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Just watched the UEFA Cup Final


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I've saw the highlights on YouTube that also gives you the run to the final. Actually looks like an even game and we could have won if we took our chances.

Then you see Novo hitting it over. :disappointment:

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I've never seen the highlights of the game and i never will. Was hard enough watching it unfold before my eyes nevermind go through it again.

this (tu)

i dont blame smith or anyone for being beaten, zenit WERE the better team

just so gutted that we were THAT close, i doubt i will ever see rangers in a euro final again, let alone win it,

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Still not watched it either, can barely remember the final anyway it all went by in a flash. Can still remember the feeling of wanting nothing more in the world than Rangers to score just so i could celebrate with everyone else there, even if we still got beat i still would have loved the experience of celebrating a goal.

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At the end of the day it's been and gone. It's all very well saying looking at the first 70 mins and thinking we could have won it but you might as well say "We'd have won 3-0 if we hadn't scored 4 own goals."

Does that make sense?

Anyway, we'll be back (tu)

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Havent watched it since I saw it in some crowded Manchester bookies.

No point dwelling on defeat, however dissappointing.

The best team won the competition, but the best fans got fleeced,attacked and slandered.

Victory, when it does come, will be all the sweeter for that experience.

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I find it hard enough when that Foo Fighters song that we came out to is played on the radio

Was just about to come on and say that, that makes me sad also. Asked my pal to change the music channel not that long ago as it was that.

That song being the one that the teams came out to, if you weren't there. Still makes me swell up a bit every time I hear it.

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