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Another perception on recent claims by contacts/boss

Shipyard Blues

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Btw, if anyone wants an tin hat, I'm selling them for £14.99. You can have it in bare metal, brushed finish, blue, union jack etc etc with a choice of graphics attached.... It will withstand nuclear attack & will deflect a 100mm artillery tank shell.

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Speaking as someone that really couldn't give an airborne intercourse about 'pissing the highest up a wall' competitions and, yes, I very VERY rarely post/ look in here and spend obscene amounts of time on FF, and as one that's not read the whole thread, it's plainly clear to see that there ARE divisions within our support, to suggest otherwise would just be fkn insane.

None the less, accusations have been made, they may be groundless, they may not be, I don't know.

However, if what we want from all concerned is Clarity on Rangers position, then it has to be total and complete, from ALL parties.

Let me be the first to say that I expect a level of grief for this post, I just hope folk can see the point I'm probably failing to make. This isn't to be read as an attack on any certain individual(s) as I happen to know both posters mentioned in the original posting.

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Shipyard Blues and others have been on here attacking RM and has not been banned. Rather CR has offered that he write a piece and we post it on our website. If I went onto FF - would I beallowed to attack FF and not be instantly banned? Would I be offered a chance to write an article?

The best way to clear all this up is for Contacts to reply in his own words to this attack on him. My bet is that he will have good and acceptable answers.

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Speaking as someone that really couldn't give an airborne intercourse about 'pissing the highest up a wall' competitions and, yes, I very VERY rarely post/ look in here and spend obscene amounts of time on FF, and as one that's not read the whole thread, it's plainly clear to see that there ARE divisions within our support, to suggest otherwise would just be fkn insane.

None the less, accusations have been made, they may be groundless, they may not be, I don't know.

However, if what we want from all concerned is Clarity on Rangers position, then it has to be total and complete, from ALL parties.

Let me be the first to say that I expect a level of grief for this post, I just hope folk can see the point I'm probably failing to make. This isn't to be read as an attack on any certain individual(s) as I happen to know both posters mentioned in the original posting.

To be fair, I don't think that there are many things you can say on here to get enough grief to warrant worrying.

I can't remember the last true Rangers fans we have banned for something "attack" related.

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Interesting how the op's tact has changed as the thread has gone on.....

Another who must have forgotten his ff moniker when signing up here......

EH? Here is a suggested tact for you, try and tap into that intellectual powerhouse thats beaming a million algorithms a minute of yours and actually contribute to this thread rather than dipping your toes in with nonsense.

I'll post what i want, thank you very much...... :)

It's not hard to work out what your game is here......

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Shipyard Blues and others have been on here attacking RM and has not been banned. Rather CR has offered that he write a piece and we post it on our website. If I went onto FF - would I beallowed to attack FF and not be instantly banned? Would I be offered a chance to write an article?

The best way to clear all this up is for Contacts to reply in his own words to this attack on him. My bet is that he will have good and acceptable answers.

I wouldn't answer an article by someone hiding behind a user name that is not his regular one on FF...but then again i am not contacts.......

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Lots of people from FF jumping on this as if it were gospel. Lots of people here jumping on it as if it were entirely ficticious.

Not one person has asked the only really important question, so I will;

Boss, Contacts, did you sit down with Mr. Muir this week?

Contacts did, as well as a few other well-known and respected Rangers fans.

If he sat down with Murray and was given the same answers would he have written the same article , dont think so , why would any Rangers fan take the word of Muir at face value , no one knows the guy he has no track record at Rangers , Wallter has continually briefed the press against him , yet we are all to believe Contacts over Walter and other posters , that's one huge leap of faith with a very small parachute

I've now read the article in question fully, and can see why some people might get upset at the content, but for people to make personal attacks against the author without justification is ludicrous, it is his article and his views about the situation people can either agree or disagree.

But regarding your post, I don't actually remember Walter ever talking about him to the press, Walter spoke about the banks possible involvement to the press, and it has been assumed due to what has been written in the media that the bank appointed Muir not SDM, therefore people are jumping to the conclusions that suit them and are being blinded on what could possibly be right in front of their eyes.

As stated in that article, Muir had been appointed in the past to ailing companies to help them out where ever possible, SDM has apparently appointed him, not just to sit on the board of Rangers, but also to help SDM with MIH!

