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Your best domestic day out following the Rangers?


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What is your best day out supporting us? Be it at Ibrox, or anywhere else in Scotland?

Strangely mines could be one where I went myself! I was mad on the tonic (:blush:) going up to the OF at Parkhead this season, on the train!

I got to the station at around 10.30 and it was fucking mobbed with tims, but it felt good showing the colours as they looked on in envy. :praise:

I got evil stares all day, in the station, in the train (which was also over-ran with tims), at Central and on the way up, where I stupidely jumped on a service bus to Parkhead and hid my colours, listening to the taigs on the way.

Then I got off at the Forge area, ran by all these dhims into London road were I joined the police escort from Bridgeton.

Went in the stadium and watched big Lee Legend salvage a point in a game which we really could have lost in.

After it I decided to walk back to Central, just avoiding the Gallowgate and get into Central where I mate some lads and got pissed.

Some day it was and looking back, i'm lucky I didn't get a kicking. :ph34r:

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What is your best day out supporting us? Be it at Ibrox, or anywhere else in Scotland?

Strangely mines could be one where I went myself! I was mad on the tonic (blush.gif) going up to the OF at Parkhead this season, on the train!

I got to the station at around 10.30 and it was fucking mobbed with tims, but it felt good showing the colours as they looked on in envy. hail.gif

I got evil stares all day, in the station, in the train (which was also over-ran with tims), at Central and on the way up, where I stupidely jumped on a service bus to Parkhead and hid my colours, listening to the taigs on the way.

Then I got off at the Forge area, ran by all these dhims into London road were I joined the police escort from Bridgeton.

Went in the stadium and watched big Lee Legend salvage a point in a game which we really could have lost in.

After it I decided to walk back to Central, just avoiding the Gallowgate and get into Central where I mate some lads and got pissed.

Some day it was and looking back, i'm lucky I didn't get a kicking. ph34r.gif

That was a great way to blend in and avoid detection boogie.png

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Mine was last season's 1-0 win over the scum, Davis scoring the winner. I tried desperately to get a ticket but I couldn't. I was even more desperate than normal because my brother-in-law and his mate were coming down for the game and staying with us. They arrived the night before with an extra ticket for me.

The next day was one massive piss-up, a superb game of football and us ending up getting thrown out of Seventh Heaven because "the mate" kept touching the stripper.

It was also my first OF :).

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Probably the 1991 League decider.

Was living in London at the time, and was on holiday in Italy (courtesy of a couple of free flights, but that's another story) till the Thursday before it. Didn’t even know the previous result till the Monday.

Her indoors wasn’t best pleased……

Got the bus up on the Friday night, into Glasgow about 7am, taxi out to the mates. He opened the door with the tinnies in his hands and we got started. Then we headed out to the boozers for opening time, you can imagine the rest.

God knows how we got into the ‘Brox.

It was rocking that day, probably the loudest I've ever heard, and we all played our part.


Title in the bag we got back to the real business ;) A few boozers on the PRW then back into town (The Nile I think) then my pals poured me onto the bus back about 11, got back to London hungover and happy sometime on Sunday morn.

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Far too hard to pinpoint 1 above all the others, Pittodrie in '87 & Helicopter Sunday '05 are right up there though.....along with Kilbowie,Boghead and a Scottish Cup tie at Telford Street in 1984 which I could have watched from my bedroom window, but decided to jump the wall instead.

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not a particularly big or even good game, but one that sticks in my mind is a 2-0 win at rugby park in the mid 90's when it was all terracing. there were 20,000 at the game, a bigger crowd than at the piggery that day. i think ferguson and huistra scored.

also, as a wee lad, v st mirren at ibrox in 87 when we got presented with the title for the first time in 9 years- and first time in my life. guys spraying champagne all over the place before the game, a vague recollection of the pink panther running onto the pitch at half time and avoiding capture from the polis for about ten minutes, and being in the enclosure, with a mini pitch invasion at the end and my old boy shouting "there flucking weans in here" as somebody used my heid as a stepping stone over the wall onto the track. learned a few songs that day.

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The old piggery on 1st April 1989.We beat them 2-1.Kevin Drinkell scored then Iain Ferguson hit a bullet of a free kick,Bonner couldn't hold it and Coisty battered it in from about 3 yards.

That wee crunt Joe Miller missed a penalty and it was the 1st time we had beaten them at the piggery in 10 years...And I was right in the middle of the scum dead in line with the goalmouth, sans scarf, and lived to tell the tale.Brilliant day.

