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Green? or Walter?


Green? or Walter?  

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We only know that with hindsight, how many expected HMRC to turn round and say "No to any CVA"? I don't agree though with Green saying the club would have been disbanded without him, TBK would have stepped in instead.

The best solution to me is Walter's consortium buys a controlling 51% of the club and Green and Co can sit on their 49% investment.

Liquidation was a certainty and was always the only way out of this , i said it 2 months into Whytes reign and got slaughtered for it .

Those who thought HMRC were going to go away of accept 9p in the pound are barking mad .

Green is a leech just like Whyte and i am certain they both are linked in this ............

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We are in exactly the same position we would be in if Whyte was still in charge the only difference being we have another leech going to make more millions from us for doing fuck all .

The sooner he names his price and goes the better. We dont need a big drawn out battle for the club. Green has no interest in the club just how much he can make. So dont fuck about spinnin us a fanny, how much will it take for you to go.

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I don't think WS is the issue here and it is wrong to add him to the equation.

MY view is this, now that the dirty side of it is done and the flack is being aimed at Green because all of a sudden the Calvary suddenly appears over the hill waving a walter smith flag Green is now the enemy, we all know what a great bid the BK consisted of, nothing short of a joke.

Where were these so called money men when RFC was up for sale the past 5 years, don't you think that all these so called supporters couldn't have put a consortium together to buy RFC from SDM.

I would rather have a business minded person who knows how to make profit and return value to the shareholders on one side and have footballing people run the footballing side. Was it not so called Rangers minded people who got the club in to this mess and the mention of that fat fuck Dingwell being associated with these new money men is enough to put me off.

If Green wants to sell and make 100% profit then fair enough he is the owner after all but to blackmail him by telling people not to renew season tickets then how much more damage is going to be done, I get the feeling this is far from being over.

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I would have preferred a "both" option but voted Green. Walter Smith may have the hearts of the supporters and have the better intentions for the club but you can't tell me he is not going to get very rich out of this when we are back on an even keel. You can't tell me either that that potential financial reward does not motivate him one iota - practically everyone at Rangers at the time had their nose in the EBT trough and was inadvertantly contributing to our woes - people we loved and respected.

That's why Green is not happy, he's effectively handing over future millions of pounds to the other consortium if they begin to award themselves share options at low prices, do another share issue and laugh all the way to the bank.

When I see a commitment from Walter & Co. not to over-reward themselves, I will be more than happy to back them. Better still, Walter should give a strong undertaking to hand over the new shares to the season ticket holders. No rich man's elite group should own Rangers again.

Worthy of a ban.

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Craig Whyte still being in charge for one.

Offered the money that nobody else would and had a good - and the best - attempt at a CVA.

Where was McColl and co then?

Park was in TBK consortium and McColl was in another consortium.

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Liquidation was a certainty and was always the only way out of this , i said it 2 months into Whytes reign and got slaughtered for it .

Those who thought HMRC were going to go away of accept 9p in the pound are barking mad .

Green is a leech just like Whyte and i am certain they both are linked in this ............

I like the cut of your jib.

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It has to be Walter for me.

He will have Rangers interests at heart.... as he has done all his life.

Charles Green to his credit, may also have them at heart.

But its a certainty against an uncertainty and Im not prepared to take the chance.

This, I ask myself who do I trust and the answer is Walter. Nothing against green, but I feel we must go with what we know, and we know that Walter cares a lot more about the club than Mr Green.

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To be fair, these piddling amounts of money we see being bandied about to buy Rangers might make some sense. There's the money to save the club from extinction and there's the money to rebuild. These consortiums have to find the balance between keeping creditors happy and reserving cash for building the squad.

Unfortunately, HMRC looked like they would only accept something near 100%.

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Walter Smith and his consortium.

I'm amazed that so many have voted for Green. Smith is one of our own - we know he wants the best for The Rangers.

Green? He wants money - at the expense of The Rangers.

He'll get some, too. But, thereafter, bye-bye.

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Am going for the living legend walter smith, a would be coming in ma pants though if smith n co could sum how work together with green n co in put an end to this divide among the support n we can aw focus on the hurdles ahead! Possibily more sanctions ?

What fecking league we playing in?

Players who's staying or going?

Hope they sort this out pronto!

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I would love WS to become chairman of Green's Football Board at Ibrox.

