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Craig Whyte Vows To Sack Anyone At Rangers Who Talks To Bbc


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As one of his biggest critics and dissenters, the interview with English is to date the best thing i have read from him. It still leaves a number of questions, but i hope he is true to his word on the legal battles against BBC and i feel some sympathy in regards to taking on former Directors in what they are looking for(still feel he could have avoided all the shite though and saved money)

This is NOT going to stop me being critical of him as things stand, but I still hope all my fears turn out to be a lot of sheit and that he turns out to be a great leader for us. (tu)

I just dreading that if you are proved to be wrong about him, that you do not turn your attention in my direction tongue.gif

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Good to see him answer some questions but he is till far to evasive about his business dealings. The way he structures his companies and the way he tries to hide how earns his money is concerning.

Not paying lawyers because you don't like them representing other people is petulant. You can't do that when you are chairman of rangers.

He's spot on about one thing though e more you hear about Bain the more sickening it is. 45k a man for the uefa run and he was cut in on e deal. We made a loss out the run apparently and for that alone he should have been sacked. AJ asking for expenses and flying first class isn't comparable to that.

Like the journo I will be interested to see court papers lodged that he will be suing them, he knows he opens himself up to more investigation if he does that so lets see how that pans out

He's realised that and admitted it was a mistake, I doubt there are many of us who can claim never to have made mistakes.

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He's realised that and admitted it was a mistake, I doubt there are many of us who can claim never to have made mistakes.

Yep and i'm glad of that.

Although he seems to be taking the bain and AJ stuff to personally as well. Show them up in court not by bleating to Tom English about them , although the interview as a whole is a decent one.

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Another interview.

CRAIG Whyte insisted yesterday his club is in BETTER shape now than at any time in the last four years despite the cash demands that threaten to leave Rangers broke.

The tax case that could land them with a £40million-plus bill is due to begin next month but the club’s owner claims a plan is in place to cope no matter the outcome.

And it’s a plan, he says, which will see Rangers emerge from “crisis mode” stronger and better.

Whyte was coming off the ropes after a BBC documentary had shone a dim light on some of his previous business dealings, and his lawyers, Carter Ruck, have started proceedings against the Beeb.

Immediately after the documentary, which suggested Whyte could have faced a jail term, a spokesman for the Rangers chairman described the allegations as “unfounded and defamatory”.

But Whyte was more outspoken when he broke silence yesterday.

He pointed out that he hadn’t watched Thursday’s programme because he’d been spending time with his children.

But Whyte had been briefed on the content and said: “They (the BBC) sent me the allegations about a week ago and I was surprised they actually ran with it given that we told them they weren’t true.

“My view of it? A lot of f****** nonsense.”

The BBC, of course, stand by their documentary, insisting rigorous standards had been applied, but Whyte was dismissive and might also sue the Government’s Insolvency Service for their part in it.

Some of the documents that would be required as evidence to back up one of the allegations made against him have been destroyed but the Beeb are in possession of others.

However, the destruction or downfall of Rangers is not part of Whyte’s grand scheme. He stressed the club will survive no matter what else is thrown at it or him.

Whyte, ensconced in his Castle Grant stronghold, wasn’t for cowering down below the parapets. He added: “I’m not going to get into specifics about any part of that programme but I can talk in general terms. The main allegations made are complete, total and utter nonsense.”

The documentary linked him with jailed fraudster Kevin Sykes and in response to that, and other allegations, Whyte said: “They probably did cast a bad light but at certain times in their lives many people, even you Mr Traynor, will have come across people who may have ended up in the wrong place.

“Is this really such a big deal?”

He does, however, accept Rangers’ image is being tarnished by the barrage of negative headlines and speculation. “It certainly isn’t a positive image,” Whyte admitted.

“Look, I am a Rangers fan and I want Rangers to be shown in the best possible way.

“But it’s important that we make savings. Also, I’m not the one responsible for the legacies we’re having to deal with.

“I’m the one getting my sleeves rolled up and getting things sorted out.

“But we’re going to be in this crisis mode until the tax issue is sorted out.”

Even so, he insists Rangers are better off under his control. Whyte said: “We are in better shape now than at any time in the last two or three years. The tax case and the club’s cost base have to be sorted out but we are still in better shape.

“We don’t have the bank to worry about and whatever happens with the tax case Rangers will be fine.”

Fans fear the club will be plunged into administration if HMRC win their case and Whyte is aware of their concerns. However, he doesn’t believe that would be a doomsday scenario.

