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Jeff Winter's blog

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Don’t let anyone kid you - this is the biggest match in Britain, maybe even the world. If you have not attended one then you have to try it.

No room for neutrals though. This game is about more than football. Throw religion, history and the fact that 99 times out of 100 either a Cup or title is at stake, then you have the recipe for mayhem. On the pitch it’s a million miles an hour, on the terraces the noise and atmosphere is unique.

Two teams, both with 100% records, only a goal separating them in the table, Lennon with a 100% record as manager in the league since he took on the caretaker role, Walter chasing Jock Stein’s record for the most Old Firm victories as a manager! Is it any wonder I was awake at 6.00am, forty five minutes before the alarm?

It was Geoff’s turn to drive and we had arranged a 7.30am pick up, with the proviso that we would text each other so as not to wake the wives up and, if we were both ready, set off earlier. Texting started from me to him - 7.10, 7.20, 7.25, and 7.30. 7.35!!! What the **** - has the silly twat slept in?

I jumped in the car to go round and knock him up. Mayhem. You could hardly get off the estate, cars and coaches blocking the roads, it looked like some Indians and half of India were setting up for a wedding. Arranged or otherwise, they could have arranged it on another day than an Old Firm game.

As I squeezed the car through the parked vehicles, soft lad was coming the other way, back through the gap and into his car. We went a different way and ten minutes later than I expected, we were on our way.

Our cars don’t need sat nav now. They drive from memory. We headed over the A66 past frosted fields with the temperature rarely hitting zero. It would be hot in Glasgow though, regardless of the weather.

We passed, unsurprisingly, an Eddie Stobbart lorry and thoughts went back to the Leven boys on the way to Aberdeen. Doubt they had even set off yet or indeed got home from the previous night out. Scott had been to Starks Park again to watch table toppers Raith, I was at Hartlepool (click for match report) and when he texted me from Raith to find out their score, he had not ventured out of the hospitality suite!

Past the inverted knob and a stop for a comfort break where we met fellow Bear and former top flight goalie George Wood. He destroyed Boro back in the 70s with a League Cup wonder show for Everton at Ayresome Park.

Geoff had done his homework well and we quickly got round Celtic Park to enter Springfield Road and the Rangers end of the ground. We parked up outside someone’s house at 10.50am. Not bad.

Sarnies and coffees swallowed, we took the short walk to the ground meeting old friends along the way. We then stood and waited with the local constabulary who were being unnecessarily fussy about moving supporters onto the pavements of a closed road! Why do they have to just get busy? It only winds people up.

If you walked down the road, you would have heard the dulcet tones of a rather substantially proportioned young lady bellowing and begging for money for her children’s juvenile dance troupe. Now hang on a minute, I’ve porked a couple of Clem (Boro talk for stone) since I retired, but this specimen could never have danced in her life! Money had been spent on donations though, as virtually every Rangers fan was wearing a poppy. Proud to be British!

Tickets collected in the briefest of exchanges with the boys and then another ****ing mountain to climb. I did not count them but possibly even more steps than getting to the club deck at Ibrox.

We were sat four rows from the back of the Lisbon Lions Stand, just like Rangers, looking down on all below. I could not believe that only ten seats separated the rival fans, In days of yore surely some battling must have occurred across the divide? It certainly did down south.

The game started and within sixty seconds Papac was cut in two and the first yellow was shown. Two minutes later McCulloch joined him in Willie Collum’s notebook. **** me, no way were we going to keep 22 on the pitch. Whittaker hit the post and within three minutes we had had almost everything.

Let me digress and put my old refereeing hat on. No matter what I say, because I am a Rangers fan the other lot will treat my comments with the same conspiracy theories that surround the game. Nevertheless here is my take on the ref's performance from an unbiased but qualified viewpoint.

Whenever you ref a big match, ideally you want to enforce your control early on without the production of cards. The two challenges in the first couple of minutes left him with no option but to caution.

Then you need to hope that the message had got across, otherwise you can just keep on issuing cards that do nothing to aid control. I had a similar opening ten minutes at Old Trafford, United v Arsenal in the FA Cup, which I describe in greater detail in my autobiography. (click here).

