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The sectarian list


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Could somebody please put up the link to the list of sectarian songs that are banned?

Am arguing wi a bheast at work,he says there is no such list but am sure the police issued alist of banned songs?

Legend has it that such a list exists.

Nae cunt's ever seen it, though pipeb.gif

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Could somebody please put up the link to the list of sectarian songs that are banned?

Am arguing wi a bheast at work,he says there is no such list but am sure the police issued alist of banned songs?

Oh dear, what have you done?? The bheast is correct

Time and time again, plod and others have refused to clarify exactly what is, and what isnt.

Uefa think TBB is "bad" but its not banned in Scotland

Scotland thinks TFS is, but, its not even a song, its a 2 line chorus

I think, if you sing about the i ran away, anything anti English, then, its all A-ok

Barmy situation, potential 5 years in jail for "unspecified" singing....

Have seen an email from plod stating h** is fine (even though NBM say it isnt), and, so is t-a-i-ig, so, go figure?

Nobody knows, depends on the results that weekend I think

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Daily record claim to have been given the list and this is is:

Police chiefs give Celtic and Rangers list of banned songs in sectarian crackdown

Apr 3 2011 Exclusive by Hugh Keevins, Sunday Mail

POLICE will issue the Old Firm with a list of banned songs as they begin their biggest crackdown on sectarianism.

Both Celtic and Rangers will be asked to distribute the list to fans and ask them to stop singing them.

The banned songs are thought to include The Famine Song, The Billy Boys and other tunes that glorify terror groups such as the IRA and UDA.

Senior Strathclyde police sources say officers are ready to wade into stands to arrest offenders.

A source said: "The police and the clubs need to work together and there has to be change in attitude by fans.

"Thousands sing these songs but we cannot turn a blind eye any longer.

"These songs have to become as socially unacceptable as drink-driving."

Persistent offenders will be warned inside grounds.

If they fail to stop, they will be arrested and could be taken to court and banned from attending matches.

Fury over sectarian singing has increased in a season which has already featured six highly-charged Old Firm matches.

The Catholic Church last month compained about singing coming from the Rangers end during the Co-operative Insurance Cup final, which Rangers won 2-1.

And Rangers fans have been prosecuted for singing The Famine Song, described as racist by High Court judge Lord Carloway.

It contains the words "the famine is over, why don't you go home" and has also been attacked by Celtic chairman Lord Reid.

Last month, the Sunday Mail revealed a Celtic fan had received a two-year banning order and a £300 fine for a song which described Rangers manager Walter Smith as a "sad, Orange b*****d".

Lawyer David McKie last month successfully defended police officer Christopher Halaka who was accused of chanting pro-IRA slogans at a Perth taxi rank.

He was cleared of breach of the peace with religious aggravation at Perth Sheriff Court.

Mr McKie said: "Some songs about the IRA and UDA may be sectarian but singing them isn't necessarily breaking the law. The lyrics may be about history and politics and have nothing to do with religion."

Scottish historian Professor Tom Devine, of Edinburgh University, said: "There should be caution until we see how this works.

"But questions remain. How are those engaged in such singing to be identified? "Will they be charged with breach of the peace aggravated by sectarian intent? "And will the ban apply to all football matches and parks in Scotland?" Last night Celtic said they were unaware of the plans and couldn't comment on the new measures.

http://www.<No links to this website>/news/scottish-news/2011/04/03/police-chiefs-give-celtic-and-rangers-list-of-banned-songs-in-sectarian-crackdown-86908-23035258/

Seems like they just made it up though (like usual :rolleyes: )

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has anyone ever actually been done for so called secterian singing? i know a few have been arrested.

i dont believe any so called law is managable. its time us fans grew a pair of testis and brung our songs back.

i know the spl/sfa would not do fuck all as they would just accept that the club is doing all they can. well they better as thats what they did with the feenian muck.

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And, as I understand it, officers at games have been briefed on what songs are and are not acceptable, leading the utterly outragous position where an individual can be arrested for an offence he was not told he was committing. It's not even ignorance of the law, it's the police/govt refusing to explain the law sufficiently and then still arresting you for breaking it. Utterly perverse.

