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Tackle on Diouf


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if you are looking for a referee to protect diouf or any rangers player from intent to injure tackles from now till the end of the season then you better not hold your fucking breath coz its not going to fuckin happen, especially against lennon's psychos - brown and kayal.

so what the fuck do you do?

firstly, diouf, or whatever player gets it, cannot react angrily directly to the ref- coz he will be carded. the two nearest players must get in the referees face objecting to the foul.

secondly, the next time the player who committed the foul touches the ball then the closest player to him gets right fuckin in to him with a foul.

most rangers players don't do this because they haven't been told to - watch ferguson's teams or any top spanish or italian team's reaction to a team mate getting fucked - teammates don't put up with it.

when mackie, who had already broken another players leg, tried to break diouf's teammate's leg he got right fuckin into him, as he fuckin should have.

great teams are composed of players who look after each other on the park. they do not sit back and wait for one guy like mcculloch to look after things.

and thridly, we the supporters have a responsiblity to give the ref and the player pelters constantly during the game until proper calls are made. and we do what this post does - we expose the injustice on forums, on the radio, on the tv, in newspapers, in phone ins.

if this isn't done then diouf and other players we will be kicked off the fuckin park from now until the end of the season. and it will cause us to lose players to injury which will cost us the league and two cups.

you may not have noticed but the celtic PR job on referees has paid off. look at the fucking sending off of the aberdeen player in the first two minutes of their last game. if there's no response or strategy to counter it then we are well and truly fucked.

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Welldone Diouf for not rising to they're shocking tactics , especially that assault from black - Rangers have to do something about this , surely we have to be asking the spl to ban this cunt - before he ends someones career .

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Lennon's tactics of pressurising the referees is now apying off. I was sure Aberdeen had a few good calls for penalites the other night, which they did not get, and last night the ref was reluctant to send of this thug, who tackles from behind, in order not to be seen favouring Rangers. The conspiracy talks certainly brings its rewards- the man in the middle is afraid to do the simple thing

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He went straight through ness 2 footed from behind and we didn't even get a free kick.

Problem when we 'fight back' is that we do get booked.

I've never seen a reaction to a tackle like blacks quite like last night in the club deck, old boy next to me was out of his seat with language I've not heard from him ever :lol:

Also suso got away with a lot, especially his ranting at the Lino and then chucked the ball away- when any of our players do that the card can't come out quick enough. No surprise he also hot hooked.

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Absolutely fucking shocking !!

No intention to win the ball.

A definite red card and a charge of assault - Duncan Ferguson was done for less than that!

Ref and his "assistants" had a shocker all night - couldn't even get the basics right - when a Hearts player kicks the ball over the sideline, its a throw-in to Rangers - simples FFS!

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