the Graham Spiers was not popular and the book looked to flop. It did indeed flop. No-one buys it yet. On 16th September 2007, Scotland on Sunday saw the Graham Spiers write into the letters page complaining about a poor review of its own book!

Senior figures at Ibrox reputedly consider the Graham Speirs a non-species.

The Graham Spiers was once often heard on Radio Clyde. But, who was the “senior figure” who expressed private concerns about them having it as a panellist on their sports shows? To quote him, “using that idiot is a major mistake”.

I mentioned earlier some of the Graham Spiers bile and fawning. Let's go over some of the fawning before we get to the bile.

7th March 2002, 27th November 2003, 22nd January 2004, 4th April 2004 and 6th May 2004- “In one of my favourite magazines, The Alternative View… the shockingly good magazine, The Alternative View... It was with great joy that I received my copy the other day of The Alternative View, a genuinely enjoyable football magazine of a Celtic persuasion… the excellent Alternative View, a new mag set up by my old malapropic mucker himself,

Matt McGlone…

After 36 years of unchallenged success, the Celtic View at last has a commercial rival… If I tell readers that Matt McGlone is the brains behind this venture, you may well share my intrigue… a Che Guevara figure among the fans who helped ease Fergus McCann into place… I have seen the first edition of The Alternative View, and, I must say, it looks very good.

The Rangers fan, indeed the other football fans would think the Graham Spiers had some un-natural fixation with the Matt McGlone species.

23rd August 2002 - “Celtic, though, as a football institution, quite rightly remains a symbol of Catholicism. The Celtic strip, as famed and proudly known around the world as it is, still cannot be divorced from one of its cultural parents, which is the Catholic faith.” Yet the Graham Spiers decries Rangers for their Protestant heritage?

22nd January 2003 “I must admit, if I ever fulfil my ambition of having a very splendid private dinner with (Martin) O'Neill, it will be the one question I'll certainly get round to asking: ''Why were you so horrible to us over that new contract saga?''

On the day before the 2003 title deciders. “Celtic have a moral right to this league” .

4th March 2004 - “Even high-brow Herald readers, hauling their noses away from such works as Jacob Bronowski and Alexander Solzhenitsyn, may have noticed the palaver that is being planned by Celtic supporters in time for Sunday's slaughter - erm, I mean match - against Rangers at Parkhead.”

25th March 2004 - “I repeat my main contention: that Larsson's contribution to Scottish life and culture, via the game of football, has been immense. In a sordid football age, his role-model status has also been impeccable.”

Yet the Graham Spiers said nothing of Larsson deliberately breaking Gus MacPherson's leg?

1st April 2004 - “Following Sunday's win at Ibrox I met one Celtic player, a man I remain a great admirer of, and whispered to him: "I fear for some of the alcoholic carnage of you lot over the next few days, it's been a long wait." He smiled and looked at me with rivulets of anticipation dribbling from his chops.”

20th May 2004 “Lennon's symphony is music to my ears - My sporting highlight of the past week must be the moment when I was called upon to break the news to Neil Lennon that James MacMillan, Scotland's most distinguished composer, had written a piece in his honour. It is always a minor joy catching up with Lennon.”

Yet the Graham Speirs excused him his spitting on a Rangers scarf and mouthing “orange bastards” to the Rangers dug out and support?

“35,000 Celtic fans singing The Fields of Athenry made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up”

Lets even it up with some bile.

In July 1996 whilst with Scotland On Sunday it penned a deplorable attack on the late great Jock Wallace the day after he passed away, the inference being that Wallace was a bully and a bigot and responsible for sectarianism in Scottish football. The Graham Spiers twisted insinuations flew completely in the face of former Celtic captain Andy Lynch who said this on hearing of Wallace’s passing “He would always take the time (prior to

Old Firm encounters) in the nervy pre-match atmosphere, be it at Parkhead or Ibrox, to come and give me a warm handshake or hug and sincere best wishes…… smart, kind and sensitive. He will be sadly missed.”

Lisbon Lion Tommy Gemmell echoed Lynch’s sentiments “It doesn't matter what side of the fence you were on, I don't think you will find anyone in Scottish football who had a bad word to say about him. It was always a pleasure to be in his company and talk to him. His crack was different class.''

Bad-mouthing deceased Rangers heroes has since become a theme for this creature. It has written disrespectful articles on late greats Bill Struth, Jim Baxter and Davie Cooper. Of course, as with Wallace, none of them were there to defend themselves. The Graham Spiers wrote the following on the eve of the League Cup Final against Motherwell, a game dedicated to Coop’s memory:

“More remarkable, though, amid the media and marketing frenzy surrounding the game, is the way the memory of Cooper's career has become lodged halfway between legend and myth... One problem with the Davie Cooper legend is that, as with many public personalities who die young and become subject to mythology, it doesn't wholly square with the facts of his career. For a so-called "genius", you would certainly have expected Cooper,

who died at 39, to have won more than his 22 international caps.” To write the above just hours prior to a game played in tribute to Davie where his family would be in attendance was nothing short of despicable.