The article I feel is actually quite balanced, and to me actually repeats (to a certain degree) things which had been said in the past by many people, firstly we can't afford to buy any players, but we don't necessary have to sell any players either. I posted earlier on, either in this thread or one of the many others that the media and scare mongerers would have us believe we would need to have a fire sale during the January transfer window, I didn't see that happen! Did you?

There will never be unity on the forums when people continue with the personal attacks against members of any site when they post something they disagree with and to be quite honest it is getting frustrating and very annoying. It is fine to disagree and debate intelligently why a person may disagree, but the personal attacks on any person is way out of order and the opening post is just that, a personal attack.

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Oh for the past when a football supporter supported the club,went to the game, supported the team, had his or her own opinions about the game, the players,the club. Maybe he or she were members of a supporters club which got them tickets and arranged transport.

Now we have various supporters bodies who profess to talk for the support to the media. Now, I do not know or have had any contact with any of them and have no knowledge of how they set themselves up as the voice of the fans and how the leader of these bodies were or if they were elected.

What I do know is that they do not speak for me and I would guess they do not speak for the majority of our fans.

I joined this forum following the failings and changes of the old bbc forum and was delighted to share opinions,read differing views about the team,the game etc, and gain knowledge, argue,let off steam and frustration,converse with new friends.

The great thing is that RM gives us all a chance to air views as long as we stick to sensible guidelines and behaviour.

However,once a forum starts to change status and become political, demanding a voice and position of influence in businesses it ceases to be that place where different views are promoted and presents itself as "the voice of the support" and I hope that Rangers Media will never commit that folly.

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Can you answer a question that has been bugging me ? Particually over the last few days. If possible I would like a straight forward answer, please don't deflect on to anything else.

Why do follow follow and it's admin continually try to block any praise for the people on Vanguard Bears ? One poster even got banned with the message " No VanguardBears talk please "

I have no wish to discuss Vanguardbears other than their excellent efforts with regards to William McBeath.

I do not know the inner workings of FF admins.

This is bigger than all of us and the sooner some people (on ALL forums) realise this then the better.

Until then, we plough on with the protests. (and I don't mean FF/RST)

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I have no wish to discuss Vanguardbears other than their excellent efforts with regards to William McBeath.

I do not know the inner workings of FF admins.

This is bigger than all of us and the sooner some people (on ALL forums) realise this then the better.

Until then, we plough on with the protests. (and I don't mean FF/RST)

That's a lot of words for capitulation.


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Can you answer a question that has been bugging me ? Particually over the last few days. If possible I would like a straight forward answer, please don't deflect on to anything else.

Why do follow follow and it's admin continually try to block any praise for the people on Vanguard Bears ? One poster even got banned with the message " No VanguardBears talk please "

It is simple, Calum.

VB know far too much about ££ and they don't like that.

VB is a great site that talks about facts.

From what I've seen it is mostly innuendo where Follow Follow, the RST and Mark Dingwall are concerned. If people want to make allegations they should just come out with them rather than dropping little hints here and there but better than that would be if everyone involved in this embarrassing mess - FF, RM and VB - actually showed some interest in coexisting.

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Ask the FF man defending the website, who owns the properties in Bath St, where RST meetings have been held. Meetings where the RST membership sat on cardboard boxes? Remember Bath St is one of Scotland's most exclusive and expensive streets.

Amoruso would be better calling it a day now.

Cliques should not be allowed to hold Bears back folks, don't fall for the propoganda.

Dear old Willhelm, you and your inside track.

I'd kindly refer you to The Land Registry and advise you not to be believe everything you hear in the future.

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Can you answer a question that has been bugging me ? Particually over the last few days. If possible I would like a straight forward answer, please don't deflect on to anything else.

Why do follow follow and it's admin continually try to block any praise for the people on Vanguard Bears ? One poster even got banned with the message " No VanguardBears talk please "

I have no wish to discuss Vanguardbears other than their excellent efforts with regards to William McBeath.

I do not know the inner workings of FF admins.

This is bigger than all of us and the sooner some people (on ALL forums) realise this then the better.

Until then, we plough on with the protests. (and I don't mean FF/RST)

As far as I'm aware VangaurdBears never got the true recoginition they deserve regarding William McBeath. Not on ££ anyway, every other Rangers forum was more than happy to rightly mention the men behind such great work.