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not a particularly big or even good game, but one that sticks in my mind is a 2-0 win at rugby park in the mid 90's when it was all terracing. there were 20,000 at the game, a bigger crowd than at the piggery that day. i think ferguson and huistra scored.

also, as a wee lad, v st mirren at ibrox in 87 when we got presented with the title for the first time in 9 years- and first time in my life. guys spraying champagne all over the place before the game, a vague recollection of the pink panther running onto the pitch at half time and avoiding capture from the polis for about ten minutes, and being in the enclosure, with a mini pitch invasion at the end and my old boy shouting "there flucking weans in here" as somebody used my heid as a stepping stone over the wall onto the track. learned a few songs that day.

I mind that game. St Mirren had a particularly bad goalkeeper at the time. :pipe: I was scrapping with boys on the bus home when I asked where they'd been hiding the past few seasons.......

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Winning the league up at sheepland will be there or thereabouts. Superb day out.

Up at early o'clock, a couple of liveners on Leith Walk, train to sheepland got in for opening time, drank lager like it was going out of fashion then off to the game. On the pitch at the end, few beers up there after the game and train back to Embra. Except I woke up somewhere in Englandshire!

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One of my most memorable days was also one of my most bizarre following the Rangers. Rugby Park, early 90's, it was absolutely shitting it down with rain all the way down and we really thought the game would be off. It was in the days before Killie put their final stands up so we were out in the open, absolutely soaked through. During the game a river burst its banks meaning we couldn't get back to the buses so we promptly went into Asda for a big carry out. There were hundreds of Bears stranded there having a hoot and a roar. There were guys swimming up the street and allsorts. Our bus convener was fretting as he needed to get to the bus so one of the guys told him to jump on his back and he would carry him as he was soaked anyway. Halfway across, dumped right in the deep end. We got a special blind eye turned to drink when we finally got to the bus. Top day out. We won as well.

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Winning the league up at sheepland will be there or thereabouts. Superb day out.

Up at early o'clock, a couple of liveners on Leith Walk, train to sheepland got in for opening time, drank lager like it was going out of fashion then off to the game. On the pitch at the end, few beers up there after the game and train back to Embra. Except I woke up somewhere in Englandshire!


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The 2-1 game in October is the first OF I've been to where we've won, so that ranks up there. Most of my favorite matches are European ones like Man Utd at home, although we got beat the atmosphere was tremendous as was the Stuttgart game when Lovenkrands scored a peach

Domestic - Old Firm in October, Dundee Utd CIS Final, St Mirren CIS Final, My first away game at Tannadice in the 02/03 season we pumped them!

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Was jist thinking there even when we've got beat by the bheggars me and the Mates still have a good day, we never lie doon tae these bhastards ! Through rain and muck we'll fight like fcuk ! :sherlock:

I mind our bus bouncing all the way up the A9 after we'd been thumped 3-0 by the sheep. Still reckon Shuggie Burns was harshly red-carded, and we'd have won if we'd just scored 4 more goals.

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Was jist thinking there even when we've got beat by the bheggars me and the Mates still have a good day, we never lie doon tae these bhastards ! Through rain and muck we'll fight like fcuk ! :sherlock:

I mind our bus bouncing all the way up the A9 after we'd been thumped 3-0 by the sheep. Still reckon Shuggie Burns was harshly red-carded, and we'd have won if we'd just scored 4 more goals.

Aye shockin, Shug wis innocent and big Craig Paterson wis sent aff annaw that day, 9 man Rangers glorious in defeat ! ;):sherlock:

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The last OF game ;) To beat them in the last minute was amazing, most i've ever celebrated a goal and it will be hard to beat that.

Also seen us win the league at St Johnstone in 2000 when Billy Dodds scored twice and then went to see us lift the league against Dundee.

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Winning the league up at sheepland will be there or thereabouts. Superb day out.

Up at early o'clock, a couple of liveners on Leith Walk, train to sheepland got in for opening time, drank lager like it was going out of fashion then off to the game. On the pitch at the end, few beers up there after the game and train back to Embra. Except I woke up somewhere in Englandshire!

That looked unreal.

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Winning the league up at sheepland will be there or thereabouts. Superb day out.

Up at early o'clock, a couple of liveners on Leith Walk, train to sheepland got in for opening time, drank lager like it was going out of fashion then off to the game. On the pitch at the end, few beers up there after the game and train back to Embra. Except I woke up somewhere in Englandshire!

That looked unreal.

Best birthday party I ever had. (tu)

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