On the greatest manager the game has known, Mr Bill Struth: “Bill Struth was either an idol or an idiot depending on your point of view”.

The Graham Speirs also referred to the late Jim Baxter as 'a piss artist' on an STV programme about Scottish Football greats.

The Graham Speirs also denied hearing the Aberdeen followers singing about The Ibrox Disaster on more than one occasion.

The Graham Speirs stated that Rangers fans sang (about Jurgen) “Klinsmann’s a Klansman” at Ibrox.

The Graham Speirs claimed that Rangers fans sang songs about the tragic death of former Celtic player Tommy Coyne’s wife.

The Graham Speirs contended that former Ranger Ian Ferguson had “all the charm of a child molester”.

The Graham Speirs commenting on the Manchester United v. Rangers match described us as “A stinking bigoted cesspit of sub-humanity”.

In 1996 or 97, the Graham Speirs sat in the stand at Parkhead for an Old Firm game. The most memorable line in his match report was "Even the way the linesman was running up the line seemed to say, "Come on, Rangers, come on, the Gers""

8th October 2002 - "Like the Rangers orange strip, the song ('Follow, Follow') cannot be listed among the great criminal acts, it merely offends”

6th November 2003 - “Rancid chanting... total embarrassment... putrid stench… savages… poisonous singing… desecration… cavemen… wholesale yobishness… cavemen… stinking, bigoted, religious stuff… backward culture… almost to a man”.

25th April 2004 - “Nor can I recall Rangers being disparaged in 1972 when they won the Cup-Winners' Cup; a tournament which, by definition, was painfully inferior to the European Cup, indeed a prize which many placed third in the list of Europe's club baubles behind the UEFA Cup.”

12th August 2004 - “Please can I be spared any whining from Rangers over this and other criticisms?” “(Rangers) the most paranoid club in Scottish football”.

29th November 2004 - “David Murray is on the back foot…..at Rangers, by general consent, the sectarianism is worse than it is at Celtic……It was an experience that reminded me again of how widespread and malignant bigotry at Ibrox is……It is folly, not to say a cultural disservice to Scotland, to denounce O'Neill for what he said this week…..Rangers, in particular, have a major problem with bigots”.

16th May 2008 - "A club with a poison at its core" contained the phrases "The blight of Rangers .......loutish behaviour and bigoted chanting ... supporters behave like primitives .....this is a football club with a poison somewhere at its core ....bigoted or sectarian chanting remains an excruciating pastime for too many Rangers supporters .....this ugly delinquency which afflicts a sizeable group of their supporters ....name of Rangers FC will always trigger thoughts of yobbishness and bigotry .... the club, to be blunt, is paying a heavy price for its century-long antipathy towards signing Catholic players, a policy which planted this bitter harvest.

The Graham Speirs, perhaps in its fragile mental state had forgotten Rangers were playing Catholic players before its favourite Celtic FC were even formed. It also failed to remember that Celtic have never had a Protestant Director, and indeed rewarded their most successful ever manager Jock Stein, a Protestant, on his leaving club management not with the widely tipped elevation to the Boardroom but with the offer to run the club's Pools Office.

24th April 2009 the Graham Speirs stated on Radio Clyde when asked its opinion of the Champions League matches that it had not seen much as it was the only species of journalist without satellite/cable TV. It also said that it does not look at internet web sites as they are full of lunatics & conspiracy theorists.

“Compare and contrast their (Rangers fans) shameful behaviour with that of Celtic, who on the road to Seville last season, represented Scottish football immaculately” What the Graham Speirs didn't refer to was that on the Bheasts fans travels there was a stabbing in Seville, the riot in Blackburn, the Provo banners, the booing of Porto as they lifted the trophy, a plane being diverted to Cardiff due to a stewardess being sexually

assaulted by Bheast fans and the usual songs in adoration of an illegal terrorist organisation.

Two more spring readily to mind, showing the apparent decrease in brain cells in the Graham Speirs:

Rangers v. Aberdeen at Ibrox. After six minutes the Aberdeen fans broke into their “Nice One Simmy” routine, rejoicing in the injury inflicted on Ian Durrant by Neil Simpson. Rangers fans pointed this out to the Graham Speirs. They also pointed out bile coming from the Aberdeen section revelling in the death of 66 people in the Ibrox Disaster and the death of Davie Cooper at both half-time and full time.

The Graham Speirs in its Monday morning match report PRAISED the Aberdeen fans for singing “Nice one JIMMY” claiming they were showing support for their manager Jimmy Calderwood! Another species called the Darrell King of the Evening Times stated on Real Radio that anyone who claimed they couldn’t hear the word “Simmie” (as opposed to Jimmy) was kidding themselves on.

The Graham Speirs claimed in Scotland on Sunday that Simpson wasn’t the only one to raise his boot, inferring that Durrant was also looking to inflict injury. Commenting years later on the incident, the Graham Speirs claimed “Rangers fans carry this around with them in much the same way as Phil Boersma carried Durrant”. This was one of the first signs of the Graham Speirs losing any dignity the breed may have had.

