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There's A Whyte Elephant In The Room...


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IT'S the oldest trick in the book. Street theatre magic, 101.

Mesmerise the folks with one hand to stop them paying attention to what you're doing with the other.

The trouble for Craig Whyte and his acolytes, though?

A gullible three-year-old wouldn't buy their schtick if Santa Claus and the tooth fairy themselves read it to them as a bedtime story.

And when that happens? They start asking what's behind the smoke and mirrors.

The thing is, they nearly got away with it - even if they did deliver their spin with all the subtlety of a brick through your car window.

The announcement of the fact they knocked back a bid from Leicester for Nikica Jelavic on their own website just about did the trick. They almost convinced people that doing nothing was actually doing something.

"Haven't brought in a single one of our manager's first-choice targets all summer long, but LOOK! We did keep a player we had under contract anyway!"

Right hand, left hand.

But then they had to go and over-egg the pudding, didn't they?

The 'senior source' had to pick up the phone and go one step further. £9million?

No wonder Peter Lawwell needed incontinence pants at his press conference on Thursday.

Ordinarily I'd have caned the Celtic chief exec for fanning flames. Said people living in glass stadia shouldn't throw stones.

But sometimes you just have to let people shoot when there's an open goal. And in

fairness, even if it does come back to bite him on the backside in the future, he delivered a funny line with a smile on his face.

Maybe we should examine that 'bid', though. Because if Rangers want us to believe it actually happened, the first question you have to ask is why the hell they didn't accept it?

Fine, you want your best striker to stay at the club. It's open season from the fans if you punt him.

A profit of £5m on a player in a year, though, when your club is lying with its throat cut? When you've seen £15m disappear in Sweden and £4m in Slovenia? It's an Alan Hutton, an Aiden McGeady.

No sane business operator - or even an insane football person - would turn it down.

OK, it came late. But listen, every club in England was doing big business late on Wednesday night.

Surely what happens is you take the dough, then you say to Ally McCoist: "Right, we're keeping what we clear to pay the tax man, you can have the original £4m to replace him.

That's fair, eh? Go to your list of targets, speak to the people your scouts have lined up, and go down them until you get a deal." Everybody's happy.

That's contingency planning, right? They must have known the Croatian was beeping on radars down the road, so surely you have the ABC of alternatives ready to go if your network's worth a monkey's?

All of it seems to be fantasy, though.

And the reality check is HMRC at the door.

Maybe it's just me, but the running of Rangers at the moment reeks of constant crisis management.

It's like sitting in your house watching every bill pile up, then only paying when the third red reminder lands on the doorstep.

Their transfer dealings were the same. They never went to one club and said: "Right, the manager wants him. How much? Fine. let's get it done."

They just tried to take the mickey with every bid, right down to the one for Siphiwe Tshabalala from Kaizer Chiefs on Wednesday, and then stood with their arms wide apart and their innocent eyes on, saying 'Whaaaat? We lost out on him? How'd that happen?'

But the one debt you will NEVER get away with is to the tax man. They will always demand - and always get - 100 pence in the pound for what you owe them. It's the law.

And all this garbage that they're being unduly aggressive towards Rangers, that there's some kind of 'agenda' at work? Tell that to Falkirk. To Hearts. They've had exactly the same done to them this year. Winding-up orders, court proceedings, the lot.

Sure, it's a debt accumulated before he bought the club but Whyte knew it was there when he took over.

He knew it was there when he promised to provide working capital and to front-load the funds to buy players.

It needs dealt with before they start attaching the post-its with pounds signs to their assets.

And trying to avoid it simply makes people wonder what you're hiding.

Right hand, left hand.

Even the statement from Ally on their website on Thursday saying he was happy with what he had at the end of the window felt like it had been delivered with a gun pointed at his head.

But hey, his team are top of the league. There's still little to nothing between them

and Celtic. If they go on to make it four-in-a-row, chances are no-one at Ibrox will give a toss about any of this.

They'd be naive not see the clouds gathering at the back of the stand, though.


Whyte's ears must be burning.

Quite like Waddell's articles but I don't think he's said anything that hasn't been said on here.