“It would be a tragedy if the tradition of this club had to be broken if we were to go into administration,” he said. “But we’ll brush ourselves off and bounce back stronger than ever.

“The intention is this: Firstly, we must sort out the legacies handed to us as quickly as possible. Secondly, we have to reduce the cost base so costs are in line with revenue and, thirdly, we must look to move forward with new opportunities.”

Whyte also refuted strongly the allegations and accusations that he has failed to honour the terms of the circular written up as part of his takeover six months ago. Critics insist he hasn’t spent the amounts he promised and point out he has failed to pay the small tax bill of £2.8m.

Whyte was able to get David Murray’s holding for only £1 because he said he would take care of that bill but the tax man has had to go to court to have that amount of Rangers’ money frozen.

Also, there are fears Rangers are about to run out of money but again Whyte is adamant there is no reason to panic.

There is, he claims, sufficient money in place to cope.

“Lloyds have been paid off,” he stressed. “And Rangers have enough money in their account to keep going.

“But it is not correct, not at all correct, to say that I haven’t done what I said I would. I said it would all be dealt with but my advisors subsequently looked at it and found HMRC should not have issued that assessment because it was more than six year old. We are disputing it.

“I am doing the best for Rangers and I am trying to save the club money.

“I have put in what I said I would in the circular. Even if it hasn’t been used it’s there. I have put it in and it might have to increase. I have done everything I said I’d do.

“But it isn’t helpful at all that money has been frozen by HMRC, Martin Bain and Donald McIntyre

“We are a business that is losing money, a business that needs to bring costs down.

“If money is needed then we’ll have to look to shareholders and borrowings but there is a plan in place to deal with it. There is a plan for the rest of the season.”

Whyte also tried to answer the question that has perplexed many observers who still can’t work out why he was willing to pay the asking price for Rangers when banks were desperate to offload stricken companies.

He said: “I don’t think I did pay the full amount and if you analyse the figures you’ll see that there were two numbers.

“One was the net asset value and the other the market capitalisation value. One was £30m and the other £77m.”

Whyte paid £18m but some of his fiercest critics are now speculating that Murray could legally buy the club back for £1 if it’s shown Whyte hasn’t fulfilled the terms of the circular. Again he laughed that off, saying simply: “B******* to that.

“I’m in the process of sorting everything out but I must admit the intensity of the interest in Rangers has taken me by surprise.

“Already I’ve made some decisions based on what the PR reaction might be rather than what should really have been done.

“I just didn’t think it would be this intense, that everything would be scrutinised so much. But that doesn’t mean I’m not fully aware of what this club means to so many people.”

But does it mean as much to him and will he still be in charge next year? “I imagine so,” he replied, “but to move on I’d have to find someone else to take my place and I don’t think there is a queue of people waiting to do that.

“I’m looking to make some value over time so consequently I would like my shareholding in Rangers to increase in value. I’m a Rangers fan and want to increase the value of this club.

“I don’t think I said as a child I wanted to own Rangers some day but I do have a love for this club.

“There is a sentiment involved in this venture which is different for me because normally the deals I do don’t have any sentiment attached to them.

“The job is in hand. I’m working with my team to sort it all out and we will. We’ll take this club forward. That s*** from the BBC won’t distract me."

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Johnston flying first class on Rangers business? Bain on the same bonus as the players for getting to the Europa League Final?

Who sanctioned these outrageous acts of largesse? The Bank were coming down hard on the management and the players, so why weren't the doing likewise with the Board?

It shouldn't have needed a telling from the Bank though. These "custodians" with the Club's best interests at heart would have resisted from being obscenely gratuitous - ever!!

Bunch of fuckers.

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Freelance is he not? See him popping up here there and everywhere.

Freelance or not. He is on the BBC constantly.

Its one thing talking to say Craig Levein because he was a guest on Sportscene, but a whole different thing talking to a guy who has his own show on the BBC and is on both BBC radio and television numerous times per week (tu)

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Would have thought it was the performance by the players and management over the last 3 years or so ,t hat brought the cash in to provide the capital to reduce or debts.

Didn't see Johnston or Bain scoring or any last ditch tackles to help us win games.

Bain saying he is owed money this has yet to be proved

Have I just done myself out of any other recipes from you

no but they were involved. aj several times had to battle with lloyds for the budget that won the games bain signed the players walter wanted etc.

walters said several times bain and aj were the reason he was still there.

etc etc.

its interesting to note that a lot of rangers fans give bain way more stick than liewell gets despite the comparative success of rangers and celtc over the last 5 years.