On an Alex Rae incident during a Euro fixture. the Graham Speirs led the case for the prosecution finding Rae guilty on all counts. “For days, almost inconceivably, Rangers had denied that Rae had done anything wrong.””The response of Alex McLeish, the Rangers manager, to Rae's kick had bordered on the inane.”

"While just about every neutral regarded the challenge as despicable, McLeish referred to the criticism of Rae as ‘hysterical’ and had the temerity to claim that Rae's challenge on Dadu was "not premeditated".

"Rangers got caught up in gauche attempts to defend the indefensible"

"McLeish insults everyone's intelligence, not least his own, in presenting such a fatuous defence of his player."

"UEFA, like the rest of the country, have laughed at this preposterous interpretation by Rangers."

"Apparently, for those who know how to access these things, the berserk hotlines and websites of the club's supporters have almost depicted the rest of us as making up this outrage."

"There remains something risible and worryingly paranoid about Rangers believing that neutrals, the media, and UEFA have got together to have it in for the club."

"Rangers are left lacking respect."

The player on the receiving end of the Rae tackle, Dadu got up and walked away. No lasting damage was inflicted. He played for his club regularly for the rest of the season.

Ian Durrant did not.

In its decaying state, the Graham Speirs may suffer partial blindness too as it missed commenting on James Wesolowski, the 17-year-old Leicester player who was brutally assaulted by Bobo Balde during a so-called “friendly”.

In 2008 the Graham Speirs stated that the Rangers Supporters Trust had refused to debate with it on a BBC Radio 4 programme about 'The Old Firm' scheduled to air on Boxing Day evening. The Trust deny this and members have accused the Graham Speirs of lying.

On 7th November 2008, the term used by the Graham Speirs referring to the songs in praise of the P.I Ran Away was "Cultural, political mickeytaking".

As a wee aside, spare a thought too for another endangered species, the Tom Dunsmuir. This creature is astonishingly similar to the Graham Speirs, right down to a similar style of its writing and habitat, the Tom Dunsmuir also working in the Times colony. There are no photos of the Tom Dunsmuir on any article it has penned, nor are there any on any website, even on lists of all journalist species. Some experts are convinced the Tom Dunsmuir

is actually an alter ego of the Graham Speirs, a bit like puny Clark Kent becomes Superman, the puny Graham Speirs becomes the Tom Dunsmuir.

The plight of the Graham Speirs is now so black and its credibility at such a low, that many now refer to the breed as the Discredited Species.

Perhaps the most recent instance of this pathetic, lonely creature trying to survive is best told by representatives of Vanguardbears, a group of dedicated Rangers fans and journalist species enthuisiasts. A dossier was made up by one of their number who complied eye witness statements from Rangers fans who travelled to the Third World environs that was the Steaua stadium. The Graham Speirs became aware of this, and despite having spent its miserable life putting down Rangers and their fans, changed the preditory habits of a lifetime and sought to obtain this dossier.

From an initial "casual interest" to a more recent approach of what can only de described as "pleading", one hour before the UEFA hearing. We, at Vanguardbears can only assume this could be a last ditch effort to regain some credibility among the other journalist species. So, having thought about the plight of the Graham Speirs, do we contact the World Wildlife Fund? The Samaritans? The Jobcentre?

Me? Bring on extinction, I say.

John McCrae

What a cracking read (tu)

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Superb article.

Found it a tad difficult with reference to that scumbag as "It" at times but I found that quite funny :lol:

I knew about his digs at Wallace but never had any idea about Cooper or Baxter. The man is a disgusting human being.

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He is all of these things, and yet we STILL allow him into Ibrox ?? Something must be done.

His actions are provocative and incite anger.

i'd love it if we denied him his press pass for games and forced him to sit in the stands with us ''white underclass''

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I Dont like how the article is written, gets boring after 2 paragraphs :sleep1:

The article is well written, dont know how you can get bored reading all the attacks on our club. Speirs should have been fired into the blankets.

i know speirs is a wank, i just personally got bored of the insistance of calling him 'it' and the bracket remarks like feckmethisisboring got abit tiresome. Looks like im the only one though so guess its taxi for aye

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The article doesn't mention Speirs describing Neil Lennon as a "wonderful family man". Yes the same Neil Lennon of those sleazy kiss and tells.

The article would go into volumes if every comment he made was inserted.

He's a prick of the highest order who willed us to be banned by UEFA, yet in his article today he doesn't even write any of his own drivel, all he did was use quotes.

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Thats just his attacks (or most of them) against RFC. He's not much better when he actually tries to write about the beautiful game. He was the only journo in Britain to state quite catagorically in his paper the Boughie would definitely be playing against Unirea and that Wilson was getting dropped. Amongst all his bile and bullshit he cannae even get his facts right. He is a prick of the highest order and Ive no idea why any newspaper would want to pay this fucker to write pish for them, especially the times !!

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