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McGregor To Blame

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Well lets not look for a singular scapegoat on a horrendous performance by all bar none ! Was gonnae finish this by saying we were beat by the better team but absolutely nae chance o' that cause they are shite and WE ARE THE PEOPLE ! BAR NONE ;):sherlock:

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Well lets not look for a singular scapegoat on a horrendous performance by all bar none ! Was gonnae finish this by saying we were beat by the better team but absolutely nae chance o' that cause they are shite and WE ARE THE PEOPLE ! BAR NONE ;):sherlock:

Today, we were BD. It hurts me to say it but...No excuses, no greetin...we never turned up, they did.

But fuck them, it's small beer, we'll still win this fkn league!!

And we'll see that dirty fenian bastard Lennon in the nuthouse yet!!

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McGregor stays on his line Samaras has a clear run in on goal because no one was going to get near him and the ball goes in the net, guess who would get pelters for not coming out to make an attempt to get the ball?

That type of goa; has been coming for months when we have an incompetent set of right backs and a central defender who has no pace but only experience to rely on.

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bit of a ridicolous comment, dont make excuses for Weir because of his age. he plays on merit regardless. Although for me the first goal was Mcgregors fault anyway no question.

How is it a stupid comment? Look at the goal again, Mcgregor was poor, no doubt but look at the fucking gap in the defence ffs. Awful defending from the whole back 4.

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Today, we were BD. It hurts me to say it but...No excuses, no greetin...we never turned up, they did.

But fuck them, it's small beer, we'll still win this fkn league!!

And we'll see that dirty fenian bastard Lennon in the nuthouse yet!!

We will win this Title no danger Jimbo and it won't be pretty, but I wouldn't have it any other way ! And as you say fuck them let them have their day in the sun because it will be short lived ! (tu):sherlock:

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How is it a stupid comment? Look at the goal again, Mcgregor was poor, no doubt but look at the fucking gap in the defence ffs. Awful defending from the whole back 4.

The only thing i dont like is your using Weirs age as an excuse for being dump! that is all.

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Greegsy was PARTLY to blame - he shoulda stayed where he was - but he no doubt knows what the rest of us know.....................that Weir was never going to be fast enough to cut Samaras off!

I've said it till I'm blue in the face, the Rangers should never have a 40 year old CB & Captain. As much as I admire and respect Davie for what he's done in a Rangers jersey.

They played the wide areas and pulled Bouggy away from him too often, which left him isolated, and that is a recipe for disaster, as was shown today.

Foster gave the ball away too easily, but so did everybody else, so I wouldn't single him out for criticism just because it led to a goal, which our 2 CB's and our Goalie shoulda dealt with anyway!

We hardly won a 50/50 ball, we hardly won a header in the air, we hardly strung 4 passes together, we gave the ball away too easily, and WE were fucking outsang!

Our Management team were clueless (I'm not sure if this had anything to do with Walter not being in charge - if true) and they never seemed capable of changing the game to a style where we dictated to them how the game was going to be played.

Another thing I've maintained since day 1 - Ally is not Managerial material, and I hope if we do get a buyer, they have other plans.

Again, I'm not being detrimental here to one of the best strikers we've ever seen at the Rangers, I just don't think he's got what it takes - and I'd be a very sad person if a failed Managerial career at the club was to tarnish that reputation.

It's been a bad day at the office for all concerned, we need to put it behind us, roll up our sleeves, and put things right over the next few weeks, and get some fresh air between us and them in the league, make it to the CIS Cup Final, and get past an on form Killie in the Scottish Cup.

At the end of the day, if we're looking for scapegoats, look no further than David Murray and Lloyds Bank - they are the reason we are where we are today.

WATP.................................and always will be. It's time for everybody connected with the Rangers to stand up and prove it.

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Not going to go over the top on him making 1 mistake, but when you're a keeper there are 2 unforgivable things; being beaten at your near post and coming out for a ball and not making it.


if you cant take the ball then take the man, you'll get a yellow at worst if theres defenders coming back with the attacker.

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I'll blame him to an extent, but he's been our best and most consistant player this season.

I've not seen replays, but if I'm correct, Bougherra hit a long ball 1000000000 yards out the park, instead of playing it into Miller's feet, we backed off, no-one put a foot in, and our defence was split apart. McGregor probabaly rhought he had to come out as Foster is shit defensively and Walter Smith is quicker running backwards than David Weir is going forward.

Amid the doom and gloom TJF pulls a cracker from his hat. If it wasn't so serious it would be a side splitter!

I needed that laugh! (tu)

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Thought he was dreadful all game, surprised he only cost us 1 goal, most crosses into the box he looked like he was going to go for them then changed his mind leaving him no-where, yesterday showed why he wont be at a big EPL team anytime soon

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Oh to be fucking perfect :anguish:

Football is all about making decisions and the best footballers make more good decisions than bad ones. Allan McGregor is 28 years old and is still a good 4 years away from hitting his prime as a keeper.

He had a decision to make when the big fairy got clear and he made the wrong one, but is that any reason to crucify him for it, considering the games he has won for us in the past with making the correct decision at the time? of course not.

We have posters on here saying that that's why Allan McGregor won't be looked at by the big clubs in Europe....Fucking Yee-ha I say to that.

He's not perfect and he isn't the second Andy Goram by any stretch of the imagination just yet, but I'll take him before any other keeper in Europe bar none!

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I seem to remember we lost a 2nd goal. As far as I'm concerned the penalty killed any chance of a win and badly damaged our chances of a draw.

The big question is this. Would we have conceded the pen if we were not already behind at that stage?

Who knows but my feeling is we would have lost a goal somewhere along the line as too many of the side had an real off day. Allan McGregor included.

If only big Lees header had gone in. :disappointment:

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Ricky Foster picking the wrong pass, and then executing the pass horrifically was the pivotal moment.

Sorry, but I can't let this go unchallenged.

Foster wasn't the one left standing like a cunt as the ball rolled into an empty net.

I like McGregor, he's a good keeper, but unfortunately his mistake was the pivotal moment in the game.

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The Goalie's take on on the goal:

"I don't really blame Allan McGregor for the first goal.

Both centre-halves were 20 yards apart when the ball was played through to Georgios Samaras - and I'm sure they will put their hands up for that.

Samaras just ran between them and McGregor tried to read the situation.

He's probably just tried to help his centre-halves out, but in the end it's been the wrong decision.

I'm not sure he'll be hurting by that because I don't know how much he did wrong.

You decide in an instant what the best thing to do is and you have to stick to that.

When Samaras is up there on his own and both defenders are so far apart, you have to be disappointed with that.

The big man is quick but if there's 20 yards of space to run into, you don't have to be fast.

When I was playing Richard Gough and John Brown were in front of me.

I can guarantee you one of them would have been right beside Samaras."

Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/3327483/Were-you-RANGERS-in-disguise.html#ixzz19y5B0CE3

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Bad judgement by Alan, i think he was becoming increasingly frustrated by what he was watching unfold in front of him.

Bad day at the office, bad day in the stands, lets just roll the sleeves up win our 2 games in hand and put the pressure back on the mhanky mhob.

Sorry mate but i disagree, we are champions and it is ours to throw away regardless of how they are performing.

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Thought he was dreadful all game, surprised he only cost us 1 goal, most crosses into the box he looked like he was going to go for them then changed his mind leaving him no-where, yesterday showed why he wont be at a big EPL team anytime soon

hes deffo good enough for a big team and an off day dont change that, iv seen cech, van der sar and reina make cock ups, dont make them not good enough for there teams

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