As a ref you can only hope that things do settle down. You need to manage the situation though and whilst Rangers supporters around me were baying for blood, I empathised with Willie when he decided to adopt plan B and only talk to Samaras. Likewise he adopted a similar approach when Celtic fans and the bouncy, bouncy Neil Lennon were screaming for McCulloch to be sent off.

If he had booked Samaras then McCulloch would have walked. He was trying to be in control without over-reacting to the occasion and I could understand that. He was not being helped though by players of both sides surrounding him and baying for opponents to be sent off or booked. Pathetic - they should be booked for doing that.

That would place them one foul challenge away from being dismissed and they would have only themselves to blame. Neil has gone on record complaining about McCulloch not being sent off, but you could say the same about Samaras who, along with other Celtic players, continuously mistook the back of Naismith’s legs for the ball!

After Rangers' bright start, where they bossed the first twenty minutes, Celtic gradually took over forcing Rangers back and talking over the impetus and initiative. Half-time approached and nil-nil seemed fair enough. Then for once Rangers back four switched off.

Papac, still suffering from the early assault, left Hooper free and the player Strachan tried to sign for Boro pounced. One–nil. The worst possible time to concede. Celtic went in buoyant and the home supporters enjoyed half-time more than we did.

Fear not though, Rangers had overturned a half time deficit in their Last three league games, so my betting slip still was in with a chance. To be honest though, at this stage I would have settled for a draw!

The Champions came out though and took over. Lafferty’s goal-bound effort was turned into his own net by a defender. Game on.

Another defensive mistake and Edu pounced. Miller was in an offside position but did not interfere initially and certainly benefitted a split second later when he volleyed home. No offence, but the offside law continues to baffle everyone.

It was one way now with Rangers in control but Celtic threatened on the break. Bougherra went into the book as he stopped an attack and Samaras finally got his eagerly awaited yellow card, once again finding the only way to stop Stevie was to kick him.

Lafferty had an excellent chance to finish Celtic off but got torn between shooting and passing and drove wide.

Then a major talking point. Collum got caught up with play in the penalty area, half turned away Broadfoot went down, penalty, no arguments from the stands, but unsurprisingly Celtic players voiced their derision at the decision.

Kenny Miller picked his spot and it was either the best penalty ever or the luckiest one, in off the post. A millimetre the other way and it would have come out.

When I got home I watched the penalty decision again. Broadfoot saw the challenge coming and turned into the opponent’s leg. They all do it. Contact yes, but by which player?

Celtic would feel aggrieved but shoe on the other foot they would have done the same. All of a sudden Neil Lennon and co. had a scapegoat to blame for the defeat.

In fairness to him, post-match he was also critical about his own team. The truth is, penalty or no penalty, the best team won on the day.

Even at 3-1 though, had Celtic scored again the impetus and the crowd support would have meant a tense final few minutes. As it turned out Rangers held out and the home support started to evacuate their seats in their thousands, not wanting to witness the Rangers post-match celebrations. And did we celebrate!

The final act of the game was a Samaras shot that went out for a throw in next to the corner flag. It summed up his and Celtic’s day!

As we left for home Radio Clyde kept playing an advert for shirts and kits and described the prices for Little Bhoys kits. Now that's a good marketing strategy for a poster campaign, but the audible reference for 'Little Boys' brought a wry smile to our faces as we set off home.

A mere 189 mile journey home, then back to Kilmarnock on Wednesday night, before Boro on Saturday then off to Valencia. Happy days!

Enjoy your week.

replies from bitter yahoos...

From; Paul

your obviously not in touch conspiracyis 4 yers gone paranoia 2 years its honest mistakes now thomson made 2 honest mistakes last year at ibrox not allowing 2 nailed on pens for celtic fortunes goal dissallowed lafferty (biggest cheat in football) violent lunge on hinkel lafferty gettind brown sent off when he was as guilty if not more guilty in tussle you really should stay in touch with things if your to vioce you bias opinion publically. naismith pushed 3 celtic playes kicked and dived his way through thew whole 90 mins sunday. I have often heard your ability and integrity questioned while watching football it all makes sense aqfter reading your narrow minded comments you obviuosly support scatlands sham,e for a reason maybe your a hate filled vile bigot like the people you stood next to sunday doing the bouncy bouncy did you even know the vile shameful fans did the bouncy bouncy which you proudly call it to honour a gang of men that kivked a young celtic fan to death in the north of ireland hope you remember his parents and family the next time you do it no wonder you support boro a small time club people somehow associate as well supported who used to get 2 to 3 thousand for home games.