The PLC Board put in place by Green with the new Chairman and directors looks solid to me. Very solid.

The people backing WS are the same bunch who had many opportunities to buy the club and look again like the Blue Knights in part anyway.

These chanters let us down time and time again so why trust them now? MD and the RST are again agitating against RFC in my view.

Green is in it for the money no doubt, but at least we know where he stands and he has put up all the money necessary to date.

Until I find out anything like say some tie up with CW - I will give Green the benefit of the doubt for now.

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I would love WS to become chairman of Green's Football Board at Ibrox.

The PLC Board put in place by Green with the new Chairman and directors looks solid to me. Very solid.

The people backing WS are the same bunch who had many opportunities to buy the club and look again like the Blue Knights in part anyway.

These chanters let us down time and time again so why trust them now? MD and the RST are again agitating against RFC in my view.

Green is in it for the money no doubt, but at least we know where he stands and he has put up all the money necessary to date.

Until I find out anything like say some tie up with CW - I will give Green the benefit of the doubt for now.

What do you know about them, and who are his backers?

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I would have said 100% Walter at any other day bar yesterday. Walter et al seem to be very underhand to me. Letting someone else dirty their hands by moving us to liquidation and then riding in on white horses doesnt sit well with me. What sits even worse with me is the way they are tryng to manipulate the fans, giving it the big "Green should step aside for the good of the club" etc. The good of the club would have been for them to step in before all this shite not to wait until the day we went under then start a whole PR campaign claiming Green isnt the best for the club.

Green had the balls to do the things that needed to be done not sit in the shadows waiting to try and be the big hero.

The people rumoured to be involved in this consortium led by Walter should have stepped in before and they should have outlayed the big plans they have.

Totally agree! Any other day bar yesterday. Ill timed and total spoiling tactics and I must question their motives because of this. It was an act of skull duggery that we are well used to from the dark side. We have been through purgotory recently and now we have again given the scum more ammo to do us down. No, better that it was done professionally, behind closed doors and agreement reached.

I know McColl through business and he is NOT a charity and does have a different view on supporting the club than most fans and most fans would find it distasteful.

This guy is close to being a billionaire and I do not appreciate him being in the position, being a so called die hard and yet he stood back whilst our club was pilloried and demonised. If I had his cash I would never have let the club go into administration in the first place. He is just another atypical snooty businessman who does not want his hands dirtied by all that surrounded our demonisation. I also question wether this is all just a front for those who are paupers and McColl will invest the center of a donought! As for him being actively involved in the running of the club, it will NEVER happen as he is far to busy with his other business interests ie. in how to make his second billion in China!

Show me the colour of money. Who is investing what and who will be on the board. I smell one P. Murray and one fatbastard. Hope I am wrong!

The club is bigger than any individual and more so now than ever, so give us the transparency Walter. Give us the plan, A to Z, nothing less, if you are indeed the man and then I will follow you.

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I would love WS to become chairman of Green's Football Board at Ibrox.

The PLC Board put in place by Green with the new Chairman and directors looks solid to me. Very solid.

The people backing WS are the same bunch who had many opportunities to buy the club and look again like the Blue Knights in part anyway.

These chanters let us down time and time again so why trust them now? MD and the RST are again agitating against RFC in my view.

Green is in it for the money no doubt, but at least we know where he stands and he has put up all the money necessary to date.

Until I find out anything like say some tie up with CW - I will give Green the benefit of the doubt for now.

What that man said.

I have no problems with Green being in it for the money. He has been open about that since day one. If he is successful the Club benefits. He then sells the club for a profit. Win/Win

The WS consortium joining up with Green could be the best solution.

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By going into liquidation,Green's just saved £3m and wiped out the debt. I think any other takeover group would've done the same.

I trust Green with my club,but why did Walter wait till the very last second to step up to the plate?

It would be brill if Walter could come onboard with the other two.

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By going into liquidation,Green's just saved £3m and wiped out the debt. I think any other takeover group would've done the same.

I trust Green with my club,but why did Walter wait till the very last second to step up to the plate?

It would be brill if Walter could come onboard with the other two.

I dont think Walter joining Green is a goer in any way. In my` own opinion Ally doesn,t trust Green and Walter will know this.Greens days are numbered and he knows it.Just my own opinion.

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