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Johnston flying first class on Rangers business? Bain on the same bonus as the players for getting to the Europa League Final?

Who sanctioned these outrageous acts of largesse? The Bank were coming down hard on the management and the players, so why weren't the doing likewise with the Board?

It shouldn't have needed a telling from the Bank though. These "custodians" with the Club's best interests at heart would have resisted from being obscenely gratuitous - ever!!

Bunch of fuckers.

do you really believe mr whyte or gordon smith or phil betts now fly economy or pay their own flights.

mr whytes being disingenuous with that one.

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When people spoke out against the old board I was defiant and backed them

I was 100% behind SDM , ban , Johnston etc

I feel absolutely sick that I've been defending them

How dare they have the cheek to demand cash from us after learning what we have over the last fee wks

How fucking dare they

Our hard earned cash going to them when they don't need a penny knowing fine well every £ is a prisoner right now that the club needs

Lawwell is a grade A cock but at least he turned downhis bonuses the last yr as he felt he didn't deserve it

Bain , you fucking dirty cheating lying bastard

You have fleeced us for the last few yrs

If I see you in the street I won't hold back in telling you what a fucking dirty snake of a man you are

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Great interview from Whyte.

I like that he refuses to disclose his every past action - why is that in any way relevant or in the public interest. It should be about what he does whilst at the helm of the club that is of interest and nothing else and I believe we have a guy at the front who is truly going to stand up for this club - something that has been long overdue for a very long time.

The BBC will be the losers in this situation and I'll be glad to see our club have no further contact with these bead-rattlers

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Freelance or not. He is on the BBC constantly.

Its one thing talking to say Craig Levein because he was a guest on Sportscene, but a whole different thing talking to a guy who has his own show on the BBC and is on both BBC radio and television numerous times per week (tu)


That's put the cat among the pigeons, then again, when Tom English gets an exclusive despite his 'unbiased' views, below, it's little surprise.

No sane person could look at what is going on and conclude that one side is as bad as the other. They are not. Rangers' bigotry problem is worse..........
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i wonder if the defenders of the old regime still feel that they were the best option rather than whyte

AJ is becoming more and more of a cunt as time goes by, wanting 30k in expenses because he CHOSE to fly first class, 30k for a guy with his financial clout, what an absolute joke

Paul Murray, AJ, Bain, McIntyre, 4 sheisters that quite clearly had no love for the club in them, they spent 3 years together on that board and brought the square root of fuck all to the club,

Enjoy watching the games on TV you bunch of crooked bastards, hope to never see them again ever at Ibrox, Whyte should get a restraining order put out on them lol

Agreed, the bad thing is people on here would rather we had the old regime than CW when realistically if we still had the old regime when the tax case eventually comes you can bet bain and the likes would be jumping ship and demanding monies from the club.

Bain got 45k Bonus the same as the players? fucking sickening wee sun bed abusing rat.

30k exspenses for the so called "Rangers biggest fan" who is also a big time millionaire? He can go drown in a puddle, CUNT.

Even more disgusting. We have no strikers and half way through the season and us(the fans) are told we have to sell Kenny Miller our top goalscorer due to financial difficulties for 300k instead of him staying till the end of the season and gurantee us the title and leaving us on a free. Yet 4weeks later these fucking cowboys magically pull find 25 million to buy the club? aye where the fuck was that 25mill 4 weeks ago? Pricks.

Anyone that is here question CW should take a look at themselves, the tax case wouldn't have went away if the old regime was here, infact their track record proves it would have more than likely got worse. We would have no other buyers because no cunt would want a 49million tax case against them.

CW has taken us and we have to have faith in him.

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"Other than a regrettable event in our history I don’t think it would be as bad as people think it might be."

im not sure im happy at this quote , does administration not mean we would technically no longer be glasgow rangers and we would need to reform as another club ? ( i might be wrong) but if im right we would then loose out history and that would be devestating.

i think the way his interviews have changed over the few months he has been in charge , he is gearing us up for administration

You'd be thinking of insolvency I think. We'd be issued a winding up order, but that would only come if we don't have enough money to pay off our creditors and stay running during Administration. Even if that is the case, we then get a set time limit to find a new owner before we are forced to sell assets to pay for our bills.

But it wont come as far as that. Craig Whyte is the main creditor for RFC, so any money owed goes to him.

That's as far as I understand it.

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