hope your happy to win like that keep explaimg it to yourself you might believe it one day celtic out os spl its a disgraceful shocking sporting embarresment

Jeff's reply;

Well Paul, what can I say, many thanks for sending me the same email three times! Normally for the professionalism of my site we tidy up emails correcting spelling mistakes, grammar errors and genuine illiteracy. However on this occasion we will leave it just as you sent it, you complete idiot.

Any points that you have to make lose any form of credence when you are incapable of making yourself legibly understood. I must admit it was difficult to understand your points. However let me have a go.

Basically what you are saying is that you are a biased bitter twisted little fool who can't take defeat when your team is clearly beaten by a vastly superior side.

Instead of spouting your incoherent bile, perhaps attending an adult literacy class might be a better use of your time.

The loss of any human life is a waste and perhaps you should think of that when your supporters sing songs supporting the IRA!!

You may think that I have been a little harsh on you, but at least you live in a country where you are entitled to freedom of speech. Thanks in the main to the gallant efforts of the British army. Wear your poppy with pride!!

Best Wishes



From; John Campbell

You really are a true Rangers fan, mocking the founder of Celtic (Brother Walfrid) for wearing religious vestments what a sad wee man you are.Also references to little bhoys what point are you making, come out and tell us.I doubt you will give me the courtesy of a reply,your type generally don\'t.

Jeff's reply;

Yes I am a true rangers fan. Thanks for informing me who the banner was for. I did not know. I thought it was the pope. Please excuse my ignorance.

My 'type'? I am British and proud of it and also have an intense hatred for those who abuse children and even more for those that cover it up.

Best wishes

Jeff Winter


From; John Thomson

Pretty fair assessment of the game.

Jeff's reply;

I try to be, as I was as a referee, but the one eyed suggest otherwise!!

Best Wishes



From; bhoywunda

we know your a h** winters "i am not so sure" it was blatantly the wrong decision and the ref didnt even see it dont pretend it was a minor mistake and an honest one

Jeff's reply;

Can't you read? In my article I stated it was not a penalty. So if it wasn't a honest mistake by the ref - and he's a catholic - what do you make of that with your conspiracy theories? The name's Winter by the way!!

Best wishes



From; Joe

i dont know where to start- "a man in a dress" can you expain to me (a glaswegian) why you support rangers? plenty more "little boys brought a wry smile" why is that mr winter? do you like little boys? you cant even admit the penalty was a dive you were a disgrace as a ref and your a ****ing disgrace as a man,glasgow can be a very dangerous city,please make sure not to take care next time you come up-joe

Jeff's reply;

Freedom of speech Joe. That's what the British army fight for, so that cowardly little shits like you can have an opinion.

If you had the intelligence you would have read my comments about the penalty which concurred with your own!

Please don't make threats. They are as pathetic as your other opinions.



From; Ian McFarlane

Jeff. Enjoyed your OF article. Difficult to be as objective from my viewpoint, at least two Celtic players should have walked.

Still, good on you for still trying to remain objective. Collum had an impossible task given all the shit that goes on around an OF game and the players don't help.

Follow Follow


Jeff's reply;

Being objective does me no good with them lot though. I am still accused of being biased.

Like you say, the ref has no chance. He has had death threats. Quite ironic considering his religion. Perhaps it proves refs are fair and not biased and the conspiracy theories are just rubbish.

Best wishes


From; Joseph Brannan



Having attended yesterday's match at Celtic Park, what was your opinion on the constant sectarian chanting from the Rangers support?


Jeff's reply;

Joe, Joe, Joe!!!!

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!!!

Let the football do the talking. Looks like the song "champions again" will be the dominant song Rangers will be singing!!

Best wishes

Jeff Winter

he's back again...

Jeff, come on answer the question!!!

