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Boycotting Dundee Utd Away


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Utd slam SFA over Rangers £70k bill

DUNDEE UNITED are furious with the SFA for not doing enough to help them recover the £70,000 owed to them by Rangers.

Administrators for the cash-strapped Ibrox club have promised to pay Dunfermline the £84,000 outstanding for ticket sales from their league clash on February 11.

But the Tannadice club haven’t been offered the same assurances over the ticket money they are out of pocket for from their Scottish Cup clash at Ibrox the previous weekend.

SFA chief executive Stewart Regan has written to United on the matter and insisted that any future payments due to Rangers for their appearance in the Scottish Cup could be offset and go instead to United as an overdue payment.

This guarantee should provide them the missing money by the end of this season at the latest, but the Tannadice club are thought to be unsatisfied with that response and have called in the club’s lawyers.

It appears unlikely that the situation will be resolved by the time United host Rangers in the league on March 17.

“For an organisation with around £20m in the bank, and one of their competitions, it is ridiculous,” one source close to the Tannadice club said last night.

“They are going on about all these things they want to investigate but you would think they should look after one of their member clubs first and foremost.

“They could argue it is football debt and would have to settle it at some point. In the spirit of goodwill, and to comply with SPL requirements, they could argue they were justified to pay it but it should still be the same for the Scottish Cup.”

Both matches took place before the Ibrox club lurched into administration on February 14.


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our bus is running as we have folk who want to attend , but we also have guys who are going up but will not give this club any money.

If Dundee Utd take points off us the worst thing imaginable in all my lifetime of following Rangers could come true the week later. Do you really want that?

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I've already paid for mines through the CCS so i've no choice but to go.

The CCS system fucks any intended boycott of any ground. Why would a Bear, having paid up-front for a ticket to this shit-hole-death-trap stay away having parted with his dough?

It won't happen.

What Bears do have control over is to leave the Arab bastards with a shed-load of unsold pies, Bovrils and the like.

* Do not under any circumstances use their catering facilities.

* Make arrangements with your bus convenors to stop for any refreshements long before reaching Dundee (Perth would be my suggestion), thus causing the pubs in and around Tannadump to be left with cask after cask of unsold beer and lager. This will feed back to the bald bastard running Tannadump causing the skinny fuck-pig much grief locally.

* Lastly, do not buy the match programme (unless you're one of these mad collectors who "must have everything ever printed....") as these will also cost the Arab bastards money they can ill afford.

The message from all Bears who do attend should be: "YOU FUCK WITH US....WE FUCK YOU RIGHT BACK!!" :angry:

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There's always some cunt telling you how to support the team, and when and where you can do it. Have a boycott if you so wish - just don't expect everyone else to dance to your tune.

We should always respect the rights of individuals to act in what they perceive to be the best way to support the team.I wont go to Tannadice for my own personal reasons but I respect the right of anyone else who decides otherwise.

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I understand this boycott but just don't think it will happen.

There will be thousands out there who cant get tickets for away games and they will end up with tickets handed back for DU.

Also people on the CCS, have already paid for ticket so why not go?

Either all the fans need to boycott, or none, and i don't see this ever happening IMO.

We have alot bigger things to deal with right now, but no fan wants to see they bastards possibly win their tainted title at Ibrox.

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We should always respect the rights of individuals to act in what they perceive to be the best way to support the team.I wont go to Tannadice for my own personal reasons but I respect the right of anyone else who decides otherwise.

Spot on. (tu)

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A boycott, while morally correct, goes against what Rangers fans are all about, namely follow following the team anywhere and everywhere.

RSC's can make collective decisions about going or not going to a particular game, and have done so repeatedly over the years.

Financially hurting vile scum like Thompson of DUFC is something which should be on every Rangers fans agenda, but if they feel their desire to back our team is more important than sending a message to him, then they will get no argument from me about it.

I would argue that there is absolutely no reason to spend anything extra inside the ground. Do not buy the programme, catering, anything from their shop etc. There are other food outlets not attributable to DUFC around the ground we can use instead of making them additional revenues they most certainly do not deserve.

Personally, I cancelled my CCCS ticket for this match and wont be attending. I have also taken my name of my RSC list for Parkhead, and I will continue to boycott these 2 grounds for the forseeable future. This really hurts as I hate watching Rangers on tv (I have to watch it on mute and avoid the pre/post match studio bull) and I love nothing more than going with my mates to away games and seeing The Rangers play and win.

I, like many others, have simply had enough with the scum who are constantly trying to put the boot into our club, which at the moment is defenseless. All I can do to get back at them, I will.

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A boycott, while morally correct, goes against what Rangers fans are all about, namely follow following the team anywhere and everywhere.

RSC's can make collective decisions about going or not going to a particular game, and have done so repeatedly over the years.

Financially hurting vile scum like Thompson of DUFC is something which should be on every Rangers fans agenda, but if they feel their desire to back our team is more important than sending a message to him, then they will get no argument from me about it.

I would argue that there is absolutely no reason to spend anything extra inside the ground. Do not buy the programme, catering, anything from their shop etc. There are other food outlets not attributable to DUFC around the ground we can use instead of making them additional revenues they most certainly do not deserve.

Personally, I cancelled my CCCS ticket for this match and wont be attending. I have also taken my name of my RSC list for Parkhead, and I will continue to boycott these 2 grounds for the forseeable future. This really hurts as I hate watching Rangers on tv (I have to watch it on mute and avoid the pre/post match studio bull) and I love nothing more than going with my mates to away games and seeing The Rangers play and win.

I, like many others, have simply had enough with the scum who are constantly trying to put the boot into our club, which at the moment is defenseless. All I can do to get back at them, I will.

The bottom line is that until such times as all groups get together and have one single voice then we will continue to get shafted. Leaving it up to the individual may be admirable but will as you say lead to thousands of fans lining the pockets of a club whose Chairman would love to see us suffer.

I for one will never set foot inside Tannadice or the Stadio Del Alchy again.

A short sharp lesson is what is needed for the whole of Scottish Football to realise that whilst they don't have to like us they sure as hell have to work with us. And more to the point they need us more than they will ever admit.

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A boycott, while morally correct, goes against what Rangers fans are all about, namely follow following the team anywhere and everywhere.

RSC's can make collective decisions about going or not going to a particular game, and have done so repeatedly over the years.

Financially hurting vile scum like Thompson of DUFC is something which should be on every Rangers fans agenda, but if they feel their desire to back our team is more important than sending a message to him, then they will get no argument from me about it.

I would argue that there is absolutely no reason to spend anything extra inside the ground. Do not buy the programme, catering, anything from their shop etc. There are other food outlets not attributable to DUFC around the ground we can use instead of making them additional revenues they most certainly do not deserve.

Personally, I cancelled my CCCS ticket for this match and wont be attending. I have also taken my name of my RSC list for Parkhead, and I will continue to boycott these 2 grounds for the forseeable future. This really hurts as I hate watching Rangers on tv (I have to watch it on mute and avoid the pre/post match studio bull) and I love nothing more than going with my mates to away games and seeing The Rangers play and win.

I, like many others, have simply had enough with the scum who are constantly trying to put the boot into our club, which at the moment is defenseless. All I can do to get back at them, I will.

Er...has someone been looking at post #116? :rolleyes:

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