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It is time for me to finally state how I feel about Whyte and the way we are being run so far. I haven't wanted to admit it, but, I'm nervous. Although, it is due to articles like that. I know no facts or anything other than what the media are saying and what RFC are saying/doing. I no longer know what to think.

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The guy is calling it as he sees it and alot he says is right whether we like it or not.

When Whyte took over i thought we might have been heading in the right direction The New Era blah blah.

Whyte should have paid the tax bill instead of turning the club into a circus the question is does he have the Money as the

old board had there doubts about time will tell.

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Is there any reporter or media person ever speak nice about our club.

Nope - you control the media you control the population.

Hitler's wee buddy, Joseph Goebbels said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

In Scotland in 2011 that's true with the Roman Catholic Church/Opus Dei infiltration of the political scene, the media, the Judiciary and the Unions.

They're after the bigger picture this lot (the long game) and lying is how they cover that intent up.

They've learned from the feet of the master 'Joe'.

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Im actually thinking whyte's in a room somewhere with all this shit going on/getting said and hes thinking 'What the fuck have i got myself into'. I think he might be a bit overwhelmed with it all but the real measure of him will be the rest of this year i think. He needs to adapt to all this and really start tackling things head on.

He's got a january transfer window , a summer window and an even bigger tax case starting again soon to deal with so he needs to deal with these properly and proffesionaly and impress while hes at it to calm the fears of the fans and make them believe that he really is the saviour he was made out to be again.

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Nope - you control the media you control the population.

Hitler's wee buddy, Joseph Goebbels said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

In Scotland in 2011 that's true with the Roman Catholic Church/Opus Dei infiltration of the political scene, the media, the Judiciary and the Unions.

They're after the bigger picture this lot (the long game) and lying is how they cover that intent up.

They've learned from the feet of the master 'Joe'.

So Whyte's not a London-based spiv and Waddell is an agent of Opud Dei?

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So Whyte's not a London-based spiv and Waddell is an agent of Opud Dei?

Minstral asked "Is there any reporter or media person ever speak nice about our club" and I replied as I did.

I can't help it if you don't like my response to that question.

For what it's worth - one is still a wee London-based spiv and the other is working for a section of media that is overrun with agents for the RC Church and by dint, Opus Dei and he, Waddell, will do what he's fucking told by his Taig-friendly employer.

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Minstral asked "Is there any reporter or media person ever speak nice about our club" and I replied as I did.

I can't help it if you don't like my response to that question.

For what it's worth - one is still a wee London-based spiv and the other is working for a section of media that is overrun with agents for the RC Church and by dint, Opus Dei and he, Waddell, will do what he's fucking told by his Taig-friendly employer.

Thanks for clearing that up. :D

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The media, newspapers, UEFA, Government, Police, is now full of R.C. and that is the problem.

Less than 16% of the population yet they run roughshod over the wishes of the non-RC majority.

The non-RC community has been sleepwalking its way to oblivion and obscurity for many decades now.

John Knox will be spinning in his grave.

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The thing is. If Whyte hadn't bought the club. We would have had to cut the wage bill again. We would have sold mcgregor. We would have sold Davis. Jelavic? Gone. Naismith. Gone. So while they are telling us Whyte hasn't spent any money he has. He has shored us up. He has made us stronger. Bocanegra. Cheap but looks good enough to me. Wallace. Should be our left back for years. Bedoya. Haven't seen enough but apparently is an attacking creative player. Which we needed. Ortiz. Still finding his feet. Pace has unsettled him I think. Probably just a squad player. We now have at least two players in every position. Then we can also bring perry McMillan fleck Hutton and ness into it. We are stronger than last year. We have more depth than last year. We don't sell our plAyers to the first bidder as we did last year.

So has Whyte produced? I say he's just about shown he's a positive force. He could have done better but I hope he is just making us work to a sensible budget. Maybe he has kept some back for jan to protect against injurys or bad form.

Also. Think ahead. If budget if 5million a season. We now have a resonable squad that the bulk could be spent on one player. A special player.

Just my thoughts.

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