Sadly, Rangers dominant songs tend to be more about hatred and bigotry than "champions again". You should know this having been in with the Rangers support on Sunday. Having read your response I can only assume you find this acceptable, perhaps singing of this nature is why you follow Rangers?

"People in glass houses" - name one song, sung by the Celtic fans on Sunday, that could be described as hateful and bigoted?


Jeff's reply;

You can assume what you like Joe. I must admit I could not hear what Celtic supporters were singing, being in the middle of the Rangers end. If you were amongst Celtic fans and could hear Rangers songs that must speak volumes for the fact that your support was constantly outsung by the travelling support.

Did you read about Lincoln pre season where your fans reportedly sang songs supporting the IRA and anti British songs? Should I assume that you point the finger without acknowledging your own supporters behaviour meaning that you condone it?

Maybe not, but glass houses is applicable to fans of all clubs.

Let the football do the talking!!!

That shut him up. But there's more...

Hi Joe,

After your previous letters regarding the behaviour of Rangers fans, it is interesting to read about the death threats from some so-called Celtic supporters to the OF match referee. Ironically one of their own.

As I suggested there is guilt on both sides.

Best Wishes



From; Paul

Keep up the good work. Enjoy your articles, also thoroughly enjoyed your book. An interesting read.


Cheers, Dave

Jeff's reply;

I am not everyones cup of tea, but at least the PEOPLE appreciate my efforts. Follow Follow.

Best wishes

Jeff Winter


From; Alan McDougall

Really enjoyed your blog. Great read. Keep FOLLOW FOLLOWING. WATP

Jeff's reply;

Cheers Alan. More to come from Killy, then Valencia, as well as a Strachan free Boro. Might see you at a game soon.

Best wishes

Jeff Winter


From; Ian Crawford

Article brill Jeff. We are the people. Always great to beat those smelly b------s

Best wishes

Ian Crawford

Halesowen True Blues, West Midlands

Jeff's reply;

Glad you enjoyed my report. As you will see from my site I do similar articles for every game. I presume that like myself you know the motorways to and from Glasgow very well.

I am attending many lodges and supporters groups to speak at fund raisers and dinners for Rangers supporters groups. All across Scotland, Ireland and England, even Bahrain. Maybe the West Midlands might be added to that list. Glasgow Rangers - Champions. WATP.

Best wishes

Jeff Winter


From; Mark

First away Old Firm Jeff? Wasn't it fantastic! One nil up and you ****ed it up!!

Enjoy Kilmarnock and Valencia, which I am sure you will find to be practically the same (ahem).

What did Rangers and Celtic have in common last week?

They both played Champions League teams.

Jeff's reply;

Not my first at Celtic Park. I was there for the champions party last season.

What have Rangers and myself got in common? We both like coming from behind!


Jeff Winter

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Oan yer f*kin sel Jeff get them told how it really is absolutely fantastic article and responses to those dirty T*rrier chunts spouting their bile GIRFUY Jeff speaks the truth and the timothys cannot take it what a surprise :wanker:

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Anyone else find this bit a bit dodgy?

I jumped in the car to go round and knock him up. Mayhem. You could hardly get off the estate, cars and coaches blocking the roads, it looked like some Indians and half of India were setting up for a wedding. Arranged or otherwise, they could have arranged it on another day than an Old Firm game.

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Anyone else find this bit a bit dodgy?

I jumped in the car to go round and knock him up. Mayhem. You could hardly get off the estate, cars and coaches blocking the roads, it looked like some Indians and half of India were setting up for a wedding. Arranged or otherwise, they could have arranged it on another day than an Old Firm game.


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Anyone else find this bit a bit dodgy?

I jumped in the car to go round and knock him up. Mayhem. You could hardly get off the estate, cars and coaches blocking the roads, it looked like some Indians and half of India were setting up for a wedding. Arranged or otherwise, they could have arranged it on another day than an Old Firm game.

Offended when it suits you, eh? :sherlock:

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Jeff tells it as it is.

Some of them start off trying to be reasonable but by the end he had their bigoted pish outed

What a man. We should get him on the pitch at half time at the Jan game.

Imagine the reaction!!

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