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Naismith looks gutted.

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Their ridiculous comments have left a bad taste in my mouth.

Couple of fannies,

What's ridiculous about their comments?

Rangers as it once was is DEAD, and this new company "The Rangers" has no trophies in the cabinet, they've only spoken the truth

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I'm no fan of Charles Green and have my doubts about his long term plan for the club, if he has one. But he is not at fault when it comes to pandered, egotistical, two faced bastard players looking after themselves only and to hell with the club and supporters. At least we will be left with RANGERS men.

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What's ridiculous about their comments?

Rangers as it once was is DEAD, and this new company "The Rangers" has no trophies in the cabinet, they've only spoken the truth

Companies don't win trophies. Football clubs do. That's why Smelly-tic still retain the European Cup win even though the company changed.

Mong doesn't cover it.

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Arsehole.. shut the fuck up

He was a great player for us and took a 75% paycut to try and help the club.. where was David Murray when we needed help?

Naismith did his part and tried to help.. Green fucked it up..

to be fair this smacks of the same HANG THEM mentality that was about when Ally was said to be about to walk

Wish him the best and carry on.

please explain to me how green fucked it up?

and also who could have done anything more than green?, take into account that EVERYONE out there has had thier chance to put up or shut up where Rangers was concerned.

Very easy cop-out to blaame green for the blatant greed being shown by some players that we have paid a fucking shit ton of money to over the past years. These same players had getout clauses in thier contracts that would have ensured us at least a tiny amount of re-imbursment for everything we have done for these guys. FFS naismih could have left for 2 MILLION, a fracion of his true value, ye he choses to take the greedy option and help himself to a tasty signing on fee.

fucking parasites.

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Leave it out steven you know full well what you are doing and the fact you say it's one of the hardest decisions you had to make....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so you have been thinking about this for months when you sat in the gym at Auchenhowie.....or was it from the Thursday the cva was declined and you received the call from your agent to say your numbers have come up.

Come back on your tweet and tell us who you have agreed to sign for steven and also tell us all what game and the time in the game when you kiss your new clubs badge...that way we can cash in and make some money from you.

So unless your signing for spud - u - like then it looks as you will be leaving your beloved Stewarton.

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Why is that pathetic?

because he didnt have to fucking do it, the wee cunt owes Rangers considering we took him from Killie, paid him a handsome buck and refused to move him on when it looked like he was struggling to regain form after his first cruciate injury

honestly i am scunnered at the attitudes that so called Rangers fans that play for our club are showing, utterly shambolic

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What's ridiculous about their comments?

Rangers as it once was is DEAD, and this new company "The Rangers" has no trophies in the cabinet, they've only spoken the truth

away and fuck of back to the fiddleboard ya fucking trumpet.

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Companies don't win trophies. Football clubs do. That's why Smelly-tic still retain the European Cup win even though the company changed.

Smellty-tic never got liquidated though, and I think the players were being literal, as in the new company will have an empty trophy cabinet. If "The Rangers" manage to reform I think the majority will still credit them with the trophies the Old Rangers won


Insightful <cr>

All of your post is shite.

Yes you intended to be here to spread your timmy nonsense.

How is it? I really do just want a explanation as to why its "shite"? <cr>

And I'm no timmy!

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Smellty-tic never got liquidated though, and I think the players were being literal, as in the new company will have an empty trophy cabinet. If "The Rangers" manage to reform I think the majority will still credit them with the trophies the Old Rangers won

Insightful <cr>

How is it? I really do just want a explanation as to why its "shite"? <cr>

And I'm no timmy!

Rangers are not dead,The company formed in 1899 will eventually be liquidated after HMRC's investigation,you said we have been liquidated already.

Check the history books,you will find that Rangers were playing games before 1899 meaning a company is separate from a football team.

We keep our history no matter how much that hurts you and your obsessed friends so talk of an empty trophy cabinet is wishful thinking I'm afraid.

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