Infact I'm sure a good amount of posts got chopped that mentioned the VB name.

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Can you answer a question that has been bugging me ? Particually over the last few days. If possible I would like a straight forward answer, please don't deflect on to anything else.

Why do follow follow and it's admin continually try to block any praise for the people on Vanguard Bears ? One poster even got banned with the message " No VanguardBears talk please "

I have no wish to discuss Vanguardbears other than their excellent efforts with regards to William McBeath.

I do not know the inner workings of FF admins.

This is bigger than all of us and the sooner some people (on ALL forums) realise this then the better.

Until then, we plough on with the protests. (and I don't mean FF/RST)

As far as I'm aware VangaurdBears never got the true recoginition they deserve regarding William McBeath. Not on ££ anyway, every other Rangers forum was more than happy to rightly mention the men behind such great work.

Infact I'm sure a good amount of posts got chopped that mentioned the VB name.

you are incorrect. there was a multi page thread on FF offering hearty and deserved congratulations to all involved

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Can you answer a question that has been bugging me ? Particually over the last few days. If possible I would like a straight forward answer, please don't deflect on to anything else.

Why do follow follow and it's admin continually try to block any praise for the people on Vanguard Bears ? One poster even got banned with the message " No VanguardBears talk please "

I have no wish to discuss Vanguardbears other than their excellent efforts with regards to William McBeath.

I do not know the inner workings of FF admins.

This is bigger than all of us and the sooner some people (on ALL forums) realise this then the better.

Until then, we plough on with the protests. (and I don't mean FF/RST)

As far as I'm aware VangaurdBears never got the true recoginition they deserve regarding William McBeath. Not on ££ anyway, every other Rangers forum was more than happy to rightly mention the men behind such great work.

Infact I'm sure a good amount of posts got chopped that mentioned the VB name.

Yep, I actually get embarrassed for ££, how petty and child like is it to chop any post that mentions the VB's???

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From what I've seen it is mostly innuendo where Follow Follow, the RST and Mark Dingwall are concerned. If people want to make allegations they should just come out with them rather than dropping little hints here and there but better than that would be if everyone involved in this embarrassing mess - FF, RM and VB - actually showed some interest in coexisting.

From what I've seen, all of the Rangers forums already co-exist. The one small (or big) problem is that FF appears to not only perceive itself as being alienated, but actually actively engages in alienating itself from the rest of the online community. Then, ironically, minions disperse amongst the online community whining about the self-created alienation.. You couldn't make it up.

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Can you answer a question that has been bugging me ? Particually over the last few days. If possible I would like a straight forward answer, please don't deflect on to anything else.

Why do follow follow and it's admin continually try to block any praise for the people on Vanguard Bears ? One poster even got banned with the message " No VanguardBears talk please "

I have no wish to discuss Vanguardbears other than their excellent efforts with regards to William McBeath.

I do not know the inner workings of FF admins.

This is bigger than all of us and the sooner some people (on ALL forums) realise this then the better.

Until then, we plough on with the protests. (and I don't mean FF/RST)

As far as I'm aware VangaurdBears never got the true recoginition they deserve regarding William McBeath. Not on ££ anyway, every other Rangers forum was more than happy to rightly mention the men behind such great work.

Infact I'm sure a good amount of posts got chopped that mentioned the VB name.

you are incorrect. there was a multi page thread on FF offering hearty and deserved congratulations to all involved

Keyword = was ;)

I know for a fact numerous posts got chopped that mentioned Vanguard Bears.

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Can you answer a question that has been bugging me ? Particually over the last few days. If possible I would like a straight forward answer, please don't deflect on to anything else.

Why do follow follow and it's admin continually try to block any praise for the people on Vanguard Bears ? One poster even got banned with the message " No VanguardBears talk please "

I have no wish to discuss Vanguardbears other than their excellent efforts with regards to William McBeath.

I do not know the inner workings of FF admins.

This is bigger than all of us and the sooner some people (on ALL forums) realise this then the better.

Until then, we plough on with the protests. (and I don't mean FF/RST)

As far as I'm aware VangaurdBears never got the true recoginition they deserve regarding William McBeath. Not on ££ anyway, every other Rangers forum was more than happy to rightly mention the men behind such great work.