It's a crazy situation, they would have been briefed on songs that contain words that are considered sectarian. But, it's hard to prove if you did indeed say the words in question. So many grey areas, that how nobody is 100% sure and that includes the police. What the actual stance is.

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Railway police to be taught sectarian hate songs in bid to boot out bigotry

Dec 20 2011 Exclusive by Paul O'Hare

POLICE officers are to be taught sectarian songs to tackle bigotry on the railways.

The anti-bigotry charity Nil By Mouth are running a training course to raiseawareness among British Transport Police officers.

And it will include teaching the officers some of the hate songs favoured by bigots.

The Scottish government have controversially refused to produce a list of banned songs after introducing new laws against sectarian behaviour at football matches.

But NBM campaign director Dave Scott says some songs are clearly sectarian and offensive.

He said: “We will use examples such as The Famine Song, as there is a legal judgment that it is racist.

“We will also play songs about the IRA because they are politically sectarian.

“They have no place in 21st century Belfast, never mind 21st century Glasgow.

“I will ask the officers if they know what the songs are, what they refer to and what they can mean.

“Some of them will be really up on it but some of the new recruits will not be.

“BTP want to make sure if their officers have to make judgments they get as much background as possible.”

Public transport is often a focal point for sectarianism as football fans make their way to and from games.

Mr Scott added that he believes the lack of a definitive list of banned songs may be a problem.

He said: “We are leaving too much for individual officers to define and there needs to be consistency.”

BTP will be the first police force in Scotland to provide all their officers and support staff with dedicated

anti-sectarianism training.

Scotland area commander Chief Supt Ellie Bird said: “I have asked Nil By Mouth to help ensure all our officers and staff feel more confident in identifying sectarian behaviour and ensuring they can take quick and decisive action when it occurs.”

The Singing Policeman

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As far as I am aware there is no list, but reported in the mhedia that plod have been given 'training' (cctv footage no doubt)in what to expect/hear and that it is up to them to decide what is ofensive and what is not.

My post in response from another thread, but quite appropriate here.......

Mr Luce, on 09 February 2012 - 03:41 PM, said:

Would love us to casually chant "The Popes a H*n" at them.


FFS, that would be sacrilage. 5 year jail term. Protests from the ersediocese, BBC, DR, SPL, SFA, UEFA, SNP, UN on the case.

It will be a ''bigot'' register next, with only bears/non rc's names on it! So, NEVER call one of the sectarian paedophile scum such like, particularly their chief coneheed, as he is a protected species with too much to lose in protecting his paedophile clergy and sittin way the ALL names from the ersediocese from around the planet of every politician and police chief who participated in the henious crimes against humanity. Otherwise, why do they all protect him??

Also, if we are faced with being called one, do NOT report it FFS, because that could also be seen as offensive to the scum and a possible 5 year jail term to follow!

Yes, that's where we are at fellow bears. Prisoners to the sectarian taig minority and there appeasers!

With this new law infringing our civil liberties, as we know it will not be applied fairly as is proving to be the case thus far. Fairness and even handedness in it's application? Dream on. The majority will be fucked. It will take some serious landmark legal challenge to bring to an end to the taig apparthied.

So Joe, FUCK YOU AND DIE VERY PAINFULLY AND VERY SLOWLY when your time comes, which by the looks eh yeh, it won't be too fuckin long!!


BTW..If you indeed have the inclination to sing/chant about their henious sect, keep it legal and only do so against those high ranking bishops who have been jailed for the said paedo offences, as p joe hasn't. There's plenty of them in that category.

Also, there is safety in numbers, a group of us were dug up by pc plod (An Inspector and two others) for our rendition of the booby sands lament, in front of the main stand going to the 4-2 game. One of the guys had an argument with him re.'so it's not allowed to decry a convicted murderin terrorist then?'. No answer (Inspector plod knew he was out of order), so we all told him to fuck off and he did! The point here is, even convicted murderin terrorists are protected and if it were only two or three fans instead of around a hundred, we would be doin porridge!!


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