Infact I'm sure a good amount of posts got chopped that mentioned the VB name.

you are incorrect. there was a multi page thread on FF offering hearty and deserved congratulations to all involved

Did they allow the VB name to be mentioned?

Did they chop posts which mentioned the website involved?

Did they ban members for mentioning who set it up?

Did they eventually chop the post, because Bears were raging at their actions?

I dont know if it was chopped or not. I know that there are ongoing databae issues and many recent threads are currently in limbo. I dont know the answers to the rest of your questions. I do know that regardless of who was behind the McBeath tribute, FF as a whole was very very grateful that people had bothered to do it.

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I dont know if it was chopped or not. I know that there are ongoing databae issues and many recent threads are currently in limbo. I dont know the answers to the rest of your questions. I do know that regardless of who was behind the McBeath tribute, FF as a whole was very very grateful that people had bothered to do it.

Aye, OK then. :rolleyes:

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From what I've seen it is mostly innuendo where Follow Follow, the RST and Mark Dingwall are concerned. If people want to make allegations they should just come out with them rather than dropping little hints here and there but better than that would be if everyone involved in this embarrassing mess - FF, RM and VB - actually showed some interest in coexisting.

From what I've seen, all of the Rangers forums already co-exist. The one small (or big) problem is that FF appears to not only perceive itself as being alienated, but actually actively engages in alienating itself from the rest of the online community. Then, ironically, minions disperse amongst the online community whining about the self-created alienation.. You couldn't make it up.

Follow Follow is bigger than the rest of the Rangers forums combined so to describe it as alienated seems somehow inaccurate. In an ideal world there would be one Rangers fans forum where everyone could express their opinion but that won't happen.

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Let's stop going round in circles here guys. If FF wants to be a website to make money, then fine, just say so. But please stop the almost Communist cencorship of anything which does meet with President Kim Jong's approval.

Any RST leader, who can threaten to expose other RST leaders to the media if they don't do as they are told, is not worthy of our time and effort. 99% of Bears are very united, the clique are not and being found out for what they are.

Please do not come on here and say the above is nonsense, or I will give exact details of what I'm talking about. You have been warned clique.


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Raw nerve hit me thinks.

As for not posting immediately - what's that got do with you? We try to limit the amount of beggars on our website, so if you have a problem with that - tough!

Very few grumbles? Tell us how much this person made in Manchester? Go on, since you are on to defend yourself and how much was sent to Erskine? This pish about Erskine is a lovely big smokescreen, to hide the fact FF is a business.

Now I would suggest, you think very carefully about your reply, or I may start posting some facts and figures about profits and T shirts etc etc. I may also start posting about city centre properties where RST meetings have previously been held.

Websites are for Rangers fans, not to line pockets of individuals. As for the Hoopygirl pish, the less said the better. You know exactly what I'm on about and if you are denying FF is solely out to make money off the back of Rangers fans, then you are lying.

Nah, no nerve hit with me. I seen enough to know it's just a condensed version of here. FF Bad - Militant Gooooooood.

FF's SOLE reason for existing is to make money for Mark Dingwall? Is that seriously what you are saying? When he started the fanzine it was purely to raise money. Absolutely nothing good has ever came from Follow Follow? No idea how much he made from Manchester, merchandise went down a storm. Club didn't bother, he did, big deal? Emirates tournament during the summer. Good place to meet up and have a drink, no-one bothered about paying a little for the privileges.

Think very carefully before you respond because what you think you know and what you definitely know are two very different beasts altogether.

Every site is as bad as each other but at least FF doesn't pretend it speaks for the people and is different from other sites

You're really just a sad, cringeworthy lapdog.

I pity you.

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I have no wish to discuss Vanguardbears other than their excellent efforts with regards to William McBeath.

I do not know the inner workings of FF admins.

This is bigger than all of us and the sooner some people (on ALL forums) realise this then the better.

Until then, we plough on with the protests. (and I don't mean FF/RST)

That's a lot of words for capitulation.


Not really friend. I was only given a couple of days on Vanguard during the summer.

Only a fool would comment fully on things they don't know the ins and outs of. It didn't look like my cup of tea and I have heard some stories but have no concrete opinion either way.

I may be many things but I don't consider myself foolish

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